Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1926
• Part Title: Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
• Subpart: S
• Subpart Title: Underground Construction, Caissons, Cofferdams, and Compressed Air
• Standard Number: 1926.803
• Title: Compressed air.


General provisions.


There shall be present, at all times, at least one competent person designated by and representing the employer, who shall be familiar with this subpart in all respects, and responsible for full compliance with these and other applicable subparts.


Every employee shall be instructed in the rules and regulations which concern his safety or the safety of others.


Medical attendance, examination, and regulations.


There shall be retained one or more licensed physicians familiar with and experienced in the physical requirements and the medical aspects of compressed air work and the treatment of decompression illness. He shall be available at all times while work is in progress in order to provide medical supervision of employees employed in compressed air work. He shall himself be physically qualified and be willing to enter a pressurized environment.


No employee shall be permitted to enter a compressed air environment until he has been examined by the physician and reported by him to be physically qualified to engage in such work.



In the event an employee is absent from work for 10 days, or is absent due to sickness or injury, he shall not resume work until he is reexamined by the physician, and his physical condition reported, as provided in this paragraph, to be such as to permit him to work in compressed air.


After an employee has been employed continuously in compressed air for a period designated by the physician, but not to exceed 1 year, he shall be reexamined by the physician to determine if he is still physically qualified to engage in compressed air work.


Such physician shall at all times keep a complete and full record of examinations made by him. The physician shall also keep an accurate record of any decompression illness or other illness or injury incapacitating any employee for work, and of all loss of life that occurs in the operation of a tunnel, caisson, or other compartment in which compressed air is used.


Records shall be available for the inspection of the Secretary or his representatives, and a copy thereof shall be forwarded to OSHA within 48 hours following the occurrence of the accident, death, injury, or decompression illness. It shall state as fully as possible the cause of said death or decompression illness, and the place where the injured or sick employee was taken, and such other relative information as may be required by the Secretary.


A fully equipped first aid station shall be provided at each tunnel project regardless of the number of persons employed. An ambulance or transportation suitable for a litter case shall be at each project.



Where tunnels are being excavated from portals more than 5 road miles apart, a first aid station and transportation facilities shall be provided at each portal.


A medical lock shall be established and maintained in immediate working order whenever air pressure in the working chamber is increased above the normal atmosphere.


The medical lock shall:


Have at least 6 feet of clear headroom at the center, and be subdivided into not less than two compartments;


Be readily accessible to employees working under compressed air;


Be kept ready for immediate use for at least 5 hours subsequent to the emergence of any employee from the working chamber;


Be properly heated, lighted and ventilated;


Be maintained in a sanitary condition;


Have a nonshatterable port through which the occupant(s) may be kept under constant observation;


Be designed for a working pressure of 75 p.s.i.g.



Be equipped with internal controls which may be overridden by external controls;


Be provided with air pressure gauges to show the air pressure within each compartment to observers inside and outside the medical lock.


Be equipped with a manual type sprinkler system that can be activated inside the lock or by the outside lock tender.


Be provided with oxygen lines and fittings leading into external tanks. The lines shall be fitted with check valves to prevent reverse flow. The oxygen system inside the chamber shall be of a closed circuit design and be so designed as to automatically shut off the oxygen supply whenever the fire system is activated.


Be in constant charge of an attendant under the direct control of the retained physician. The attendant shall be trained in the use of the lock and suitably instructed regarding steps to be taken in the treatment of employee exhibiting symptoms compatible with a diagnosis of decompression illness;


Be adjacent to an adequate emergency medical facility;


The medical facility shall be equipped with demand-type oxygen inhalation equipment approved by the U.S. Bureau of Mines;



Be capable of being maintained at a temperature, in use, not to exceed 90 deg. F. nor be less than 70 deg. F.; and


Be provided with sources of air, free of oil and carbon monoxide, for normal and emergency use, which are capable of raising the air pressure in the lock from 0 to 75 p.s.i.g. in 5 minutes.


Identification badges shall be furnished to all employees, indicating that the wearer is a compressed air worker. A permanent record shall be kept of all identification badges issued. The badge shall give the employee's name, address of the medical lock, the telephone number of the licensed physician for the compressed air project, and contain instructions that in case of emergency of unknown or doubtful cause or illness, the wearer shall be rushed to the medical lock. The badge shall be worn at all times-off the job, as well as on the job.


Telephone and signal communication.


Effective and reliable means of communication, such as bells, whistles, or telephones, shall be maintained, at all times between all the following locations:


The working chamber face;


The working chamber side of the man lock near the door;


The interior of the man lock;



Lock attendant's station;


The compressor plant;


The first-aid station;


The emergency lock (if one is required); and


The special decompression chamber (if one is required).


Signs and records.


The time of decompression shall be posted in each man lock as follows:

 Time of Decompression for This Lock

 ___ pounds to ___ pounds in ___ minutes.

 ___ pounds to ___ pounds in ___ minutes.

      (Signed by) _________(Superintendent)

 This form shall be posted in the Man Lock at all times.


Any code of signals used shall be conspicuously posted near workplace entrances and such other locations as may be necessary to bring them to the attention of all employees concerned.


For each 8-hour shift, a record of employees employed under air pressure shall be kept by an employee who shall remain outside the lock near the entrance. This record shall show the period each employee spends in the air chamber and the time taken from decompression. A copy shall be submitted to the appointed physician after each shift.





Every employee going under air pressure for the first time shall be instructed on how to avoid excessive discomfort.


During the compression of employees, the pressure shall not be increased to more than 3 p.s.i.g. within the first minute. The pressure shall be held at 3 p.s.i.g. and again at 7 p.s.i.g. sufficiently long to determine if any employees are experiencing discomfort.


After the first minute the pressure shall be raised uniformly and at a rate not to exceed 10 p.s.i. per minute.


If any employee complains of discomfort, the pressure shall be held to determine if the symptoms are relieved. If, after 5 minutes the discomfort does not disappear, the lock attendant shall gradually reduce the pressure until the employee signals that the discomfort has ceased. If he does not indicate that the discomfort has disappeared, the lock attendant shall reduce the pressure to atmospheric and the employee shall be released from the lock.


No employee shall be subjected to pressure exceeding 50 pounds per square inch except in emergency.




Decompression to normal condition shall be in accordance with the Decompression Tables in Appendix A of this subpart.



In the event it is necessary for an employee to be in compressed air more than once in a 24-hour period, the appointed physician shall be responsible for the establishment of methods and procedures of decompression applicable to repetitive exposures.


If decanting is necessary, the appointed physician shall establish procedures before any employee is permitted to be decompressed by decanting methods. The period of time that the employees spend at atmospheric pressure between the decompression following the shift and recompression shall not exceed 5 minutes.


Man locks and special decompression chambers-


Man locks.


Except in emergency, no employees employed in compressed air shall be permitted to pass from the working chamber to atmospheric pressure until after decompression, in accordance with the procedures in this subpart.


The lock attendant in charge of a man lock shall be under the direct supervision of the appointed physician. He shall be stationed at the lock controls on the free air side during the period of compression and decompression and shall remain at the lock control station whenever there are men in the working chamber or in the man lock.



Except where air pressure in the working chamber is below 12 p.s.i.g., each man lock shall be equipped with automatic controls which, through taped programs, cams, or similar apparatus, shall automatically regulate decompressions. It shall also be equipped with manual controls to permit the lock attendant to override the automatic mechanism in the event of an emergency, as provided in paragraph (g)(1)(viii) of this section.


A manual control, which can be used in the event of an emergency, shall be placed inside the man lock.


A clock, thermometer, and continuous recording pressure gauge with a 4-hour graph shall be installed outside of each man lock and shall be changed prior to each shift's decompression. The chart shall be of sufficient size to register a legible record of variations in pressure within the man lock and shall be visible to the lock attendant. A copy of each graph shall be submitted to the appointed physician after each shift. In addition, a pressure gauge clock, and thermometer shall also be installed in each man lock. Additional fittings shall be provided so that test gauges may be attached whenever necessary.


Except where air pressure is below 12 p.s.i.g. and there is no danger of rapid flooding, all caissons having a working area greater than 150 square feet, and each bulkhead in tunnels of 14 feet or more in diameter, or equivalent area, shall have at least two locks in perfect working condition, one of which shall be used exclusively as a man lock, the other, as a materials lock.


Where only a combination man-and-materials lock is required, this single lock shall be of sufficient capacity to hold the employees constituting two successive shifts.



Emergency locks shall be large enough to hold an entire heading shift and a limit maintained of 12 p.s.i.g. There shall be a chamber available for oxygen decompression therapy to 28 p.s.i.g.


The man lock shall be large enough so that those using it are not compelled to be in a cramped position, and shall not have less than 5 feet clear head room at the center and a minimum of 30 cubic feet of air space per occupant.


Locks on caissons shall be so located that the bottom door shall be not less than 3 feet above the water level surrounding the caisson on the outside. (The water level, where it is affected by tides, is construed to mean high tide.)


In addition to the pressure gauge in the locks, an accurate pressure gauge shall be maintained on the outer and inner side of each bulkhead. These gauges shall be accessible at all times and shall be kept in accurate working order.


Man locks shall have an observation port at least 4 inches in diameter located in such a position that all occupants of the man lock may be observed from the working chamber and from the free air side of the lock.


Adequate ventilation in the lock shall be provided.



Man locks shall be maintained at a minimum temperature of 70 deg. F.


When locks are not in use and employees are in the working chamber, lock doors shall be kept open to the working chamber, where practicable.


Provision shall be made to allow for rescue parties to enter the tunnel if the working force is disabled.


A special decompression chamber of sufficient size to accommodate the entire force of employees being decompressed at the end of a shift shall be provided whenever the regularly established working period requires a total time of decompression exceeding 75 minutes.


Special decompression chamber.


The headroom in the special decompression chamber shall be not less than a minimum 7 feet and the cubical content shall provide at least 50 cubic feet of airspace for each employee. For each occupant, there shall be provided 4 square feet of free walking area and 3 square feet of seating space, exclusive of area required for lavatory and toilet facilities. The rated capacity shall be based on the stated minimum space per employee and shall be posted at the chamber entrance. The posted capacity shall not be exceeded, except in case of emergency.



Each special decompression chamber shall be equipped with the following:


A clock or clocks suitably placed so that the attendant and the chamber occupants can readily ascertain the time;


Pressure gauges which will indicate to the attendants and to the chamber occupants the pressure in the chamber;


Valves to enable the attendant to control the supply and discharge of compressed air into and from the chamber;


Valves and pipes, in connection with the air supply and exhaust, arranged so that the chamber pressure can be controlled from within and without;


Effective means of oral intercommunication between the attendant, occupants of the chamber, and the air compressor plant; and


An observation port at the entrance to permit observation of the chamber occupants.


Seating facilities in special decompression chambers shall be so arranged as to permit a normal sitting posture without cramping. Seating space, not less than 18 inches by 24 inches wide, shall be provided per occupant.



Adequate toilet and washing facilities, in a screened or enclosed recess, shall be provided. Toilet bowls shall have a built-in protector on the rim so that an air space is created when the seat lid is closed.


Fresh and pure drinking water shall be available. This may be accomplished by either piping water into the special decompression chamber and providing drinking fountains, or by providing individual canteens, or by some other sanitary means. Community drinking vessels are prohibited.


No refuse or discarded material of any kind shall be permitted to accumulate, and the chamber shall be kept clean.


Unless the special decompression chamber is serving as the man lock to atmospheric pressure, the special decompression chamber shall be situated, where practicable, adjacent to the man lock on the atmospheric pressure side of the bulkhead. A passageway shall be provided, connecting the special chamber with the man lock, to permit employees in the process of decompression to move from the man lock to the special chamber without a reduction in the ambient pressure from that designated for the next stage of decompression. The passageway shall be so arranged as to not interfere with the normal operation of the man lock, nor with the release of the occupants of the special chamber to atmospheric pressure upon the completion of the decompression procedure.



Compressor plant and air supply.


At all times there shall be a thoroughly experienced, competent, and reliable person on duty at the air control valves as a gauge tender who shall regulate the pressure in the working areas. During tunneling operations, one gauge tender may regulate the pressure in not more than two headings: Provided, That the gauge and controls are all in one location. In caisson work, there shall be a gauge tender for each caisson.


The low air compressor plant shall be of sufficient capacity to not only permit the work to be done safely, but shall also provide a margin to meet emergencies and repairs.


Low air compressor units shall have at least two independent and separate sources of power supply and each shall be capable of operating the entire low air plant and its accessory systems.


The capacity, arrangement, and number of compressors shall be sufficient to maintain the necessary pressure without overloading the equipment and to assure maintenance of such pressure in the working chamber during periods of breakdown, repair, or emergency.


Switching from one independent source of power supply to the other shall be done periodically to ensure the workability of the apparatus in an emergency.


Duplicate low-pressure air feedlines and regulating valves shall be provided between the source of air supply and a point beyond the locks with one of the lines extending to within 100 feet of the working face.


All high- and low-pressure air supply lines shall be equipped with check valves.



Low-pressure air shall be regulated automatically. In addition manually operated valves shall be provided for emergency conditions


The air intakes for all air compressors shall be located at a place where fumes, exhaust, gases, and other air contaminants will be at a minimum.


Gauges indicating the pressure in the working chamber shall be installed in the compressor building, the lock attendant's station, and at the employer's field office.


Ventilation and air quality.


Exhaust valves and exhaust pipes shall be provided and operated so that the working chamber shall be well ventilated, and there shall be no pockets of dead air. Outlets may be required at intermediate points along the main low-pressure air supply line to the heading to eliminate such pockets of dead air. Ventilating air shall be not less than 30 cubic feet per minute.


The air in the workplace shall be analyzed by the employer not less than once each shift, and records of such tests shall be kept on file at the place where the work is in progress. The test results shall be within the threshold limit values specified in Subpart D of this part, for hazardous gases, and within 10 percent of the lower explosive limit of flammable gases. If these limits are not met, immediate action to correct the situation shall be taken by the employer.



The temperature of all working chambers which are subjected to air pressure shall, by means of after-coolers or other suitable devices, be maintained at a temperature not to exceed 85 deg. F.


Forced ventilation shall be provided during decompression. During the entire decompression period, forced ventilation through chemical or mechanical air purifying devices that will ensure a source of fresh air shall be provided.


Whenever heat-producing machines (moles, shields) are used in compressed air tunnel operations, a positive means of removing the heat build-up at the heading shall be provided.




All lighting in compressed-air chambers shall be by electricity exclusively, and two independent electric-lighting systems with independent sources of supply shall be used. The emergency source shall be arranged to become automatically operative in the event of failure of the regularly used source.


The minimum intensity of light on any walkway, ladder, stairway, or working level shall be not less than 10 foot-candles, and in all workplaces the lighting shall at all times be such as to enable employees to see clearly.



All electrical equipment and wiring for light and power circuits shall comply with the requirements of Subpart K of this part for use in damp, hazardous, high temperature, and compressed air environments.


External parts of lighting fixtures and all other electrical equipment, when within 8 feet of the floor, shall be constructed of noncombustible, nonabsorptive, insulating materials, except that metal may be used if it is effectively grounded.


Portable lamps shall be equipped with noncombustible, nonabsorptive, insulating sockets, approved handles, basket guards, and approved cords.


The use of worn or defective portable and pendant conductors is prohibited.




Sanitary, heated, lighted, and ventilated dressing rooms and drying rooms shall be provided for all employees engaged in compressed air work. Such rooms shall contain suitable benches and lockers. Bathing accommodations (showers at the ratio of one to 10 employees per shift), equipped with running hot and cold water, and suitable and adequate toilet accommodations, shall be provided. One toilet for each 15 employees, or fractional part thereof, shall be provided.


When the toilet bowl is shut by a cover, there should be an air space so that the bowl or bucket does not implode when pressure is increased.



All parts of caissons and other working compartments shall be kept in a sanitary condition.


Fire prevention and protection.


Firefighting equipment shall be available at all times and shall be maintained in working condition.


While welding or flame-cutting is being done in compressed air a firewatch with a fire hose or approved extinguisher shall stand by until such operation is completed.


Shafts and caissons containing flammable material of any kind, either above or below ground, shall be provided with a waterline and a fire hose connected thereto, so arranged that all points of the shaft or caisson are within reach of the hose stream.


Fire hose shall be at least 1 1/2 inches in nominal diameter; the water pressure shall at all times be adequate for efficient operation of the type of nozzle used; and the water supply shall be such as to ensure an uninterrupted flow. Fire hose, when not in use shall be located or guarded to prevent injury thereto.


The power house, compressor house, and all buildings housing ventilating equipment, shall be provided with at least one hose connection in the water line, with a fire hose connected thereto. A fire hose shall be maintained within reach of structures of wood over or near shafts.



Tunnels shall be provided with a 2-inch minimum diameter water line extending into the working chamber and to within 100 feet of the working face. Such line shall have hose outlets with 100 feet of fire hose attached and maintained as follows: One at the working face; one immediately inside of the bulkhead of the working chamber and one immediately outside such bulkhead. In addition, hose outlets shall be provided at 200-foot intervals throughout the length of the tunnel, and 100 feet of fire hose shall be attached to the outlet nearest to any location where flammable material is being kept or stored or where any flame is being used.


In addition to fire hose protection required by this subpart, on every floor of every building not under compressed air, but used in connection with the compressed air work, there shall be provided at least one approved fire extinguisher of the proper type for the hazard involved. At least two approved fire extinguishers shall be provided in the working chamber as follows: One at the working face and one immediately inside the bulkhead (pressure side). Extinguishers in the working chamber shall use water as the primary extinguishing agent and shall not use any extinguishing agent which could be harmful to the employees in the working chamber. The fire extinguisher shall be protected from damage.


Highly combustible materials shall not be used or stored in the working chamber. Wood, paper, and similar combustible material shall not be used in the working chamber in quantities which could cause a fire hazard. The compressor building shall be constructed of non-combustible material.


Man locks shall be equipped with a manual type fire extinguisher system that can be activated inside the man lock and also by the outside lock attendant. In addition, a fire hose and portable fire extinguisher shall be provided inside and outside the man lock. The portable fire extinguisher shall be the dry chemical type.



Equipment, fixtures, and furniture in man locks and special decompression chambers shall be constructed of noncombustible materials. Bedding, etc., shall be chemically treated so as to be fire resistant.


Head frames shall be constructed of structural steel or open frame-work fireproofed timber. Head houses and other temporary surface buildings or structures within 100 feet of the shaft, caisson, or tunnel opening shall be built of fire-resistant materials.


No oil, gasoline, or other combustible material shall be stored within 100 feet of any shaft, caisson, or tunnel opening, except that oils may be stored in suitable tanks in isolated fireproof buildings, provided such buildings are not less than 50 feet from any shaft, caisson, or tunnel opening, or any building directly connected thereto.


Positive means shall be taken to prevent leaking flammable liquids from flowing into the areas specifically mentioned in the preceding paragraph.


All explosives used in connection with compressed air work shall be selected, stored, transported, and used as specified in Subpart U of this part.


Bulkheads and safety screens.


Intermediate bulkheads with locks, or intermediate safety screens or both, are required where there is the danger of rapid flooding.



In tunnels 16 feet or more in diameter, hanging walkways shall be provided from the face to the man lock as high in the tunnel as practicable, with at least 6 feet of head room. Walkways shall be constructed of noncombustible material. Standard railings shall be securely installed throughout the length of all walkways on open sides in accordance with Subpart M of this part. Where walkways are ramped under safety screens, the walkway surface shall be skidproofed by cleats or by equivalent means.


Bulkheads used to contain compressed air shall be tested, where practicable, to prove their ability to resist the highest air pressure which may be expected to be used.

[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, 1979, as amended at 47 FR 14696, 14706, Apr. 6, 1982; 51 FR 25318, July 11, 1986; 61 FR 5507, Feb. 13, 1996]

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