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Office of Occupational Safety and Health

Natural Hazards Support System (NHSS)
Today's earthquake, volcano, wildland fires and weather warnings.
Click image for current data.

Office of Occupational Safety and Health - Mission Statement

  • Employee and Visitor Safety
  • Occupational Health and Medicine
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Safety Management Information System (SMIS)
    • Accident Reporting
    • Statistics and Performance Measures
    • On-Line Workers Compensation Claim Filing
  • SafeNet, On-Line Safety and Health Information and Resources
  • Safety and Occupational Health Council
  • Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO) Council

Contact OSH

The Office of Occupational Safety and Health is part of the Office of the Secretary of Interior in Washington, DC, with a satellite office in Denver, CO. The contact information is shown below:

Department of the Interior
Office of Occupational Safety and Health
Mailstop 2515
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Telephone 202-208-7702
Fax 202-208-5461
Department of the Interior
Office of Occupational Safety and Health
755 Parfet Street
Suite 364
Lakewood, CO 80215
Telephone 303-236-7128x236
Fax 303-236-7336