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September 07, 2005

Brigid Quinn

Press Release, 05-42

U.S. Government Takes Intellectual Property Protection Campaign to Texas Small Businesses

Events in Austin to Educate Small Businesses about Rising IP Theft in China, other high-risk nations

Washington, D.C. --U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property Stephen Pinkos and U.S. Representative Lamar Smith (TX-21) will join hundreds of Texas small-businessmen and -women for a conference on the “Global Intellectual Property Marketplace” on September 12-13, 2005 in Austin Texas. The event is part of the federal Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy (STOP), a major U.S. government effort to protect American businesses from falling victim to intellectual property theft, both at home and abroad.

During the two-day Austin seminar, patent, trademark and copyright experts as well as lawyers from the USPTO will provide small- and medium-sized businesses, entrepreneurs and independent inventors with useful tips on protecting and enforcing their intellectual property rights in the United States and around the world.


“Global Intellectual Property Marketplace” seminar

Remarks on the global intellectual property marketplace and how small businesses, including those in Texas, are increasingly at risk of intellectual property theft

Media availabilities with Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce Stephen Pinkos to discuss U.S. government’s response to intellectual property theft.


The Honorable Stephen Pinkos , Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property
The Honorable Lamar Smith , U.S. House of Representatives
Texas small-business owners


September 12-13, 2005


Hyatt Regency
Texas Ballroom
208 Barton Springs
Austin, Texas

Information about the seminars and other USPTO efforts to educate small businesses can be found at .

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United States Patent and Trademark Office
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