Secretary Arne Duncan Describes Highlights of First Year, Goals for 2010

In this short video, Secretary Arne Duncan describes highlights of his first year at ED and goals for 2010.

Go to the White House blog to see other Cabinet members describe highlights of their first year.

You may be interested also in this review of the Obama Administration’s education efforts in 2009.


Hi. I’m Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education. Over the past year, we are really proud of saving at least 300,000 educators’ jobs across the country and staving off an education catastrophe, driving real reform in states around the country, and just getting the country focused on students and learning and how critically important it is. Our goal for 2010 is to re-write the education law, and to make sure, through that, that our students are college and career ready once they graduate from high school.

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