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A Complete Step-by-Step Program for Learning Money Management


Teach your kids to be good stewards of their money with this new, award-winning solution!  Only five minutes a day results in lessons that will last a lifetime. Workbook with software included.


Financial success and independence starts with forming the right habits and behaviors. This simple step-by-step program combines the best of offline and online experiences to enhance learning and ensure success.  Look inside workbook.

Designed for kids in grades 5 and up.  This program will quickly and permanently increase your child’s understanding, confidence, and success  in managing money.  It will also reinforce:

  • saving money,
  • tracking money,
  • setting goals,
  • delaying gratification,
  • writing checks and deposit slips,
  • budgeting,
  • understanding interest
  • and more


Activities can be completed in the workbook or online using the FamilyMint Premium application…which is included for LIFE at no additional cost (normally $25/yr by itself!).


Financial Lessons Yield a Lifetime of  Benefits


It's a sad, and relatively unknown fact, but 18 to 24 year olds are the fastest growing age group filing for bankruptcy in the U.S. today!

2 out of 3 high school seniors graduate without knowing the basics of budgeting, saving and planning for their financial future. Our young Americans are entering adulthood without basic financial education — and many quickly tumble into the perils of debt.

Parents can quickly and easily give their kids the foundation they need to be successful later in life by spending just a few minutes each day. Start with your own kids today!

Simplicity Makes the Difference


The FamilyMint Method™ was created by children’s money management experts and tested and used by thousands of families. This program is specially designed to create within 2 months a level of understanding unattainable with years of conventional approaches.

Permanent change requires forming new habits. Habits of thinking differently, of planning differently, of reacting differently, of behaving differently. Psychological research proves it takes at least 2 months to form a new habit. The FamilyMint Method™ is built around this basic truth.

Award Winning


Why has FamilyMint won so many awards?  Simple – it beats any other program on the market! The FamilyMint Method™ is so effective at teaching money management that it has been the only program named “Education Program of the Year for Children, Planning & Money Management” by the Institute for Financial Literacy.

How the Certification Program Works


The FamilyMint Program is designed for kids grades 5 and up.  It guides your child through a series of progressively sequenced learning exercises where they will develop a foundational set of money management awareness, skills, and habits. Activities may either be completed in the workbook or online in the FamilyMint Premium application... which is INCLUDED with your purchase.

Unlike other programs, the FamilyMint Method combines the best of the real world and the virtual world.  The workbook-based learning format helps your child stay focused and engaged.  The online FamilyMint application lets your child feel powerful while developing new life skills in a safe, virtual setting.

At the end of the 2 month program, your child will receive a Certificate of Achievement so they can proudly display their new money management prowess. 

Fun, Secure, Easy to Use Application

  • Transactions: Makes it simple for children and parents to see exactly where the money is going.
  • Goals: Kids can set up as many goals as they choose with guidance on how to achieve them.
  • Mobile access: Any mobile phone with an internet browser will be able to access FamilyMint Mobile.
  • Unlimited users: Set up any number of kids and personalize for each.
  • Safe & Secure: Use SSL encryption to keep data secure.
  • Allowance automation: Just set it and forget it. No more missed payments.
  • Automated interest: Parents can set up interest payments that really motivate savings over spending.
  • Matching deposits: Parents can set up automatic matching deposits for select goals.
  • For ages 6-16

FamilyMint Premium included for LIFE with your purchase!

How children view and manage money can have a great effect on how they manage it as an adult. FamilyMint, a revolutionary website for kids and parents, is an innovative tool to help parents teach their children money management skills.
— Stephenie McBride - HEDUA Reviews
I really like this product! It’s simple to use, teaches children goal setting and to be good stewards of their money. These are some of the important life skills that need to be instilled early on to avoid financial hardships later in life.
— Joesette
It is an excellent workbook! It explains things clearly, and in a way kids understand. As a homeschooling mom, I think it’s a wonderful tool to teach the various aspects of money management.
— Celine R., mom of 5