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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

CONTACT: Jim Feaster
Phone: 202-606-7507


Funding Available to Administer Child Care Payments for AmeriCorps Members


Washington, DC - The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced the availability of an approximately $6 million grant to an organization that will administer the payments for child care for approximately 1,800 eligible AmeriCorps members.

The selected organization will also be responsible for providing training and technical assistance as requested for members, grantees, and state service commissions. Child care benefits are available to full-time members of AmeriCorps serving with sponsors whose members are supported by AmeriCorps State and National grants.

Applicants must be knowledgeable and have demonstrated expertise in analyzing the Department of Health and Human Services’ Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant (CCDFBG) program and administering payments for child care pursuant to these requirements. The Corporation wants to ensure that all eligible organizations are able to compete on an equal basis for federal financial assistance. Public or private non-profit organizations of all types, as well as commercial entities, are eligible to apply for funding. Applicants must demonstrate substantial institutional knowledge of the CCDFBG and of the designated lead agencies in each state.

The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Sept. 12, 2006. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit applications electronically The 2006 Child Care Application Instructions and other relevant material are also available to the Corporation’s website at The TDD number is (202) 606-3471. Upon request, this information will be made available in alternative formats for persons with disabilities.

The Corporation will make awards for a period not to exceed three years funded incrementally on an annual basis, subject to performance compliance and availability of appropriations. Selections made under this notice will be announced by December 2006.

The Corporation for National and Community Service improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Providing service opportunities for millions of Americans of all ages and backgrounds, Corporation programs include Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America. For more information, visit


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