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  1. Sanger, Schmitt and Shanker have a good piece on Afghanistan in NY Times.
  2. Web 2.0 Heard from many yes it is important (and some who said we should block access), but not many could give me concrete reasons.
  3. Lots in the media today on DoD Web 2.0 Policy. Let me know what you think. Is it needed to perform national security duties or not?
  4. For the policy wonks out there check out the cover story in Survival on service and dissent.
  5. LATimes ran a story on CJCS Mullen. Thoughts?:
  6. NYTimes story on attention shifting to Afghan. What do you think?
  7. Lots of media coverage on Sec Gates trip to Iraq: =article-outset-box
  8. Great story on Afghan Election in LATimes:
  9. More great blogs om Afghan and Iraq by Tom Ricks today. Check them out: http://ricks.foreignpolicy....
  10. @AFGMatters Have you read Kilcullens book on COIN? He talks about Accidental Insurgents. Could these be the Taliban to reconcile?
  11. UK Foreign Sec. Milibrand today on Afghan Strategy. Thoughts?
  12. Very interesting story on Afghan vs Iraq insurgents in todays NYTimes:
  13. Secretary Gates travels to the Middle East this weekend. Headed to Israel and Jordan. What do think is the most important issue there?
  14. Wash Post Editorial on suicides in the Armed Forces:
  15. Wash Post Editorial on on Suicides in the Armed Forces:
  16. Tom Ricks says Gates is the best SecDef ever. Check out his blog at What do you think?
  17. Big vote yesterday on the F-22.
  18. Interesting article on the H1N1 Flu virus in the NYTimes today. For info/questions on what the government is doing you should go to FLU.GOV
  19. What do people think about the announcement of the increase in the size of the Army - even temprorarily? Let me know.
  20. Sec. Gates announced increasing the size of the Army by 22,000 at his briefing today.