Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1926
• Part Title: Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
• Subpart: V
• Subpart Title: Power Transmission and Distribution
• Standard Number: 1926.953
• Title: Material handling.


Unloading. Prior to unloading steel, poles, cross arms and similar material, the load shall be thoroughly examined to ascertain if the load has shifted, binders or stakes have broken or the load is otherwise hazardous to employees.


Pole hauling.


During pole hauling operations, all loads shall be secured to prevent displacement and a red flag shall be displayed at the trailing end of the longest pole.


Precautions shall be exercised to prevent blocking of roadways or endangering other traffic.


When hauling poles during the hours of darkness, illuminated warning devices shall be attached to the trailing end of the longest pole.




No materials or equipment shall be stored under energized bus, energized lines, or near energized equipment, if it is practical to store them elsewhere.



When materials or equipment are stored under energized lines or near energized equipment, applicable clearances shall be maintained as stated in Table V-1; and extraordinary caution shall be exercised when moving materials near such energized equipment.


Tag line. Where hazards to employees exist tag lines or other suitable devices shall be used to control loads being handled by hoisting equipment.


Oil filled equipment. During construction or repair of oil filled equipment the oil may be stored in temporary containers other than those required in 1926.152, such as pillow tanks.


Framing. During framing operations, employees shall not work under a pole or a structure suspended by a crane, A-frame or similar equipment unless the pole or structure is adequately supported.


Attaching the load. The hoist rope shall not be wrapped around the load. This provision shall not apply to electric construction crews when setting or removing poles.

Next Standard (1926.954) Next Standard (1926.954)

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents