Campaign : Application of the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) to Study the Aerosol Indirect Effects in China

2008.05.15 - 2008.12.29

Website :

Lead Scientist : Zhanqing Li

For data sets, see below.


Aerosols in China have exceptionally high loading and diverse properties whose influence has been detected across the Pacific Rim. The rapid pace of changes in the atmospheric environment over China provides a natural testbed for identifying and quantifying the climatic effects of aerosols. Preliminary analyses of multiple satellite datasets (MODIS, TMI, TRMM) indicate more complex and unique aerosol indirect effects than what is found in relatively cleaner environments. Unfortunately, China is one of the least observed regions, especially in terms of aerosol and cloud properties. To verify the satellite findings and gain a deeper understanding requires either in-situ measurements or independent ground-based remote sensing data or ideally both. To this end, the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) was deployed in China in 2008 to enhance observation capability of a funded project to achieve the following goals:

Acquisition of essential cloud, aerosol and meteorological parameters using the ARM mobile facility to validate satellite-based findings;

Use of AMF measurements together with validated satellite retrievals and in-situ data to understand the mechanisms of the aerosol indirect effects in the region;

Examination of the roles of aerosols in affecting regional climate and atmospheric circulation with a special focus on the impact of the East Asian monsoon system.

The following scientific hypotheses were put to test through the AMF deployment in China:

Aerosols play a major role in the inconsistent results from rain remote sensing;

Aerosol loading in China is so heavy that it significantly affects the dynamics of the monsoon system;

Aerosol types and meteorological conditions in China are so diverse that have distinct climatic effects.

To test these hypotheses required AMF, satellite and aircraft observations of the following variables:

aerosol optical (optical depth, single scattering albedo, etc.), microphysical (size distribution) and chemical (composition) properties , as well as vertical profiles;

cloud properties (cloud fraction, cloud optical depth, cloud liquid water path, location of cloud layers, cloud phase, etc.);

radiative quantities (total broadband and narrowband spectral radiances and irradiances, direct and diffuse irradiances);

thermodynamic and dynamical properties (e.g., atmospheric soundings and cloud updraft velocities).

The area chosen was the Yangtze delta region in southeast China, the center of the satellite rainfall retrieval anomaly and also the region where the aerosol optical depth distribution in China is maximal. One of our established baseline climate observatories is situated in the region. Continuous measurements have been made for some of the key variables listed above for nearly a year prior thanks to the excellent logistical and scientific support provided by personnel at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Routine Operations Data Sets

Instrument Archived Data
AERI Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer
Order Data
AOS Aerosol Observing System
Order Data
CCN Cloud Condensation Nuclei Particle Counter
Order Data
CSPHOT Cimel Sunphotometer
Order Data
ECOR Eddy Correlation Flux Measurement System
Order Data
GNDRAD Ground Radiometers on Stand for Upwelling Radiation
Order Data
MET Surface Meteorological Instrumentation
Order Data
MFRSR Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer
Order Data
MPL Micropulse Lidar
Order Data
MWR Microwave Radiometer
Order Data
MWRHF Microwave Radiometer - High Frequency
Order Data
MWRP Microwave Radiometer Profiler
Order Data
NFOV Narrow Field of View Zenith Radiometer
Order Data
RAD Radiation Measurements at AMF
Order Data
RWP Radar Wind Profiler
Order Data
SKYRAD Sky Radiometers on Stand for Downwelling Radiation
Order Data
SONDE Balloon-Borne Sounding System
Order Data
TSI Total Sky Imager
Order Data
VCEIL Vaisala Ceilometer
Order Data
WACR W-Band (95 GHz) ARM Cloud Radar
Order Data

Campaign Data Sets

Campaign Participant Data Set Archived Data
Tsay, Si-Chee AERI Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee MFRSR Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee TEOM Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee CIMEL Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Visibility Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Weather Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee UV Radiometer Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Gas Monitors Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Balloon Sonde Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Total Sky Imager Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Micro Pulse Lidar Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee TSI Nephelometer Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Aerodynamic Part Sizer Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Broadband Radiometers Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Condensation Particle Counter Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Scanning Microwave Radiometer Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Radiance Research Nephelometer Order Data
Tsay, Si-Chee Particle Soot Absorption Photometer Order Data