Hoyer Statement on Expedited Port Projects

WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on President Obama's executive order expediting seven infrastructure projects to expand and modernize five major ports across the country:

“Infrastructure is critical to attracting manufacturing businesses and improving U.S. economic competitiveness, which is why I’m pleased that President Obama announced that projects modernizing and expanding five major ports will be expedited.  Upgrading our port and freight infrastructure is a central component of House Democrats’ Make It In America jobs plan, with a number of bills aimed at helping manufacturers more easily move their goods to market and revitalizing our aging port and freight facilities. 

“I commend President Obama for taking this step in the absence of action by this Do-Nothing Congress.  Republicans in control of the House have failed to demonstrate leadership when it comes to job creation or growing our economy.  The limited actions the President is authorized to take cannot on their own produce the gains we need to recover our economy and lay the groundwork for a strong future.  That’s why Congress has a responsibility and an urgency to act.  I call on Republicans in Congress to work with Democrats to pass Make It In America legislation so we can stop shipping jobs overseas and instead export the products we manufacture and grow here.”  
