Lisa Wright 202-225-2721

Rep. Roscoe Bartlett Announces a $63,630 Grant to the Volunteer Fire Company of Halfway

Washington, Sep 19 -

Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-6-MD) today announced a $63,360 grant to the Volunteer Fire Company of Halfway in Hagerstown , Maryland under the Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program for Fiscal Year 2011. 


The purpose of the Assistance to Firefighters Grants is to award grants directly to fire departments and EMS organizations that are unaffiliated with a hospital.  The DHS Assistance to Firefighters Grants are used to enhance departments’ abilities to protect the health and safety of the public, as well as that of first-responder personnel. 


Congressman Bartlett said, “Firefighters put their lives in harm's way to protect us.  A man-made or natural disaster in our Nation's Capitol might call upon first-responders from the entire region.  Like most of the fire companies in western Maryland, volunteers provide fire protection to residents of Halfway.  These federal Firefighters Assistance grants are highly competitive.  I am really proud of the Volunteer Fire Company of Halfway for winning this federal grant that will contribute to improving the safety of the residents of the county. Our first-responder capabilities for residents, businesses and government installations are the best in the Baltimore-Washington region."

Because of the challenge caused by the economic downturn, the older adults of Halfway are unable to conduct necessary home maintenance tasks.  The Volunteer Fire Company of Halfway has estimated that many older adults’ living rooms, smoke alarms and fuel-burning heating devices may be in a state of disrepair.  With this grant the Volunteer Fire Company is able to team up with the Maryland State Fireman's Association (MSFA) to conduct a pilot program to address these issues.  This pilot program will identify 25 older adult households, educate residents about common home dangers and modify living environments to create safer conditions.  The department will be able to assist the residents in setting up lithium smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, LED lighting, non-slip bath mats, and double side tape to reduce the number of falls due to throw rugs.  It is anticipated that the grant will permit expansion of the pilot program to 5,000 homes. This grant will go a long way to improve the safety of the residents of Halfway, Maryland.

 Additional information can be found on the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program’s website:

excerpts of news coverage of the grant by NBC25 and The Herald Mail are below:

Fire Company Plans to Help Senior Citizens

By: Jessica Reyes
Updated: September 21, 2012

HALFWAY - Senior citizens are about to get some help fighting fires.

Halfway Volunteer Fire Company plans to use a $63,000 federal grant to provide smoke detectors for elderly residents.

Firefighters say 30% of senior citizens can't afford a smoke detector or have trouble keeping them maintained.

Firefighters plan to visit homes around Halfway in the next few months to make sure everything is up to code.

[Congressman Roscoe Bartlett announced the grant and stopped by the station to congratulate the firefighters.  He said]

“It’s our taxpayers’ money coming home. You know, we’ve paid those taxes into Washington and we’re happy when some of it comes back so we’re pleased that this came back.”  He added, “I have a special place in my heart for volunteer fire companies and for these people who devote so much of their time to public service.  We really appreciate that.”,0,3113315.story

Herald Mail

Halfway Volunteer Fire Co. receives federal grant to buy safety devices



6:22 p.m. EDT, September 24, 2012

The Volunteer Fire Co. of Halfway has received a $63,360 federal grant to put smoke detectors and other safety devices in more than 5,000 homes.

Firefighter Dave Donohue said he applied for the grant in April from the Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters Grants program. The Halfway firefighters found out Wednesday night that they received the money.

… Donohue said that in addition to delivering the smoke detectors and other items, firefighters will offer educational tips during their visits, such as water-safety advice to residents with swimming pools and the importance of child-safety seats to residents with young children.

He said U.S. Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md., stopped by the station Thursday night to congratulate the fire company for being awarded the grant.