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Policy, Management and Budget (PMB) Offices

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Public Civil Rights

No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age or disability be subjected to unlawful discrimination under any program or activity conducted by or which receives Federal financial assistance from the Department of the Interior. Discrimination includes: denial of services, aids, or benefits; provision of different service or in a different manner; and segregation or separate treatment. In addition, sex discrimination is prohibited in Federally assisted educational programs.

  • WHO CAN FILE: Any person who believes they have been discriminated against based on the above standard.   

  • HOW TO FILE A PUBLIC CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT: A signed, written complaint should be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged discrimination.  

  • DOI JURISDICTION: Send your complaint to DOI if the event occurred in any of these areas:

    1. Disability rights: All aspects of DOI operations plus any program or activity receiving Federal assistance from DOI, and certain areas of State or local government not receiving Federal assistance.

    2. Race, color, national origin: Any program or activity receiving Federal assistance from DOI.

    3. Sex: Any education program or activity receiving Federal aid from DOI.       

Annual Report on Implementation of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975