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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Subject: Memo: Interim Recreational Trails Program Guidance

// Original signed by //
Cynthia J. Burbank
Program Manager, Planning and Environment

Division Administrators
Federal Lands Highway Program Administrator

Date: April 1, 1999

Reply to: HEPH-30

The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) authorized the Recreational Trails Program as a Federal-aid highway program and codified it in 23 U.S.C. 206. The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) replaced the National Recreational Trails Funding Program.

Contract authority funding was provided for all 6 years of TEA-21:

  • FY 1998: $30 million
  • FY 1999: $40 million
  • FY 2000 - 2003: $50 million annually.

We are issuing interim program guidance for the RTP (attached). The program guidance dated May 7, 1996, and supplemental guidance dated January 15, 1997, remain in effect for funds allocated under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 and the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995. This interim guidance supersedes all previous guidance for funds made available under TEA-21, including FY 1998 funds allocated prior to the enactment of TEA-21. Further information on some program-related issues (such as accessibility standards and non-highway recreational fuel use) will be provided later in 1999.

The RTP guidance is arranged by program-related topics. It includes a table of contents and an index to allow for easy reference.

The RTPfunds are apportioned to the States. Federal agencies and Indian tribes may sponsor projects through applications to the States.

If you have further questions regarding the Recreational Trails Program, please contact Christopher B Douwes at 202-366-5013.


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Recreational Trails Program Interim Guidance PDF (251 KB)

Updated: 03/30/2012
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