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Sunday, October 07, 2012
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National Service Blog
Keyword: Faith
Interfaith Challenge Harnesses Collegiate Energy

The opportunity for a diverse group of college kids to join together and work toward a single purpose is something that should not be taken for granted. Imagine a world in which this generation -- from both religious and nonreligious backgrounds -- comes together to serve their communities.

This is the goal of the President's Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge which encourages higher education institutions to create and maintain programs that students of different faiths can participate in together. President Obama strongly believes that interfaith cooperation and community service will improve understanding between cultures and communities. As a result, students will identify and work toward a common goal despite their differences.

A Ready Resource

The power of American higher education beyond the classroom experience is undeniable. Today's collegians are more than just students; they are active contributors to our world. And it is vital that they have the necessary resources to succeed and give back to the communities in which they live.

Eboo Patel, Founder and President, Interfaith Youth Core. Corporation for National and Community Service Photo.

A July 9 White House Reception brought together college presidents to share their challenge stories and experiences, and encourage more schools to participate. By engaging Americans in long-term, hands-on service, greater impact can be made on national priorities such as education, veterans and military families, disaster services, economic opportunity, environmental stewardship, and healthy futures.

A Strong Alliance

Community service participation is strong among people of faith and college students. More than one-third of America's nearly 63 million volunteers serve with or through a religious organization, and about one out of every four college students volunteer. In 2010, college students served for more than 300 million hours. However, this number can always be increased.

Interfaith service is a tool that can make an impact both on and off campus. In past years, diverse groups of students have come together to cope with disasters, organize events to provide services and donations to homeless veterans, and tutor students from low-income areas.

Cooperation is a necessity in today's world, and community service is a great way to encourage Americans to not only serve their communities, but also build stronger relations with different types of people.

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Together for Tomorrow: Expanding Community Partnerships for Education
Today, I was thrilled to be with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan at Memorial Middle School in Orlando, FL to announce Together for Tomorrow, a new initiative to expand community engagement and citizen service to improve low-performing schools.
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Answering the Call After the Storm
Hurricane season is an anxious time for Americans living along the coastal regions of the United States. But when Tropical Storm Lee spread its destruction inland last September, volunteer leaders like Bruce Barney and Sharon Early made a difference in their community's recovery efforts. Their commitment led to their selection as 2012 Martin Luther King Drum Major for Service award recipients.
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Connecting the Dots
This week I am being recognized as a Champion of Change for my work empowering Arab and Muslim Americans nationally through civic engagement, direct service and advocacy campaigns. Born in Brooklyn, New York to parents who emigrated here from Palestine and attending NYC public schools my whole life, I would say I was an ordinary kid with an ordinary life.
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Celebrate the Drum Majors for Service in Your Community
On the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service this January, President Obama will recognize unsung heroes around the country who have answered the call to service. Inspired by Dr. King's historic speech on the Drum Major Instinct, the MLK Drum Majors for Service program --facilitated by the White House and the Corporation for National and Community Service -- welcomes the nomination of people in organizations and businesses who are serving their communities, often without recognition.
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Reflections on Diwali and the Value of Service
This year, as I reflect on the meaning of Diwali, I also remember the long journey I took to the United States and then to the gates of the White House in my current position as Deputy Chief of Staff at the Corporation for National and Community Service.
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Senior Companions: A Connection to the Community
Columbus, OH is home to the second-largest Somali population in the U.S. and the number of low-income, aging immigrants with little or no family nearby is growing. Speaking little or no English and no access to transportation, Somali seniors are struggling to continue living independent lives.
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A Great - and Historic - Day
What do you get when you combine 200+ colleges, universities and seminaries; individuals from different religious backgrounds and beliefs; and an abiding passion for serving communities?
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The First Lady Launches Let's Move Faith and Communities
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of joining First Lady Michelle Obama as she launched the newest effort within the Let’s Move! initiative, Let’s Move Faith and Communities. Let’s Move! is the First Lady’s initiative to solve the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation.
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