May 2, 2011 Issues: Intelligence and Military

Congressman plans to congratulate President at Tuesday Meeting


May 2, 2011

Media Contact: Douglas Rivlin (202) 225-8203



(Washington, DC) Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL-4) issued the following statement in response to the news that the hunt for Osama bin Laden had culminated in a special forces raid in Pakistan that took his life.  Congressman Gutierrez is a Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  The Congressman is in Puerto Rico where he delivered a speech on Sunday and is returning to Washington today.  He plans to participate in a scheduled meeting at the White House on Tuesday with President Obama and Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus about immigration and deportations.

I commend our men and women in the intelligence community for the successful completion of this focused and meticulously planned attack.  Americans are proud to be defended by the outstanding men and women of our armed services who, once again, risked their lives in the effort to bring peace and justice to our world.  As we continue to fight the war on terror, we cannot forget the sacrifices of our servicemen and women just as we cannot forget the innocent lives lost on September 11th. 

I plan to congratulate the President in person tomorrow when the Congressional Hispanic Caucus meets with him a at previously scheduled meeting at the White House to discuss deportations and administrative actions on immigration.

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