U.S. Copyright Office
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Listed below are reports and studies issued by the U.S. Copyright Office.

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Annual Reports

More older reports

Strategic Plans

Rulemaking Proceedings

See the complete record of various rulemakings that involve solicitation of comments from interested parties, roundtable discussions, reply comments, and hearings.

Other Reports

  • Federal Copyright Protection for Pre-1972 Sound Recordings (December 2011) PDF
  • Legal Issues in Mass Digitization: A Preliminary Analysis and Discussion Document (October 2011) PDF
  • Report on Marketplace Alternatives to Replace Statutory Licenses (August 29, 2011) PDF
  • Analysis and Proposed Copyright Fee Adjustments to Go into Effect on or about August 1, 2009 PDF
  • Copyright Cost Study and Fee Recommendations (September 30, 2008) PDF
  • Section 109 Study on the Cable and Satellite Statutory Licenses under the Copyright Act Webpage
  • Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act Section 109 Report (June 2008) PDF
  • Analysis and Proposed Copyright Fee Adjustments to Go into Effect on or about July 1, 2007 (February 2007) PDF
  • Rulemaking on Anticircumvention (2005—2006) Webpage
  • Analysis and Proposed Copyright Fee Schedule to Go into Effect July 1, 2006 (March 2006) PDF
  • SHVERA (Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization) §110 Report (February 2006) Webpage
  • Orphan Works Report (January 2006) Webpage
  • Vessel Hull Design Protection Act: Overview and Analysis (November 2003) PDF
    Appendices PDF
  • Rulemaking on Anticircumvention (2002—2003) Webpage
  • Analysis and Proposed Copyright Fee Schedule to Go into Effect July 1, 2002 (February 2002) PDF
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act §104 Study (August 2001) Text
  • Rulemaking on Anticircumvention (1999—2000) Webpage
  • Joint Study on Encryption Research (May 2000) Webpage
  • Copyright Office Study on Distance Education (May 1999) Webpage
  • Analysis and Proposed Copyright Fee Schedule for July 1, 1999 (February 1, 1999) PDF
  • Proposed Copyright Office Fee Schedule Sent to Congress (February 1, 1999) PDF
  • Copyright Cost Study and Fee Recommendations (March 1998) PDF
  • Project Looking Forward - Sketching the Future of Copyright in a Network World (July 1998) PDF
  • A Review of the Copyright Licensing Regimes Covering Retransmission of Broadcast Signals (August 1997)
        Executive Summary PDF
        Report PDF
  • Report on Legal Protection for Databases (August 1997)
        Executive Summary PDF
        Report PDF, Text
        Appendices PDF
  • Waiver of Moral Rights in Visual Artworks report (October 1996)
        Executive Summary Text
  • Report on Computer Software Rental Act (September 1994) Text
  • Advisory Committee On Copyright Registration And Deposit (ACCORD) 1993 PDF File size: 18 MB
  • Droit De Suite: The Artist's Resale Royalty (December 1992) PDF
  • The Cable and Satellite Carrier Compulsory Licenses: An Overview and Analysis (March 1992) PDF
  • The Report on Works of Architecture (June 1989) PDF
  • Library Reproduction of Copyrighted Works 1988 PDF
  • Library Reproduction of Copyrighted Works 1983 PDF
  • Performance Rights In Sound Recordings (1978) PDF

Historical Documents Archive of annual reports, biographies of past Registers of Copyrights, and Copyright Lore