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Trade Policy Initiatives

Policy Specific Help

The Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration works to ensure that foreign countries, including China, live up to their trade commitments under the WTO and other international trade-related agreements and that trade barriers do not impede the flow of goods and services between the U.S. and foreign markets.

Making sure that foreign markets are open to American businesses and workers, and assisting companies facing export problems overseas is the work of:

  • Office of China: helping U.S. companies overcome market barriers to doing business in China;
  • Trade Compliance Center (TCC): ensuring that China's trade agreement obligations to the United States are closely monitored, that compliance violations are addressed promptly, and that U.S. exporters are aware of the rights created by these trade agreements; and
  • IPR Office: working with U.S. companies to protect and enforce their intellectual property rights in China

Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT)

JCCT is the Commerce Department’s leading, annual forum for high-level policy dialog with China, utilizing a number of Working Groups and reporting productive Outcomes. Other important policy dialog forums include the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialog (S&ED), led by the Department of Treasury and Department of State.

Policy Events & Seminars

Various industry-specific and capacity building programs are held annually in the U.S. and China to further collaboration, understanding and commercial opportunities supporting U.S.-China trade. For information on upcoming programs, contact the Office of China at 202-482-5527, or via email at macoap-ocea@ita.doc.gov.

Upcoming Events:

US-China Technical Dialog on China RoHS Voluntary Certification
Beijing, November 15, 2011