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Appendix H to Part 73--Weapons Qualification Criteria

The B-27 Target or a target of equivalent difficulty will be used for all weapon qualification testing.

Table H-1 Minimum Day Firing Crteria1
[See footnotes at end of Table H-1]

Weapon Stage String2 Distance Number of Rounds Timing3 Position Scoring
Handgun 1 1 3 yards 6 9 seconds Draw and fire 2 rounds (repeat 2 times) 3 seconds each string. Minimum qualifying-70%
2 1 7 yards 6 10 seconds Draw and fire 2 rounds at center mass and 1 round at the head (repeat once) 5 seconds each string.
3 1 7 yards 6 12 seconds (4 seconds each string). Using weaker hand only, from the low ready position, fire 2 rounds (repeat twice).
4 1 10 yards 2 4 seconds Draw and fire 2 rounds, come to low ready position.
2 10 yards 2 3 seconds Fire 2 rounds from low ready position and reholster.
3 10 yards 4 12 seconds (revolver)
10 seconds (semiautomatic)
Draw and fire 2 rounds, reload, fire 2 rounds and reholster.
4 10 yards 2 4 seconds Draw and fire 2 rounds, come to low ready position.
5 10 yards 2 3 seconds Fire 2 rounds from low ready position and reholster.
5 1 15 yards 2 5 seconds Standing, draw weapon, move to kneeling position, then fire 2 rounds and reholster.
2 15 yards 2 5 seconds Standing, draw weapon, move to kneeling position, then fire 2 rounds and reholster.
5 3 15 yards 4 14 seconds (revolver) 12 seconds (semiautomatic). Standing, draw weapon, fire 2 rounds, move to kneeling position and fire 2 rounds, reload and reholster. Minimum qualifying = 70%.
4 15 yards 2 5 seconds Draw weapon and fire 2 rounds standing, come to low ready position and...
5 15 yards 2 3 seconds Fire 2 rounds from low ready.
6 1 25 yards 2 5 seconds Draw and fire 2 rounds, standing, left side of barricade.
2 25 yards 2 5 seconds Draw and fire 2 rounds, right side of barricade (standing).
3 25 yards 4 15 seconds (revolver)
12 seconds (semi-automatic).
Draw weapon and move from standing to kneeling position, fire 2 rounds, left side of barricade, reload, and from the kneeling position, fire 2 rounds, right side of barricade.
4 25 yards 2 10 seconds Draw weapon and move from standing to prone, fire 2 rounds.
5 25 yards 2 10 seconds Draw weapon and move from standing position to prone, fire 2 rounds.
7 1 50 yards 2 8 seconds Draw weapon and fire 2 rounds from a standing barricade position (right or left side, shooter's option).
2 50 yards 2 10 seconds Draw weapon and fire 2 rounds from a kneeling barricade position (right or left side, shooter's option).
3 50 yards 2 12 seconds Draw weapon and fire 2 rounds from prone position.
Shotgun 1 1 7 yards 2 Double 0 buck-shot 4 seconds At low ready position fire 2 rounds standing. Minimum qualifying = 70%
2 1


15 yards 4 Double 0 buck-shot 15 seconds At low ready position fire 2 rounds standing, reload and fire 2 rounds.
3 1


25 yards 4 rifled slugs or 00 buck-shot 20 seconds On command, load 4 rounds and fire 2 rounds standing and 2 rounds kneeling.
Rifle 1 1



15 yards 6 10 seconds (4 seconds for 1st string, 3 seconds for each of 2nd and 3rd string). Standing in low ready position, move to standing point shoulder position (1 magazine loaded with 6 rounds, weapon in half-load configuration), fire 2 rounds per string. Minimum qualifying = 70%
2 1



25 yards 6 11 seconds (5 seconds for 1st string, 3 seconds for each of 2nd and 3rd string). Standing in low ready position, move to standing point shoulder position (1 magazine loaded with 6 rounds, weapon in half-load configuration), fire 2 rounds per string.
3 1



25 yards 6 17 seconds (7 seconds for 1st string, 5 seconds for each of 2nd and 3rd string). Standing in low ready position, move to kneeling point shoulder position (1 magazine loaded with 6 rounds, weapon in half-load configuration), fire 2 rounds per string.
4 1


50 yards 4 16 seconds (9 seconds for 1st string, 7 seconds for 2nd string). Standing in low ready position, move to kneeling point shoulder position (1 magazine loaded with 4 rounds, weapon in half-load configuration), fire 2 rounds per string.
45 1 50 yards 4 20 seconds Standing in low ready position, move to prone (weapon in half-load configuration) with two magazines each loaded with 2 rounds, fire 2 rounds, reload with 2nd magazine and fire 2 rounds. Minimum qualifying = 70%
46 1 100 yards 4 25 seconds Standing in low ready position, move to prone (weapon in half-load configuration) two magazines each loaded with 2 rounds, fire 2 rounds, reload with 2nd magazine and fire 2 rounds.

1This day firing qualifications course is to be used by all TRT members, armed response personnel, and guards.
2A string is one of the different phases within a single stage.
3Security personnel will be timed as shown.
4Stages 5 and 6 are to used for .30 caliber or larger rifles.

Table H-2.-Minimum Night Firing Criteria

Weapon Stage Distance No. of rounds Timing Position Scoring Lighting
Handgun (Rev.) 1 7 yards 12 35 seconds Standing-no artificial support. Minimum qualifying=70% For all courses 0.2 foot-candles at center mass of target area.
2 15 yards 12 45 seconds
Handgun (Semi-) 1 7 yards 2+clip 30 seconds Standing-no artificial support.
2 15 yards 2+clip 40 seconds
Shotgun 1 25 yards 2 rifled slugs 30 seconds (Load 2 slugs-chamber empty-Time Starts- Commence firing) Standing-strong shoulder Rifled slug hits=strike area on target (10, 9, 7).
1 15 yards 5 Double 0 buckshot 10 seconds (Load 5rds Buckshot-chamber, empty-Time starts-Commence firing). Standing- strong shoulder Double 0 Buckshot: Hits in black=2 pts (5RDS x 9 pellets/rd x 2 pts=90) Minimum qualifying=70%
Rifle 1 25 yards 1-5rd mag 45 seconds Standing barricade Minimum qualifying=70%
2 25 yards 1-5rd mag 45 seconds Standing.
3 25 yards 1-5rd mag 45 seconds Kneeling.
4 25 yards 1-5rd mag 45 seconds Prone.

Note-All firing is to be done only at night. Use of night simulation equipment during daylight is not allowable. Use of site specific devices (i.e., laser, etc.) should be included in the licensee amended security plan for NRC approval.

[58 FR 45785, Aug. 31, 1993]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, September 27, 2012