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OSHA's Fire Safety Advisor is interactive expert software. It will help you understand and apply OSHA's Fire Safety related standards. You can use this Advisor online, or download it and run it in the Windows environment.

It addresses OSHA's general industry standards for fire safety and emergency evacuation (Subpart E, 29CFR1910.36, 37, and 38). It also addresses OSHA standards for firefighting, fire suppression and fire detection systems and equipment (Subpart L, 29CFR1910.156 through 165).

This expert software will interview you about your building, work practices, and policies at the facility, to determine whether and how OSHA's Fire Safety standards may apply.

The Fire Safety Advisor 1.0:
  • asks you about workplace conditions, practices, and policies,
  • analyzes your answers with expert decision-logic,
  • alerts you to fire safety hazards,
  • points out applicable OSHA standards,
  • tells you what aspects of these standards apply to your situation,
  • helps you conduct detailed compliance reviews,
  • helps you write customized "Emergency Action Plans" and "Fire Prevention Plans,"
  • shows you pop-up (hypertext) definitions of keywords and phrases,
  • gives you reformatted and very readable copy of the regulations, and other help.
The software is distributed from the OSHA Web site as a single archive file, FSA.ZIP. This is a large file (2.3 mb) because it is a Windows program. It will take about 11 minutes to download with a 28,800 baud modem. We suggest that you copy this file into a TEMPORARY subdirectory named C:\TEMPFSA.

Download the OSHA Fire Safety Advisor*  

After copying the program distribution file to C:\TEMPFSA:
  1. Use Windows File Manager to browse to C:\TEMPFSA, select FSA.ZIP, and double click to extract the file FSA.EXE from it and place it in the same directory. (Note: you must have an archive program which will decompress the ZIP archive. If you do not have a decompression program installed on your computer, there are several free or low cost programs which may be downloaded from the Internet.)
  2. Then double click on FSA.EXE to install the software on your computer.
  3. Once you have installed the Fire Safety Advisor, you may safely delete the file FSA.ZIP. FSA.EXE may also be deleted, but it is recommended that it be kept so that you may reinstall the advisor, if necessary. 
The Fire Safety Advisor program will then be available on your computer by selecting Start/Programs/OSHASOFT/Fire Safety Expert Advisor/Fire Safety Expert Advisor.

OSHA invited the public to download, test, and comment on this tool during its development. We used those comments to make this Expert Advisor a better tool for the public.

The Fire Safety Advisor 1.0 was developed as a joint effort of OSHA staff: Mike Moore, Jens Svenson and Edward Stern; and OSHA's attorney Orlando Pannocchia. It was programmed by Ronald Bird of DynCorp with the assistance of Alex Botkin of CONSAD Research Corporation.

If you have a problem with, or a suggestion for, the software, contact: Edward Stern.

If you have safety or health problems in your workplace, please contact your local OSHA Area Office or OSHA Consultation Program Office.

Accessibility Assistance: Contact the OSHA Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Management at (202) 693-2300 for assistance accessing ZIP materials.

*These files are provided for downloading.