
Recent Votes

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Rep. Lankford visits with Taipei Economic and Cultural Office

Meeting with members of the Chinese and Taiwanese community of Oklahoma City and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office of Houston, TX
Taipei Economic & Cultural Office

FRC Values Voters Summit

Speaking during a congressional panel hosted by the Family Research Council
FRC Values Voters Summit feature image

Oklahoma Honor Flight Network

The Honor Flight network, a non-profit organization, provides World War II veterans the opportunity to visit Washington, D.C. and the war memorials dedicated in their honor.
Oklahoma Honor Flight Network feature image

UCO Political Science Students

Speaking to students in a political science class at the University of Central Oklahoma
UCO Political Science Class

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The Issues


The Path to Prosperity

We are dealing with a debt crisis. Currently, the U.S. national debt is more than $14 trillion and will reach $17 trillion by 2013.



As a nation, we currently spend over $2 billion a day importing over 42 percent of our oil from foreign countries.

Health Care

Repealing the Government Takeover of Health Care and Replacing with Patient-Oriented Solutions

I have joined more than 240 of my fellow Members of Congress in voting for H.R. 2, a bill to repeal the government takeover of health care.