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Your Responsibilities as a Grantee or Sponsoring Organization


Once you receive AmeriCorps resources, you have specific responsibilities. Your program provisions mandate how you must use your funds, report on program activities, and comply with additional requirements.

Federal Financial Management and Grant Administration Requirements

As with all federal grant programs, it is the responsibility of all grantees funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service to ensure appropriate stewardship of federal funds entrusted to them. Under our regulations, each grantee must maintain financial management systems that provide accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the financial results of its program. To meet this requirement, you must have adequate accounting practices and procedures, internal controls, audit trails, and cost allocation procedures. OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations, requires all organizations to have financial audits if they annually expend $500,000 or more under federal awards. This requirement applies to the organization’s total expenditures each fiscal year under all of its federal awards, not just an AmeriCorps grant.

Civil Rights/Equal Opportunity Requirements

As with all federal grant programs, you must ensure that your programs or activities, including those of any sub-grantees, will be conducted, and facilities operated, in compliance with the applicable civil rights statutes and their implementing regulations. You must obtain assurances of such compliance prior to extending federal financial assistance to sub-grantees. For civil rights purposes, all programs and projects funded or receiving service members under the National and Community Service Act, as amended, are programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. Please see Civil Rights/Equal Opportunity policies, guidance, and requirements.

For Additional Information About Your Responsibilities



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