

WA - Local Government Grant Program
ESHB 2459, 2004 provided $100,000 and $400,000 from general fund for fiscal years 2004 and 2005, respectively, to provide grants to support the base realignment and closure process.

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EHB 2064, 2003 further requires that the Committee work on the "Washington military facilities study." This was completed with the April 2004 report titled "Military Bases in our Communities."

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AZ - Economic Study of Arizona's Principal Military Operations
An economic study published in May 2002 of Arizona's principal military operations was commissioned by several cities to document their importance. It demonstrates direct, indirect, induced and total economic impact of Arizona's major military operations. Major findings included ranking of military impacts compared to private sector employment; amount of state and local tax revenues contributed by the military industry; and comparison of how much sales or property taxes would need to increase to replace these operations.

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AZ - Arizona Military Regional Compatibility Project
This planning effort began as a result of legislation (see above) and then grew with funding from the Office of Economic Adjustment. Planning efforts are complete for the area around Luke Air Force Base, Luke Auxiliary Field #1, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base; have commenced to study the Barry M. Goldwater Gunnery Range/Gila Bend Auxiliary Field; and soon will be conducted for a consistency review of the 1996 Joint Land Use Study for Marine Corp Air Station, Yuma.

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CA - California Defense Retention and Conversion Council
California Govt. Code ß 15346 (SB 1099, 1999) established the California Defense Retention and Conversion Council. The bill also established the Defense Retention Grant Program, which is to "grant funds to communities with military bases to assist them in developing a retention strategy." In 2001, the University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Urban and Regional Development wrote "Forecasting and Mitigating Future Urban Encroachment Adjacent to California Military Installations: A Spatial Approach" to respond to the requirement of a report to the Governor and the Legislature. SB 926, 2004 repealed the California Defense and Conversion Council and established the Office of Military and Aerospace Support (see below).

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FL - Agency Coordination

  • Every state agency has an internal military affairs liaison.
  • Enterprise Florida developed a report titled, "Roadmap to Florida's Future." This report includes support for the military including "protection of military bases from land-use encroachments."

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NJ - Report on the Economic Contribution of Military and Coast Guard Installations to New Jersey
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, submitted a report on April 29, 2004 to the Governor titled, "The Economic Contribution of Military and Coast Guard Installations to the State of New Jersey."

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NC - North Carolina Smart Growth Alliance
The North Carolina Smart Growth Alliance released a 2004 report titled, "Healthy Rural Communities: A Resource and Action Guide for North Carolina."

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NC - Advisory Commission on Military Affairs
See Above.

The "North Carolina Statewide Military Impact Study" was prepared for the North Carolina Advisory Commission on Military Affairs.

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OK - Oklahoma Military Base Closure Prevention Task Force
Okla. Rev. Statß 74-5301-5302 (HB 1200, 2001) creates the Oklahoma Base Closure Prevention Task Force. The Task Force shall review state policies that affect Oklahoma's military facilities and make recommendations for changes that would:

  • Prevent military facilities from closure or downsizing.
  • Maximize the state's input into the federal base closure and realignment process and protect the interests of the residents and communities of military facilities.
  • Mitigate the effect of a reduced military presence.
  • Encourage and facilitate additional military missions to Oklahoma military facilities.
  • Task Force submitted its statutorily required report on December 31, 2002, titled "Oklahoma Military Base Closure Prevention Task Force Report."
  • Assistance will be provided to the Task Force to assist in their duties by staff of the Oklahoma's House of Representatives, Senate, Department of Commerce, Tax Commission, Employment Security Commission and other state agencies.

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TX - Military Study
SB 939, 2003 required the Texas Strategic Military Commission to submit a study to state leaders by December 1, 2002 that outlined methods for the state to attract new military missions and retain existing military installations.

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TX - Military Plan
SB 1164 required the Office of Defense Affairs in cooperation with the Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission identify "each defense-dependent community" and request that each community coordinate with the office to develop a five-year strategic plan by July 1, 2002.

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TX - Texas Military Preparedness Commission
The Texas Military Preparedness Commission prepared the 2003-2004 Annual Update titled, "The Defense Community in Texas: A Master Plan for the Future."

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UT - Economic, Demographic and Fiscal Impacts of Closing Hill Air Force Base
The Utah Defense Alliance sponsored an economic study prepared by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah. This study, titled "Economic, Demographic and Fiscal Impacts of Closing Hill Air Force Base," demonstrates the economic contributions of Hill AFB.

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WA - Economic Impacts of the Military Bases in Washington
The Office of Financial Management prepared the July 2004 Report "Economic Impacts of the Military Bases in Washington." This report found that the state's military bases' "total labor earnings impact" is estimated to be $7.24 billion with a total job impact of 187,900 jobs.

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Last Modified: 23 February 2011 at 15:12