The following files are scanned versions of HPI Reports, 16 Oct 2012 20:11:52 GMT7201Q 1998 House Price Index 29, 1998: 1Q 1998 House Price IndexFri, 29 May 1998 04:00:00 GMT10154Q 1997 House Price Index 27, 1998: 4Q 1997 House Price IndexFri, 27 Feb 1998 05:00:00 GMT9183Q 1997 House Price Index 3, 1997: 3Q 1997 House Price IndexWed, 03 Dec 1997 05:00:00 GMT9192Q 1997 House Price Index 2, 1997: 2Q 1997 House Price IndexTue, 02 Sep 1997 04:00:00 GMT9201Q 1997 House Price Index 2, 1997: 1Q 1997 House Price IndexMon, 02 Jun 1997 04:00:00 GMT9214Q 1996 House Price Index 10, 1997: 4Q 1996 House Price IndexMon, 10 Mar 1997 04:00:00 GMT9223Q 1996 House Price Index 25, 1996: 3Q 1996 House Price IndexMon, 25 Nov 1996 05:00:00 GMT9232Q 1996 House Price Index 29, 1996: 2Q 1996 House Price IndexThu, 29 Aug 1996 04:00:00 GMT9241Q 1996 House Price Index 17, 1996: 1Q 1996 House Price IndexFri, 17 May 1996 04:00:00 GMT9254Q 1995 House Price Index 21, 1996: 4Q 1995 House Price IndexThu, 21 Mar 1996 04:00:00 GMT926