Congressman Howard Berman - Representing the 28th District of California

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groundbreaking for the 405 freeway northbound carpool lane

Congressman Berman speaks at the groundbreaking for the 405 freeway northbound carpool lane as Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa and California Governor Schwarzenegger look on. The groundbreaking is the culmination of years of work by Rep. Berman, who obtained significant federal funding for this project, which is critical to relieving congestion on the 405.

How can I help?

If you are a constituent of the 28th Congressional District of California, our office can assist you with matters involving Federal agencies. We also provide for visitors to Washington, DC, and can arrange to have a flag flown for you over the U.S. Capitol building.

If you are in need of government assistance, but are unsure where to go for information on how to apply, may be the answer. It reduces the amount of research needed to take advantage of government benefits programs by providing information only on those programs most likely to benefit each individual.

Constituents complete a confidential questionnaire and matches their request with the appropriate benefit programs, and provides application information. It contains a wide variety of information on such topics as Medicaid/Medicare, small business loans, scholarships, and disaster relief, to name a few.


Congressman Howard Berman's internship program can offer students and recent college graduates the tremendously rewarding experience of learning about the functions of the House of Representatives, as well as the Congressman's role in representing Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley (California's 28th Congressional District).

An internship with Congressman Berman presents a variety of opportunities to participate in the daily operations of a Congressional office, either in the Washington, D.C. office or the District Office in Van Nuys. Preference will be given to residents of the district.

General intern responsibilities include:

  • Answering telephones
  • Data entry
  • Referring letters sent by other Members' constituents
  • Responding to constituent requests
  • Attending Congressional hearings (DC only)
  • Assisting with special projects, including legislative research
  • Assisting with constituent casework (CA only)
  • Other miscellaneous tasks, as required

In the busy atmosphere of a Congressional office, it is important that interns possess a mature, professional manner. A well-organized person who is able to take initiative, follow instructions, perform well under pressure, and relate well to others is valued in this fast-paced office. Additionally, interns in the Washington, D.C. office must have completed at least one year of college.

Required skills:

  • Effective and professional phone manner
  • Computer experience
  • Good typing ability
  • Punctuality
  • Good attention to detail
  • Ability to follow instructions
  • Ability to complete tasks efficiently and thoroughly

There is no application deadline. Interns are accepted throughout the year in both offices. However, please keep in mind that summer is a very popular time for internships and there is a limit to the number of interns that may work in the office at any given time. Applicants should also note that summer internships generally require a full-time, 5-day per week commitment.

Application Process

To apply for an internship, applicants must submit a resume and a letter of interest outlining why they wish to be an intern and the dates and days they are available to work.

Applications for internships should be submitted to:

Congressman Howard L. Berman
Attention: Bethany Bryski
2221 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Year-round internships are available in the District Office to high school seniors and graduates, and college and graduate students living or attending school in or near the 28th District.

Applications for District Office internships should be submitted to:

Congressman Howard L. Berman
Attention: Gina Reyes
14546 Hamlin Street, Suite 202
Van Nuys, CA 91411

Should you have any further questions regarding our Congressional intern program, you may write to the above addresses or call Bethany Bryski (DC) at (202) 225-4695 or Gina Reyes (CA) at (818) 994-7200.

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Congressman Howard Berman
2221 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-4695 Fax: 202-225-3196
Hours: 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. EST, Mon-Fri
Congressman Howard Berman
14546 Hamlin Street, Suite 202
Van Nuys, CA 91411
Phone: 818-994-7200 Fax: 818-994-1050
Hours: 9 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. PST, Mon-Fri
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