Executive Compensation Links

Information regarding executive compensation oversight is set forth in the Enterprises’ Form 10-K SEC annual filings.   

Select respective links below for details on Executive Compensation for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

(Excerpted from full 10-Ks) 

NEW - March 9, 2011 - FHFA Announces New Conservatorship Scorecard for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; Reduces Executive Compensation

The Enterprises submitted reports to Congress on their 2010 executive pay:

The targeted executive compensation paid to senior executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is established after consideration of private sector pay comparability reviews prepared by outside pay consultants retained by the boards of directors and by FHFA, and in consultation by FHFA with the Treasury Department’s Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation.  Private sector executive compensation among large, complex financial institutions typically far exceeds that paid by federal agencies involved in housing finance.  For reference, by law the presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed Director of FHFA receives $179,700 annual salary while the presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed leaders of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) receive $155,500 annually under the current Executive Schedule.  The law provides that career executives at FHFA receive compensation comparable to executives at certain other federal financial regulatory agencies; currently the maximum such annual salary permitted at FHFA is $255,000.  At FHA and Ginnie Mae, the maximum annual salary paid to career executives is $179,700.  This topic and other issues in Enterprise compensation are described more fully in the Statement of Acting Director Edward J. DeMarco, Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (11/16/11).

For the Federal Home Loan Banks, click on the link below.  Or, enter the link in the URL line of your browser.   
At the “company name line” enter the words, “Federal Home Loan Bank”.

Additional information on the oversight of Executive Compensation is reported in the FHFA’s Annual Reports to Congress. 
These reports may be accessed by clicking on the links below to access details for the period before conservatorship (pre-2008)
and under-conservatorship (2008 and after).