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§ 73.71 Reporting of safeguards events.

(a)(1) Each licensee subject to the provisions of §§ 73.25, 73.26, 73.27(c), 73.37, 73.67(e), or 73.67(g) shall notify the NRC Operations Center1 within one hour after discovery of the loss of any shipment of SNM or spent fuel, and within one hour after recovery of or accounting for such lost shipment.

(2) This notification must be made to the NRC Operations Center via the Emergency Notification System, if the licensee is party to that system. If the Emergency Notification System is inoperative or unavailable, the licensee shall make the required notification via commercial telephonic service or other dedicated telephonic system or any other methods that will ensure that a report is received by the NRC Operations Center within one hour. The exemption of § 73.21(g)(3) applies to all telephonic reports required by this section.

(3) The licensee shall, upon request to the NRC, maintain an open and continuous communication channel with the NRC Operations Center.

(4) The initial telephonic notification must be followed within a period of 60 days by a written report submitted to the NRC by an appropriate method listed in § 73.4. In addition to the addressees specified in § 73.4, the licensee shall also provide one copy of the written report addressed to the Director, Division of Security Policy, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response. The report must include sufficient information for NRC analysis and evaluation.

(5) Significant supplemental information which becomes available after the initial telephonic notification to the NRC Operations Center or after the submission of the written report must be telephonically reported to the NRC Operations Center and also submitted in a revised written report (with the revisions indicated) to the Regional Office and the Document Control Desk. Errors discovered in a written report must be corrected in a revised report with revisions indicated. The revised report must replace the previous report; the update must be a complete entity and not contain only supplementary or revised information. Each licensee shall maintain a copy of the written report of an event submitted under this section as record for a period of three years from the date of the report.

(b)(1) Each licensee subject to the provisions of §§ 73.20, 73.37, 73.50, 73.51, 73.55, 73.60, or 73.67 shall notify the NRC Operations Center within 1 hour of discovery of the safeguards events described in paragraph I(a)(1) of appendix G to this part. Licensees subject to the provisions of §§ 73.20, 73.37, 73.50, 73.51, 73.55, 73.60, or each licensee possessing strategic special nuclear material and subject to § 73.67(d) shall notify the NRC Operations Center within 1 hour after discovery of the safeguards events described in paragraphs I(a)(2), (a)(3), (b), and (c) of appendix G to this part. Licensees subject to the provisions of §§ 73.20, 73.37, 73.50, 73.51, 73.55, or 73.60 shall notify the NRC Operations Center within 1 hour after discovery of the safeguards events described in paragraph 1(d) of appendix G to this part.

(2) This notification must be made in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs (a) (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this section.

(c) Each licensee subject to the provisions of §§ 73.20, 73.37, 73.50, 73.51, 73.55, 73.60, or each licensee possessing SSNM and subject to the provisions of § 73.67(d) shall maintain a current log and record the safeguards events described in paragraphs 11(a) and (b) of appendix G to this part within 24 hours of discovery by a licensee employee or member of the licensee's contract security organization. The licensee shall retain the log of events recorded under this section as a record for 3 years after the last entry is made in each log or until termination of the license.

(d) Each licensee shall submit to the Commission the 60-day written reports required under the provisions of this section that are of a quality that will permit legible reproduction and processing. If the facility is subject to Sec. 50.73 of this chapter, the licensee shall prepare the written report on NRC Form 366. If the facility is not subject to Sec. 50.73 of this chapter, the licensee shall not use this form but shall prepare the written report in letter format. The report must include sufficient information for NRC analysis and evaluation.

(e) Duplicate reports are not required for events that are also reportable in accordance with §§ 50.72 and 50.73 of this chapter.

[52 FR 21658, June 9, 1987; 52 FR 23257, June 18, 1987, as amended at 59 FR 14087, Mar. 25, 1994; 60 FR 13617, Mar. 14, 1995; 63 FR 26963, May 15, 1998; 67 FR 3586, Jan. 25, 2002; 68 FR 33617, June 5, 2003; 74 FR 62684, Dec. 1, 2009]

1 Commercial telephone number of the NRC Operation Center is (301) 816-5100.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, September 27, 2012