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Nobel Prize Winners

The following table displays Nobel Prize winners with a connection to the 8th congressional district of Massachusetts, arranged by year.


Year Field   Name Local Connection
2011 Physics   Saul Perlmutter Harvard, AB
2011 Physics   Adam G. Riess MIT; Harvard Ph.D
2011 Physics   Brian Schmidt Harvard, PhD
2011 Medicine shared Ralph M. Steinman Harvard Medical School
2011 Peace shared Ellen Johnson Sirleaf MPA, JFK School, Harvard
2011 Economics   Thomas J. Sargent Harvard, PhD
2011 Economics   Christopher A. Sims Harvard, AB, PhD
2010 Economics shared Peter A. Diamond MIT-Ph.D and serves as an Institute Professor
2009 Chemistry shared Thomas A. Steitz Harvard-Ph.D in biochemistry and molecular biology
2009 Physiology/Medicine shared Jack W. Szostak Harvard
2009 Physiology/Medicine   Elizabeth H. Blackburn Honorary Doctorate of Science from Harvard
2009 Peace   Barack H. Obama Harvard- J.D.
2009 Economics shared Oliver E. Williamson MIT-undergraduate degree in management
2008 Chemistry shared Roger Y. Tsien Harvard-undergrad degree in chemistry and physics
2008 Chemistry shared Martin Chalfie Harvard-undergrad degree in biochemistry
2008 Economics   Paul Krugman MIT-Ph.D
2007 Physiology/Medicine shared Mario R. Capecchi Harvard-Ph.D in biophysics, assistant and associate professor at Harvard Medical School 1969-1973
2007 Peace shared Al Gore Harvard-undergraduate degree in government
2007 Economics shared Roger B. Myerson Harvard-undergrad degree in applied mathematics
2007 Economics shared Eric S. Maskin taught at MIT from 1977-1984) (taught at Harvard from 1985-2000
2006 Physics shared George F. Smoot MIT-Undergrad degree in math and physics and Ph.D in particle physics
2006 Chemistry   Roger D. Kornberg Harvard-Undergrad degree in chemistry
2006 Physiology/Medicine shared Craig C. Mello Harvard-Ph.D
2006 Physiology/Medicine shared Andrew Z. Fire MIT-Ph.D in biology
2005 Chemistry shared Richard R. Schrock MIT Professor of Chemistry
2005 Economics shared Thomas C. Schelling Harvard Professor Emeritus of Economics
2005 Physics shared Roy J. Glauber Harvard Professor of Physics
2004 Chemistry shared Aaron Ciechanover MIT Post Doctoral researcher 1981-84
2004 Physics shared H. David Politzer Harvard PhD 1974
2004 Physics shared Frank Wiczek MIT Professor of Physics
2004 Physiology/Medicine shared Linda B. Buck Professor at Harvard Medical School from 1991-2002
2003 Chemistry shared Robert McKinnon Undergraduate Student at UMass-Boston for a year and studied at Tufts School of Medicine and at Beth Israel Hospital
2003 Economics shared Robert Engle MIT Professor of Economics 1969-77
2002 Chemistry shared William S. Knowles Undergraduate Degree from Harvard University with a major in Chemistry
2002 Physics shared Robert Giacconi Harvard Professor of Astronomy 1973-1982
2002 Physiology/Medicine shared H. Robert Horowitz MIT Professor of Biology, MIT B.Sc. 1968
2001 Chemistry shared K. Barry Sharpless MIT Professor of Chemistry 1970-77, 1980-90
2001 Economics shared George A. Akerlof MIT PhD 1966
2001 Economics shared A. Michael Spence Harvard PhD 1972, Professor and Dean of Faculty for College of Arts and Sciences from 1984-1990
2001 Economics shared Joseph E. Stiglitz MIT Phd 1966
2001 Peace shared Kofi Annan MIT M.Sc. 1972
2001 Physics shared Carl E. Wieman MIT B.Sc. 1973
2001 Physics shared Wolfgang Ketterle MIT Professor of Physics
2001 Physics shared Eric A. Cornell MIT PhD 1990
2001 Physiology/Medicine shared Leland H. Hartwell MIT PhD 1964
2000 Economics shared Daniel L. McFadden MIT Professor of Economics 1978-91
2000 Physiology/Medicine shared Eric R. Kandel Resident in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School 1960-64, staff psychiatrist 1964-65
1999 Economics   Robert A. Mundell MIT PhD 1956
1998 Economics shared Amartya Sen Harvard and Boston University Professor of Economics
1998 Physics shared Robert B. Laughlin MIT PhD 1976 and researcher at MIT Magnate Lab
1998 Physics shared Horst L Stormer Researcher at MIT magnet Lab
1998 Physics shared Daniel C. Tsui Researcher at MIT magnet Lab
1997 Economics shared Robert C. Merton Harvard Professor of Business Administration and MIT Professor of Management 1970-88, MIT PhD 1970
1997 Economics shared Myron S. Scholes MIT Professor of Management 1968-1973
1997 Physics shared William D. Phillips MIT PhD 1976
1996 Chemistry shared Robert F. Curl Held a post-doctoral position at Harvard for several years
1996 Physics shared David M. Lee Harvard Undergraduate degree in Physics
1995 Chemistry shared Mario J. Molina MIT Institute Professor, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences / Chemistry 1989-04
1995 Literature   Seamus Heaney Harvard Ralph Waldo Emerson poet in Residence
1994 Economics shared John Forbes Nash Jr. MIT Professor of Mathematics 1951-59
1994 Physics shared Clifford G. Shull MIT Professor Emeritus (deceased)
1993 Economics shared Douglass C. North Was born in and spent elementary years in Cambridge
1993 Physiology/Medicine shared Richard J. Roberts Taught at various times at Harvard University and Harvard Medical School
1993 Physiology/Medicine shared Phillip A. Sharp MIT Institute Professor, Biology
1992 Literature   Derek Wolcott Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at Boston University
1990 Chemistry   Elias J. Corey Jr. Harvard Professor of Organic Chemistry and MIT B.Sc. 1948, PhD 1951, Professor of Physics (deceased)
1990 Chemistry shared Thomas R. Cech MIT post doctoral researcher 1975-76
1990 Economics shared Merton H. Miller Born in Boston and attended Harvard University for Undergraduate and Law degrees
1990 Economics shared William F. Sharpe Born in Boston
1990 Physics shared Jerome I. Friedman MIT Institute Professor Physics
1990 Physics shared Harry W. Kendall MIT B.Sc. 1948, PhD 1951, Professor of Physics (deceased)
1990 Physiology/Medicine shared Joseph E. Murray Attended Harvard Medical School, Works or worked at Brigham's and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Professor
1990 Physiology/Medicine shared E. Donnall Thomas MIT postdoctoral researcher 1950
1989 Chemistry shared Sidney Altman MIT B.Sc. 1960
1989 Physics   Norman F. Ramsey Harvard Professor of Physics and leader, fundamental development group, MIT Radiation laboratory 1940-42
1989 Physiology/Medicine shared J. Michael Bishop Attended Harvard Medical School, Worked at Mass General Hospital
1989 Physiology/Medicine shared Harold E. Varmus Attended Harvard University for graduate studies on the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Program
1988 Physics shared Jack Steinberger MIT Radiation Laboratory 1943-45
1988 Physiology/Medicine shared George H. Hitchings Attended Harvard University for graduate studies, professor at Both Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School
1987 Chemistry shared Charles J. Pedersen MIT M.Sc. 1927 (deceased)
1987 Economics   Robert M. Solow MIT Institute Professor, Economics
1987 Physiology/Medicine shared Susumu Tonegawa MIT Professor of Biology
1986 Chemistry shared Dudley R. Herschbach Harvard Professor of Chemistry
1986 Peace   Elie Wiesel Has been a professor of humanities at Boston University since 1976
1985 Economics   Franco Modigliani MIT Institute Professor Emeritus, Management, Economics (deceased)
1985 Peace shared Eric S. Chivian one of 7 founders of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, retired MIT Psychiatrist, Medical Department
1985 Peace shared Bernard Lown one of 7 founders of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Harvard Professor
1985 Physiology/Medicine shared Michael S. Brown Spent several years as both an intern and resident at Mass. General Hospital
1985 Physiology/Medicine shared Joseph L. Goldstein Intern and Resident in Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital (1966-68).
1984 Physics shared Carlo Rubbia Harvard Professor
1982 Physics   Kennth G. Wilson Spent Middle School years at private school in Cambridge and Harvard Undergraduate degree in Mathematics
1981 Chemistry shared Ronald Hoffman Received PhD from Harvard in 1962
Physics   David Hubel
1981 Economics   James Tobin Undergraduate Degree from Harvard also did some graduate studies there as well
1981 Physics shared Nicolaas Bloembergen Harvard Professor and grad student
1981 Physiology/Medicine shared David Hubel Harvard Professor of Biology and Microbiology, won with
1981 Physiology/Medicine shared Torsten Wiesel Harvard Professor of Neurobiology
1981 Physiology/Medicine shared Roger W. Sperry Performed Post Doctoral Research and was a Biology Research Fellow At Harvard University
1980 Chemistry shared Walter Gilbert Harvard Professor
1980 Economics   Lawrence R. Klein MIT PhD 1944
1980 Physiology/Medicine shared Baruj Benacerraf Harvard Professor of Comparative Pathology
1979 Physics shared Sheldon Glashow Harvard and Boston University Professor of Physics
1979 Physics shared Steven Weinberg Professor at MIT 1967-73 and Professor at Harvard
1979 Physiology/Medicine shared Allan M. Cormack Professor at Tufts University late 1950's-late 1970's, chairman of Physics dept. from 68-76
1977 Physics shared John H. Van Vleck Harvard Professor (deceased)
1976 Chemistry   William Lipscomb Harvard Professor of Chemistry (deceased)
1976 Literature   Saul Bellow Professor Emeritus of English at Boston University (deceased)
1976 Physics shared Samuel C.C. Ting MIT Professor of Physics
1976 Physics shared Burton Richter MIT B.Sc. 1952, PhD 1956
1976 Physiology/Medicine shared D. Carleton Gajdusek Attended Harvard Medical School and worked at Boston Children's Hospital
1975 Physics shared Ben R. Mottleson Harvard University Graduate studies and PhD
1975 Physiology/Medicine shared David Baltimore MIT post doctoral research, MIT Professor of Biology 1968-90, 1994-97
1973 Chemistry shared Geoffrey Wilkinson MIT research associate, 1950 (deceased)
1973 Economics   Wesley Leontief Harvard Professor of Economics
1973 Peace   Henry Kissinger Attended Harvard University for Undergraduate Degree
1972 Chemistry shared Christian Anfinsen Received PhD from Harvard in 1943, also was an instructor and Assistant. Professor at Harvard Medical School
1972 Chemistry shared William H. Stein Received an undergraduate degree from Harvard in 1933, with a major in Chemistry
1972 Economics shared Kenneth J. Arrow Harvard Professor
1972 Physics shared John Bardeen Was a Junior Fellow of the Society of Fellows at Harvard University while doing Graduate work at Princeton University
1972 Physics shared John Robert Schrieffer MIT B.Sc. 1953
1972 Physiology/Medicine shared Gerald M. Edelman Was a Medical House Officer at Massachusetts General Hospital
1971 Economics   Simon Kuznets Harvard Professor (deceased)
1970 Economics   Paul A. Samuelson MIT Institute Professor Emeritus, Economics
1969 Physics   Murray Gell-Mann MIT PhD 1951
1969 Physiology/Medicine shared Salvador E. Luria MIT Professor of Biology (deceased)
1968 Physics   Luis W. Alvarez head of special systems, MIT Radiation Laboratory WW II (deceased)
1968 Physiology/Medicine shared Har Gobind Khorana MIT Professor of Biology and Chemistry
1967 Physics   Hans A Bethe MIT Radiation Laboratory WW II
1967 Physiology/Medicine shared George Wald Harvard Professor (deceased)
1966 Chemistry   Robert S. Mulliken MIT B.Sc. 1917 (deceased)
1966 Physiology/Medicine shared Charles B. Huggins Earned MD from Harvard University in 1924
1965 Chemistry   Robert Burns Woodward Harvard Professor and MIT B.Sc. 1936 (deceased)
1965 Physics shared Richard P. Feynman MIT, B.Sc., (deceased)
1965 Physics shared Jullian Schwinger Harvard Professor, MIT Radiation Lab WW II, (deceased)
1964 Peace   Martin Luther King Completed his residence for the doctorate in 1953 and receiving the degree in 1955 at Boston University
1964 Physics shared Robert H. Townes MIT Provost 1961-66
1964 Physiology/Medicine shared Konrad E. Bloch Harvard Professor (deceased)
1962 Physiology/Medicine shared James D. Watson Harvard Professor
1961 Physiology/Medicine   Georg Von Bekesy Harvard Professor (deceased)
1959 Physics shared Owen Chamberlain Served as Loeb Lecturer at Harvard for year of 1959
1958 Physiology/Medicine shared George Beadle Was an assistant professor of genetics at Harvard University in late 1930's
1956 Physics shared John Bardeen Served as Junior Fellow of the Society of Fellows at Harvard University from 1935-1938
1956 Physics shared William Shockley MIT PhD 1936 (deceased)
1955 Physics shared Willis E. Lamb Served as Loeb Lecturer at Harvard for 1953-54
1954 Physiology/Medicine shared Thomas H. Weller Harvard Professor of Tropical Public Health
1954 Physiology/Medicine shared John F. Enders Harvard Professor (deceased)
1954 Physiology/Medicine shared Frederick C. Robbins Attended Harvard Med School and was Harvard Professor
1953 Peace   George C. Marshall At Harvard Commencement in 1947, General Marshall urged generous aid for post-war Europe, a policy history calls "The Marshall Plan"
1953 Physiology/Medicine shared Fritz A. Lipmann Harvard Professor (deceased)
1952 Physics shared Edward M. Purcell Harvard Professor and MIT Radiation Laboratory WW II (deceased)
1951 Chemistry shared Edwin M. McMillan Staff MIT Radiation Laboratory 1940-41 (deceased)
1951 Physiology/Medicine   Max Theller Employed as and assistant and then as an instructor at Harvard Medical school (1922-1930)
1950 Peace   Ralph J. Bunche Masters Degree from Harvard and Harvard Professor (deceased)
1948 Literature   T.S. Eliot Attended Harvard University for BA and MA Degrees
1947 Peace   Henry J. Cadbury Chairman of American Friends Service Committee and Harvard Professor
1946 Chemistry shared James B. Sumner Attended High School at Roxbury Latin, and majored in Chemistry at Harvard
1946 Peace   Emily Grenne Balch Was born in and spent childhood and teenage years in Boston
1946 Physics   Percy W. Bridgeman Received three degrees from Harvard and was Harvard Professor
1944 Physics   Isidor Isaac Rabi MIT Radiation Laboratory 1940-45 (deceased)
1944 Physiology/Medicine shared Edward A, Doisy Received PhD Degree from Harvard University in 1920
1936 Literature   Eugene O'Neill Attended classes at Harvard University
1934 Physiology/Medicine shared William P. Murphy Harvard Professor
1934 Physiology/Medicine shared George Minot Harvard Professor
1914 Chemistry   T.W. Richards Graduate Student at Harvard University and also Harvard University Professor
1906 Peace   Theodore Roosevelt Attended Harvard University for Undergraduate Degree


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