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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

TRI-Chemical Hazard Information Profiles

TRI Chemical Toxicity Data and Comparative Analysis in Seconds

TRI-CHIP allows easy access to toxicity information from multiple data sources for chemicals in the TRI list. This downloadable Microsoft Access database allows you to customize searches across a single chemical, a set of specific chemicals or a TRI chemical category of interest. Obtain the latest version, TRI-CHIP version 2.06.

With TRI-CHIP you can:

  • Search toxicity information from multiple data sources for TRI chemicals
  • Use built-in queries to identify chemicals that meet quantitative toxicity criteria, such as lowest observed adverse effect levels (LOAEL) above a specified value
  • Identify all TRI chemicals associated with a critical adverse human health effect of interest
  • Print customized chemical toxicity profile reports
  • Readily move in and out of websites containing additional chemical toxicity information

Health hazard information sources available for query are:

  • IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System
  • OPP - EPA Office of Pesticide Programs Registration Documents
  • ATSDR - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
  • Cal/EPA - California Environmental Protection Agency
  • NTP - National Toxicology Program – 12th Report on Carcinogens
  • IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer
  • TRI - Toxics Release Inventory Federal Register Notices

A Typical TRI-CHIP Search Page


TRI-CHIP At-A-Glance

Available Toxicity Information
Information Sources
Date reporting required
Listing criteria basis a
Toxicity criteria b
Risk c
Cancer Classification
Exposure levels d
Notification levels e
Toxicity Data f
Target tissues
Experimental values and
benchmark doses g

  1. Chemicals assessed for addition to or retention on the TRI list in Federal Register (FR)
  2. Reference dose (RfD), reference concentration (RfC), minimal risk level (MRL), no significant risk level (NSRL), maximum allowable daily level (MADL)
  3. Quantitative cancer assessment (oral slope factor, drinking water unit risk, inhalation unit risk, inhalation slope factor)
  4. Reference exposure level (REL)
  5. Public health goal (PHG)
  6. For critical effects (non-cancer and cancer)
  7. No observed adverse effect level (NOAEL), lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL), benchmark dose (BMD)

Comments concerning the applicability, user friendliness or potential improvements of TRI-CHIP are greatly appreciated. Please send to: Sandra Gaona (Gaona.Sandra@epamail.epa.gov) or Daniel R. Bushman (Bushman.Daniel@epamail.epa.gov).

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