Evaluation of ESOH Related Mission Risks

Naphthalene Fuel Content Analysis (PDF)

update on Naphthalene (PPT)

Update on Naphthalene by AFIOH

Occ Exposure (PDF)

Reports related to the NS3 conference, Naphthalene State of the Science Symposium.  The first is titled:  Issues, Identified Data Gaps, and Possible Studies to Address Areas of Uncertainty Associated with Human Cancer Risks from the Inhalation of Naphthalene.  The second is titled:  Occupational Jet Fuel Exposure and Invasive Cancer Occurrence in the U.S. Air Force, 1989-2003.  Also included in the industry submittal.

Occupational Jet Fuel Exposure and Invasive Cancer Occurrence (PDF)

Slides on Naphthalene that were presented at last May 2006 Aerospace Medical Society meeting in Orlando, FL Occupational Jet Fuel Exposure and Invasive Cancer Occurrence

Industry Submittal (PDF)

Reports related to the NS3 conference, Naphthalene State of the Science Symposium.  The first is titled:  Issues, Identified Data Gaps, and Possible Studies to Address Areas of Uncertainty Associated with Human Cancer Risks from the Inhalation of Naphthalene.  The second is titled:  Occupational Jet Fuel Exposure and Invasive Cancer Occurrence in the U.S. Air Force, 1989-2003.  Also included in the industry submittal.

Naphthalene Gaps Report draft w exsum .doc (DOC)

Reports related to the NS3 conference, Naphthalene State of the Science Symposium.  The first is titled:  Issues, Identified Data Gaps, and Possible Studies to Address Areas of Uncertainty Associated with Human Cancer Risks from the Inhalation of Naphthalene.  The second is titled:  Occupational Jet Fuel Exposure and Invasive Cancer Occurrence in the U.S. Air Force, 1989-2003.  Also included in the industry submittal.

Supplemental Material (PDF)

Reports related to the NS3 conference, Naphthalene State of the Science Symposium.  The first is titled:  Issues, Identified Data Gaps, and Possible Studies to Address Areas of Uncertainty Associated with Human Cancer Risks from the Inhalation of Naphthalene.  The second is titled:  Occupational Jet Fuel Exposure and Invasive Cancer Occurrence in the U.S. Air Force, 1989-2003.  Also included in the industry submittal.

naphthalene slides (PDF)

Materials that were provided at the Tri-Service Environmental Risk Assessment Work group Meeting in 24-25 Jan 06.  Of specific interest is brief on naphthalene.

Naphthalene Coalition Science Team Research Plan and Current Research Efforts (PDF)

The Naphthalene Coalition (an industry group)presented to EPAs Office of Research and Development this research plan to fill data gaps relevant assessing naphthalene risks.  Industry has been proceeding with some of the research. This file contains presentations of results from some of the research.

Air Force JP-8 Study -- Naphthalene (PDF)

Air Force JP-8 Study -- Naphthalene

Program - Naphthalene Research Committee Science Team - 2008 Naphthalene Resea (PDF)

5th Meeting of the Health Expert Advisory Committee (HEAC) for Cal/OSHA PELs - (DOC)

Calif EPA PEL draft document for naphthalene, 27 October 2008 (DOC)

EPA Notice: Napthalene Risk Assessment: Notice of Availability  and  Risk Reduction (PDF)

EPA Office of Pesticides Federal Register Notice of May 14, 2008 making available its human health and environmental fate and effects risk assessment for naphthalene. This focuses on naphthalene as a pesticide.

Air Monitoring for Fuel and Naphthalene- Related Risk Management (PPT)

This is a PowerPoint presentation made by Dr. Janis Hulla during the 48th Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Conference, Norfolk, VA, March 23, 2009. The topic is the development of a real-time naphthalene dosimeter. Dr. Hulla is the Senior Toxicologist with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District.

Hinz - naphthalene (PDF)

Briefings from the JSEM Conference held in May 2007 in Columbus, OH that are related to ECs.

Last Modified: 01 December 2010 at 13:38