
Veterans want real policy, not just politics, from this election

Veterans are emerging as a significant political force this year because of their numbers, sacrifice, public popularity and the government's need to plan for serving troops returning from the Middle East as fighting winds down.

12:49 October 13, 2012

'Jungle skippers' mark anniversary at Fort Benning

When 11 paratroopers dressed in vintage World War II uniforms jumped from a low-flying C-47 aircraft Friday at Fort Benning, the scene brought back memories for former pilot Ted Machen, a member of the 317th Troop Carrier Group. "It reminded me of old times," Machen said.

13:17 October 13, 2012

Iraq War vets applying tech skills they learned to their Iowa business

Perry Graham’s blue National Guard uniform hangs at the ready from a shelf while Jake Long’s hangs on a nearby doorknob at their cell phone repair business. At any moment, one or both of these 29-year-old Iraq War veterans could be called upon to help bury a U.S. veteran.

13:11 October 13, 2012



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