National Institutes of Health DNA Repair Interest Group
Welcome to the DNA Repair Interest Group 
Next Meeting: Tues Feb 16, 2010, 12:30 PM - Dr. David Levens. NCI - How to Control Transcriptional Noise: Insights from XP, TFIIH, and DNA Structure (Origin: Natcher)

drawing of a DNA repairman climbing a DNA ladderThe DNA Repair Interest Group is concerned with all forms of DNA damage and repair. The group moderators are Kenneth Kraemer and Vilhelm Bohr.


The NIH booklet "Understanding Xeroderma Pigmentosum." is now available for download.  This booklet provides information about XP written in plain English.  It may be useful for patients, their families, educators, students, health professionals, media inquiries and others interested in learning more about XP.  Like all NIH publications, this booklet is not copyrighted and can be copied freely without obtaining permission.

NOTE: Job Notices and Events listings are frequently updated! - look for them in the "Job Notices" section.

Version V of the online version of the DNA repair mouse mutant database maintained at University of Texas Southwestern Medical School is now posted at  Anyone wishing to contribute new entries should contact: 

   Errol C. Friedberg, M.D.
   Professor and Chair, Department of Pathology
   UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390-9072


More than 100 human DNA repair and related genes are described in the Feb. 16, 2001 issue of Science (291, pp. 1284-1289). This issue can be viewed online: Science - DNA Repair"

An online Table with links to Gene Cards and NCBI gives ready access to a huge amount of information on 127 DNA repair and related genes and their protein products. The most recent version of the table is at


The Environmental Genome Project:  from NIEHS, which as resequenced many genes from 90 donors.

* DNA Repair Gene SNPs
As part of this project a website run by the Univ of Utah has a list of SNPs in 96 human DNA repair genes:

* Xeroderma Pigmentosum and Cockayne Syndrome Human Mutation Database
A new website is now open listing most currently known mutations in the xeroderma pigmentosum and Cockayne syndrome genes. This contains brief summaries of DNA repair, the individual genes, a map of mutations, and a searchable database for each mutation and cell line in the open literature.

* Human Gene Mutation Database:  The
Human Gene Mutantion Database at the Institute of Medical Genetics in Cardiff also lists DNA repair gene mutations.

If you encounter problems on this site or have questions, send email to the NIH SIGS Administrator. This front page was last updated on February 2, 2010.

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