Office for Victims of Crime
Community-level Replication Guide
 September 2012 Text size: decrease font size increase font size   Send e-mail icon

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Step 3. Developing a Strategic Plan
Devise a Written Plan

Consider presenting the plan in an easy-to-read table format (see Sample Strategic Plan Excerpt below), and make sure that it does the following (adapted from McNamara, 2008):

Sample Strategic Plan Excerpt

Major Strategies Success
Timeframe Responsible Party Performance Measurements

Crime victims with disabilities will have knowledge about local crime victim services.

Increase awareness of victim services, including domestic violence and sexual assault centers, among persons with disabilities through a series of educational classes.

Persons with disabilities will access victim services resources.

Year 1

Program director

Numbers of classes on personal safety, persons with disabilities reached, and persons with disabilities contacting the victim services organization to request services.

  • Establish the goal. This is what you will actually achieve. Goals are general statements about what you need to accomplish, and they address the major gaps and barriers identified during your needs assessment.
  • Identify your major strategies (mission statement). These statements describe the goal of your project in more detail.
  • Identify the success indicator or results you would like to achieve.
  • Set your timeframe for these goals. The timeline can be as specific as the first 3 months or as broad as the first year.
  • Identify the responsible parties—the staff members or project partners responsible for each task.
  • Identify performance measurements. These indicate what the project is accomplishing and whether results are being achieved. These activities and objectives will flow directly into your evaluation plan.

When the group has developed the plan, partners can ask themselves the following questions:

tipsTips From the Field

Family Crisis Services recommends doing multiple revisions of the strategic plan, editing it along the way to state achievable goals. Focus on realistic goals to help move your project forward, complete the plan as early as you can, and don’t be afraid to revise it.
  • Are the ideas practical?
  • Will the solutions likely be effective?
  • Are the strategies feasible?
  • Will the plan likely be accepted by everyone involved, including other community stakeholders?

Devising a plan that all the partners can agree on may take some discussion. Your group may have to renegotiate, compromise, and reeducate each other. During the process, keep as your touchstone the common agreement to address the needs uncovered during the community needs assessment.