
News You Can Use from the DoD Sustainable Ranges Initiative:
Learn about upcoming events, highlights of national media coverage on the program, and unique information about how the Sustainable Ranges Initiative is ensuring the long-term viability and continuity of military training and testing ranges while providing good stewardship for the land.

Past Newsletters

April 2008:

Download | PDF | 286KB

February 2008:

Download | PDF | 217KB

Fall 2008:

Download | PDF | 308KB

Summer 2008:

Download | PDF | 168KB

April 2007:

Download | PDF | 179KB

June 2007:

Download | PDF | 337KB

August 2007:

Download | PDF | 183KB

September 2007:

Download | PDF | 281KB

November/December 2007

Download | PDF | 228KB

Last Modified: 13 December 2010 at 19:52