
American Forces Press Service

 August 2009


Wounded Warrior Inspires Gates, Accepts Key to New Home  This story contains photos.    

CYPRESS, Texas - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates presented retired Marine Capt. Dan Moran, a warrior severely wounded in Iraq, with the keys to a new home on behalf of the Helping a Hero organization.


Gates to MC-12 Workers: Your Work is Saving Troops’ Lives  This story contains photos.    

GREENVILLE , Texas - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates gave a pep talk to employees outfitting the MC-12 Liberty aircraft for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions, telling them their work is saving lives on the battlefield.


Gates Touts F-35 As Heart of Future Tactical Combat Aviation      

FORT WORTH , Texas - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited the Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter factory, calling the plane “the heart of the future of our tactical combat aviation.”


California Guard Helps to Save Forests From Marijuana Growers  This story contains photos.    

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The California National Guard is part of a 17-agency endeavor to protect the state’s forests from marijuana growers.


Forces in Afghanistan Capture Key Taliban Leaders      

BAGRAM AIR FIELD - Afghan forces and NATO-led International Security Assistance troops have captured two key Taliban leaders, including a commander.


Navy Researchers Work on Malaria Vaccine      

WASHINGTON - Researchers at the Naval Medical Research Center are testing a malaria vaccine officials hope will protect both troops and civilians in tropical and subtropical regions.


Iraqi Forces Arrest 10 Terrorism Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces, with U.S. forces advisors, arrested 10 terrorism suspects in recent days, military officials reported.


McChrystal Delivers Assessment to U.S., NATO Leaders      

WASHINGTON - The commander of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan has completed his assessment of the situation there and has forwarded it to NATO and U.S. leaders.


Adoption Program Lets Working Dogs Become Pets  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Military working dogs have a chance to go to deserving adoptive homes when their service is complete. The defense department adopts out about 300 dogs per year, about 100 of those to law enforcement agencies.


Commander Engages Sheiks, Finds Common Ground  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - Leaders at Contingency Operating Base Adder in Iraq are engaging local sheiks and key leaders.


Defense Program Addresses Contaminants, Health Risks      

WASHINGTON - Harvard University has recognized a Defense Department program that identifies chemicals that have emerging environmental and health risks and finds alternatives to using them.


Face of Defense: Soldier’s Civilian Skills Save Afghan  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - As U.S. forces take extra precautions to protect civilian lives in southern Afghanistan, an Army reservist used his civilian skills to preserve the life of a local truck driver.


Group Earns Kudos for Military Employee Support      

WASHINGTON - A research association supports its part-time troops despite having a heavy workload and a small team.


Youth ChalleNGe Turns At-risk Youths' Lives Around  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - When Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, presided at the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe graduation in New Jersey, he witnessed a rite of passage being shared by about 8,000 at-risk youth across the country every year.


Mullen Congratulates Youth ChalleNGe Grads  This story contains photos.    

TRENTON, N.J. - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen congratulated more than 100 high school graduates here who pursued their diploma through a New Jersey National Guard program.


Kennedy Burial Evokes Military, Personal Symbolism  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - A poor, pregnant woman wrote to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy with a plea for medical care. Kennedy responded, and the child she was carrying, now a soldier, will participate in the senator's burial honors.


Conference to Deliver Latest in Military Family Care      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department’s first joint family readiness conference in nearly a decade will take place in Chicago and offer the latest research on family care.


Mullen Cites Need for ‘Good Communication’ in Article      

WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff calls on Americans “to take a harder look” at strategic communication and emphasizes the need to boost the nation’s credibility by building relationships and trust, particularly in Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Iraqis Benefit From U.S. Medical Training  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE HUNTER, Iraq - U.S. and Iraqi forces worked together to provide advanced medical training to Iraqi forces in southern Iraq’s Maysan province.


Combined Forces Protect Civilians, Seize Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Afghan forces and troops of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force protected civilians from insurgent attacks.


Navy Historian Traces Rise of Piracy      

WASHINGTON - Pirates often are in the news for their criminal activities at sea, but their antics are far from new, a Navy historian explained.


Sniper’s Eye Counters Smuggling in Iraq      

SAHL SINJAR, Iraq - Marine Corps snipers and designated marksmen have found themselves evolving to meet the changing needs of the Iraqi military and political landscape.


Guardsman Lauds Employer for Military Support      

WASHINGTON - An Air National Guard major credits his civilian employer with providing extraordinary support for his military service.


Face of Defense: Airman Shows Strength for Recovery  This story contains photos.    

CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. - A critically wounded airman is impressed with the support he's received as he recovers from an Afghanistan bomb blast.


‘Sons of Iraq’ Gain Iraqi Government Jobs      

WASHINGTON - Sunni fighters who once considered themselves enemies of the Iraqi government now are filling the ranks of Iraq's ministries and armed forces.


Missile Defense Moves from Testing to Fielding  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Boosted by a few strong years of testing successes, much of the United States’ missile defense technology is now ready to be fielded.


Leaders to Draw From Defense Board’s NSPS Review      

WASHINGTON - Senior defense leaders will use a recently issued report on the National Security Personnel System when they decide what to do with the civilian personnel system this fall.


Chairman Cites Urgent Need for Brain Injury Treatments      

WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called for brain injury treatment that produces solutions as quickly as possible.


Academy Offers Soldiers Second Chance at Diploma  This story contains photos.    

MUSCATATUCK URBAN TRAINING CENTER, Ind. - The Army National Guard dedicated the first and only academy designed to help soldiers receive their high school diplomas.


Chairman Honors Wounded Soldier for Selfless Service      

WASHINGTON - Wounded veterans have one thing in common, said Navy Adm. Mike Mullen. They want to keep serving.


Iraq Energy Efficiency Helps Environment, Saves Money      

WASHINGTON - Officials from a transition command in Iraq are improving the environment and saving money by increasing energy efficiency.


Police, Special Ops Forces Arrest Terrorists in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi police and special operations forces arrested 11 terrorism suspects in Iraq.


Somali Pirates Fire on Navy Helicopter      

WASHINGTON - Somali pirates aboard a hijacked ship fired at a U.S. Navy helicopter, which was not hit and did not return fire, Navy officials said.


Center Works With Warfighters to Assess Systems  This story contains photos.    

SUFFOLK, Va. - U.S. Joint Forces Command officials called on warfighters to help in evaluating the effectiveness of the command’s high-technology systems and to offer suggestions for improvements.


Guard Troops Move Detainees in Southern Iraq  This story contains photos.    

CAMP BUCCA, Iraq - Moving several hundred detainees across Iraq is a daunting task, but for two Wisconsin Army National Guard companies, it's just another day.


Face of Defense: Leader Mentors Deployed Soldiers  This story contains photos.    

VICTORY BASE COMPLEX, Iraq - Army Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Foesch of Portland, Ore., lights up with pride when he talks about the enlisted soldiers he leads.


Proposed Leave Rule Would Provide for Warrior Care      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department federal employees could receive up to 26 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a military family member injured in the line of duty if a government proposal is adopted.


New GI Bill Will Heighten Professional Work Force      

WASHINGTON - The Post-9/11 GI Bill will mean more college-educated professionals will enter the professional work force, the Veterans Affairs secretary said.


Leaders Mark Kennedy’s Passing      

WASHINGTON - Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's care and compassion for American men and women in uniform are reflected in his tireless work and voting record.


Iraqi Forces Detain Five Terrorism Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Acting on warrants issued by Iraqi courts, Iraqi forces arrested five terrorism suspects, killing another who attacked them while they were serving one of the warrants.


Kennedy to Be Buried at Arlington National Cemetery      

WASHINGTON - Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery near his brothers. He served in the Army from 1951 to 1953.


Petraeus Predicts Tough Fighting in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - The commander of U.S. Central Command cautioned that success in Afghanistan demands more than battlefield victories.


Soldiers Share Medical Skills With Iraqi Nurses      

FORWARD OPERATING BASE WARRIOR, Iraq - U.S. soldiers taught Iraqi nursing students how to handle the medical side of a mass-casualty situation.


Stavridis: Afghanistan War Challenging, But Winnable      

WASHINGTON - The commander of U.S. European Command, who also serves as NATO’s top military commander, shared his views on Afghanistan in a “From the Bridge” blog post.


Face of Defense: Guard Soldier Finds Adventure  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE DELTA, Iraq - While some people join the Army to find adventure for the first time, a soldier deployed to Iraq said she joined to add to the adventures she’s already had.


Company Goes Extra Mile for Military Employees  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Waking up for work rarely ranks high on people’s “favorites” lists, but a frequently deployed Army Reserve soldier said he is perfectly happy to be in the minority.


Engine Program Aims to Meet Military's Need for Speed      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is striving to build an engine that will propel a hypersonic jet at Mach 4 and faster, while also bringing new efficiencies to ships and ground vehicles.


Cartwright: Military Must Leverage Technology  This story contains photos.    

MONTGOMERY, Ala. - The U.S. military must leverage information technology to deliver capabilities to the battlefield and needs to catch up with technology before the nation falls behind in cyberspace, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.


Defense Department Web Site Eases Information Delivery      

WASHINGTON - The new Defense Department Web site is designed to increase access to military news and information, and invite greater public participation.


Doctors, Scientists Team Up to Improve Wound Care      

WASHINGTON - For the first time within the Defense Department, military doctors and scientists are working hand in hand to understand and improve the treatment of complex wounds.


Mullen Cites Need for New Thinking, Strategies      

WASHINGTON - Today’s wars need a new type of thinking and strategies to help local citizens and defeat terrorists, said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Blog Offers Support to Military Families  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's new "Family Matters" blog is resonating with military families by engaging them on topics ranging from deployments to day-to-day life.


Business Board Calls for Changes to Personnel System      

WASHINGTON - In its final report, a Defense Business Board task group has recommended a “reconstruction” of the National Security Personnel System.


USS Thach Protects Iraqi Infrastructure      

ABOARD USS THACH, At Sea - The guided-missile frigate USS Thach has helped to protect Iraq's critical infrastructure since arriving on station in mid-July.


Face of Defense: Deployed Airman Sees Child's Birth  This story contains photos.    

SOUTHWEST ASIA - Thanks to technology, an airman deployed to Southwest Asia witnessed the birth of his third child 6,000 miles away without leaving his post.


Vice Chairman Addresses Defense Program Reviews  This story contains photos.    

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stressed relevance, adaptability and affordability as top concerns for programs ranging from nuclear weapons to satellites.


Hard Work in Iraq Pays Off, Colonel Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Iraqi forces have sacrificed greatly to build security and develop a democratic process in Iraq, and after nearly seven years, the hard work is paying off.


Requirements, Cost Control Drive Acquisition Reform      

WASHINGTON - As the Defense Department overhauls the Pentagon’s acquisition system, officials are asking warfighters to define what they need, then holding industry to fixed-price contracts to meet those capabilities.


VA Simplifies Compensation for Post-traumatic Stress      

WASHINGTON - The Veterans Affairs Department is helping veterans seeking compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder, VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki said.


Soldiers Bring Goodwill to Iraqis  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - U.S. soldiers and their Iraqi counterparts handed out food and supplies to residents of Faddaqhryah and Bahar, Iraq. Each package will feed a family of eight for 30 days.


Forces Hinder Insurgent Communication in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces conducted an air assault to disrupt insurgent communication and an Afghan civilian thwarted a bomb attack.


Chairman Cites Security as Key Part of Afghan Strategy      

WASHINGTON - Providing security is a key component of President Barack Obama’s strategy for Afghanistan, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.


Forces Detain Suspected Terrorists in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces, aided by U.S. advisors, detained eight suspected terrorists in Iraq.


Face of Defense: Sister, Brother Reunite in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE SPEICHER, Iraq - Deployments usually separate soldiers from their families. However, for one “Red Bull” soldier, it provided the chance to reunite with her brother.


Police Department Earns Award for Troop Support      

WASHINGTON - The Santa Ana, Calif., police department will receive the Defense Department's award for providing financial and emotional help to its employees who deploy as National Guard or Reserve members.


‘Full Metal Jacket’ Actor Discusses Career, Technology      

WASHINGTON - Hollywood's quintessential drill sergeant, R. Lee Ermey, shared his views of the mlitary with 'DoDLive' bloggers, saying troops "are just as ready to eat their own guts out today as they ever were back in my time."


Caregivers Learn Importance of Caring for Selves      

CHEVY CHASE, Md. - More than two dozen people whose job it is to care for very young children of military families recently gathered to learn how to better care for themselves.


Obama Congratulates Afghans on Election      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama praised Afghans for their courage in participating in their national election despite threats by the Taliban to disrupt the process.


Preventive Medicine Chief Cites Importance of Vaccinations      

WASHINGTON - August is National Immunization Month, and a senior Navy medical official encouraged servicemembers to be up to date on flu vaccines.


Naval Research Lab Pushes Technological Edge      

WASHINGTON - Nearly a century after Thomas Edison proposed a military research lab, the Naval Research Laboratory still is forging the way on developments from nonpolluting hydrocarbon fuels to the solution to nuclear fusion.


Obama, Gates Lead Defense Acquisition Reforms      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama threw his weight behind the Defense Department’s acquisition reform efforts, noting unnecessary spending hurts taxpayers and the warfighters on the front lines.


Air Guard Delivers Medical Care to Guatemala  This story contains photos.    

GUATEMALA CITY - Guatemalans lined up for rare medical care from about 40 Arkansas Air National Guard members, who went to Guatemala City as part of their annual training.


Ships, Planes Deliver Stryker Brigade to Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Military transportation experts used ships and planes to deploy an Army combat unit to Afghanistan last month, marking a notable milestone for U.S. Transportation Command.


New Jersey Kicks Off Oral Military History Project  This story contains photos.    

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - Veterans from the wars in Iraq and Vietnam have joined New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine in launching an oral history project to preserve the Garden State’s military legacy.


‘Green’ Initiatives in Iraq Provide Multiple Benefits      

BAGHDAD - Ensuring energy use is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective helps to build Iraq’s security capabilities, a U.S. military planner said.


Face of Defense: Sergeant Volunteers for Recovery Effort  This story contains photos.    

CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. - A senior noncommissioned officer assigned to Charleston Air Force Base, S.C., recently returned from a recovery mission to find the remains of an American pilot in Laos.


Iraqis Arrest 10 on Terrorism Charges      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces, working with U.S. advisors, have arrested 10 people in Iraq on terrorism charges related to bombings, murder and kidnappings against Iraqi and U.S. forces and Iraqi civilians.


Poultry Project Empowers Afghan Women      

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The Women’s Poultry Project in Afghanistan’s Panjshir province is a giant leap forward for the women who call the Panjshir River valley their home.


Kaiserslautern Earns Little League World Series Berth      

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany - The Kaiserslautern Military Community American Little League all-star team begins its quest for the Little League World Series title in Williamsport, Pa.


Coordinated Effort Protects Afghan Voters      

ZABUL PROVINCE, Afghanistan - As Afghans took to the streets to exercise their right to vote authorities worked together to provide security for polling stations across Zabul province.


Company Steps Up When Military Employees Deploy      

WASHINGTON - When a TriWest Healthcare Alliance nurse who serves in the Kansas Air National Guard got notice of an upcoming deployment in 2006, TriWest President David McIntyre ensured the company would see to her family’s needs.


Group Finds Foster Homes for Deployed Troops’ Pets  This story contains photos.    

CAMP ATTERBURY JOINT MANEUVER TRAINING CENTER, Ind. - Deployed troops can rest assured their pets are well-taken care of when they call on a group of "guardian angels."


Obama Pledges Increased Pressure in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama pledged to keep ramping up pressure on insurgents in Afghanistan, citing developments aimed at “squeezing them from both sides” to ultimately “flush them out.”


Force Protection Team Trains for Chemical Attack  This story contains photos.    

BUTLERVILLE, Ind. - Ohio National Guard members spent a week at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in Butlerville, Ind., to test their ability to respond to chemical and other attacks.


Commander Condemns Baghdad Attacks, Cites Security Lapse      

WASHINGTON - A U.S. commander in Iraq condemned a wave of attacks in Baghdad that killed at least 95 people, saying a security lapse allowed the deadly assault.


Georgia Guard Mentors Afghan Forces During Election  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - Soldiers from the Georgia Army National Guard are playing a supporting role in Afghanistan's elections.


Obama Honors Wounded Warriors With NASCAR Greats  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama paid tribute to NASCAR champions at the White House, but not before honoring the wounded warriors attending the ceremony.


Airborne Cavalry Soldiers Stay Vigilant in Iraqi Suburbs  This story contains photos.    

MADAIN REGION, Iraq - Baghdad's suburbs are more pleasant compared to the bullet-riddled streets of the Iraqi capital, but U.S. troops say they must remain just as alert.


Face of Defense: Soldier Creates Home Away From Home  This story contains photos.    

JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq - Army Maj. Gina Garbedian has become the Martha Stewart of Joint Base Balad, Iraq, glamourizing her containerized housing unit to create a sanctuary to recharge.


Acquisition Work Force Steps Toward Reform      

WASHINGTON - The creation of 20,000 Defense Department jobs is the first step in reshaping the acquisition process as part of reforms initiated by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.


Clinic Traffic Downrange Shows Need for Hearing Protection  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Air Force doctors say they are treating more cases of hearing loss than ever in Afghanistan and are urging troops to use new ear plugs that won't impair battle performance.


Air Force Organizes Cyberspace Units Under One Command      

WASHINGTON - Air Force Space Command has activated the 24th Air Force, combining all service space and cyberspace capabilities into a single unit to keep pace with the rapid changes in information technology.


Gates, Mullen Use New Media to Hear from Troops, Public      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have launched interactive, virtual town hall sessions through the Internet.


Generals Discuss NATO Role in Afghan Elections      

WASHINGTON - NATO forces in Afghanistan are supporting efforts to secure polling centers, reduce insurgency and counter voter apathy before the nation's elections.


Handbook Applies Lessons Learned in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - A recently published Army handbook addresses the unique set of topographical, cultural and operational challenges facing troops in Afghanistan.


Company Values Military Experience in Employees      

WASHINGTON - At FMC Technologies in Stephenville, Texas, military experience not only is welcomed, but also is highly sought after.


Afghan Businessman Helps Girls School  This story contains photos.    

LAGHMAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan - With help from the NATO-led security force, a local businessman delivered enough supplies to a girls school to keep more than 50 students supplied for a year.


Face of Defense: Sergeant Diagnoses, Treats Patients  This story contains photos.    

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - Air Force Tech. Sgt. Julianne Cacal often gets a second look when diagnosing and treating patients. She's a medical technician working under a supervising doctor.


Afghans Will Vote Despite Violence, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Despite the wave of violence this week in Afghanistan’s capital, military officials there believe Afghans will turn out to vote in their national election Aug. 20, said a spokesman for NATO's International Security Assistance Force.


Afghan Forces Lead Election Security Efforts      

WASHINGTON - When Afghans go to the polls to cast their votes Aug. 20, they’ll see Afghans providing for their security, not U.S. or NATO forces, the military head of NATO's election task force said.


Iraqi, U.S. Forces Arrest Terrorist Suspects in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces, working with U.S. advisors, have arrested six suspects in connection with terrorist attacks throughout the country.


Face of Defense: Wounded Warrior Promotes His Hero  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A warrior wounded by a homemade bomb in Baghdad pinned stripes on the soldier who saved his life.


Soldiers Improve Conditions at Patrol Base  This story contains photos.    

PATROL BASE MAHAWIL, Iraq - Despite the threat of sandstorms and extreme heat, the Multinational Division South command sergeant major visited soldiers to view improved conditions and morale.


Iraqi Police Train With Working Dogs  This story contains photos.    

MOSUL, Iraq - Chew toys and leashes in hand, Iraqi police dog handlers and their working dogs arrived on Forward Operating Base Marez in Mosul, Iraq, to fine-tune their skills.


Odierno Proposes Three-Part Force for Northern Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The top U.S. commander in Iraq has proposed a tripartite arrangement between American, Iraqi and Kurdish forces to shore up security in disputed areas of northern Iraq.


Obama Pledges Support for Troops, Veterans      

WASHINGTON - America’s men and women in uniform have done their duty and fulfilled every responsibility that’s been asked of them, President Barack Obama said.


Quilts of Valor Offer Comfort for Wartime Emotions  This story contains photos.    

DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. - The volunteer efforts of the Quilts of Valor Foundation has blanketed more than 23,000 combat veterans with love and admiration.


Afghan War ‘Fundamental’ to U.S. Defense, Obama Says      

WASHINGTON - Terrorists are plotting to attack the United States again, so defeating them is “fundamental to the defense of our people,” President Barack Obama told veterans at the annual Veterans of Foreign Wars convention.


Yellow Ribbon Program Provides Support Services      

WASHINGTON - The Yellow Ribbon Program is “off and running,” said the program’s deputy executive director, James “Scotty” Scott.


Troops in Iraq Release Detainees, Apprehend Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi and U.S. forces monitored the release of dozens of detainees and apprehended nine suspects during recent operations in Iraq, military officials said.


Perpetual Technologies Tapped for Award      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials have recognized Perpetual Technologies Inc. for providing exceptional financial and emotional support to employees who deploy as National Guard or Reserve members.


Pentagon Mourns Former Spokesman Ken Bacon      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials expressed condolences over the passing of longtime Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon, remembered for his characteristic bow tie and his matter-of-fact style in addressing the press corps.


Guardsmen Provide Health, Vet Care in Alaska  This story contains photos.    

NOME, Alaska - Army and Air National Guard and Coast Guard medical personnel traveled 6,600 miles to visit three Alaskan communities.


Reconstruction Team Teaches Basic Skills to Iraqis  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Members of the provincial reconstruction team in Iraq’s Dhi Qar province are building Iraq’s self-sufficiency by teaching fundamental skills to civilians in the province’s new, specialized training facility.


U.S. Forces Help Connect Iraqi Army, Air Force  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - The Iraqi air force and army hit a milestone Aug. 11 when they established radio communication in an effort aimed at improving collaboration between the two services during operations.


Face of Defense: Chaplain Brings Unique Perspective  This story contains photos.    

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. - Maj. Dawud Agbere, an Army chaplain, has found that being an outgoing Muslim from Africa with an easy smile makes him someone soldiers want to talk to.


Pentagon Officials Say: ‘We Want to Hear from You’      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials at the Pentagon have redesigned the Defense Department Web site to use social networking tools to engage the American public -- particularly 18- to 24-year-olds.


Quick Hire of Military Spouses Starts in September      

WASHINGTON - Under a personnel rule that takes effect next month, some military spouses could be quickly hired for federal jobs without going through the usual competitive process.


U.S. Advisors Lay Groundwork for Iraqi Internet Revolution      

WASHINGTON - The Iraqi government is contemplating the best way to deliver high-speed wireless Internet capabilities to its citizens, underscoring how much times have changed there.


DoD, VA Work to Create Lifetime Electronic Records      

WASHINGTON - The new virtual lifetime electronic record is slated to help prevent misplaced paperwork and help providers continue to offer quality health care, the acting director of the program said.


NATO Approves Intermediate Headquarters for Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - NATO has approved the idea of an intermediate military headquarters in Afghanistan, Pentagon officials said. It is a corps-level organization that would oversee the tactical, day-to-day operations.


Google Voice Answers Nation’s Call      

WASHINGTON - Google is tinkering with a new service that could transform the way troops on the frontlines communicate with their families.


Project Aims to Help War-torn Nations      

WASHINGTON - A National Defense University research project is leveraging talent and resources from within and outside the military to support people in need worldwide.


Face of Defense: Soldier Finds Calling in Army  This story contains photos.    

MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - Army Staff Sgt. Megan E. Brunty's desire to serve her country led her from waiting tables to an Army career, earning Central Command's NCO of the Year award.


Pharmaceuticals Company Keeps Military Employees ‘Whole’  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - AstraZeneca International, which employs about 100 troops, has been selected as one of 15 recipients of the 2009 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award.


National Guard Adds Liberia to Partnership Program      

ARLINGTON, Va. - The National Guard will add Liberia to its State Partnership Program this year, bringing the number of African nations in the program to eight.


U.S. Must Rebuild Trust with Pakistan, Gates Says      

WASHINGTON - The United States must maintain relationships with Pakistan for the long term to build trust between the nations, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


Gates Notes Security Progress Prior to Afghan Election      

WASHINGTON - The recent sacrifices of coalition servicemembers in southern Afghanistan will allow more Afghans to vote in the national elections next week, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


U.S. Soldiers Find Training Iraqis Mutually Beneficial  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE GARRY OWEN, Iraq - U.S. soldiers who attended a recent graduation of Iraqi police say they are pleased with their improvements and that training them has been mutually beneficial.


Joint Force Captures Bombing Suspects in Afghanistan      

KABUL - Afghan soldiers, aided by NATO toops, captured suspected Taliban fighters in the Sayed Abad district of eastern Afghanistan’s Wardak province.


Mullen Praises Military Resilience at Hall of Fame Induction  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff used his induction speech at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Hall of Fame this week as a platform for praising the U.S. military’s resilience.


U.S. Assumes Command of Counter-piracy Task Force  This story contains photos.    

MANAMA, Bahrain - The combined task force of international navies that counter piracy off the coast of Somalia and throughout the Gulf of Aden was returned to U.S. command.


Face of Defense: Soldier Fulfills Army Dream  This story contains photos.    

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Army Spc. Claudy Bellanger's childhood experiences with U.S. troops in Haiti set him on a path that eventually led him to join the Army.


Africa Command Helps Countries Face Common Challenges      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Africa Command is hitting its stride as it works with African nations to confront common security challenges and provide logistics and transportation support to peacekeepers in the region.


Native American Vet Earns Presidential Medal of Freedom      

WASHINGTON - A 95-year-old Native American veteran who wore sacred tribal symbols with his uniform during World War II was among 16 people to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


General Calls for Quicker Fielding of Unmanned Systems  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department and unmanned systems developers must do a better job fielding unmanned capabilities to troops on the front lines.


Convention Showcases Unmanned Capabilities  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Senior defense officials are getting a glimpse of the latest in unmanned systems technologies.


National Guard Embraces Social Media      

ARLINGTON, Va. - Even in the 140-character brevity demanded of a “tweet,” the enthusiasm National Guardsmen have for communicating through Twitter is evident.


Growing Afghan Air Corps Provides Election Support      

WASHINGTON - While building its capabilities from the ground up, Afghanistan’s National Army Air Corps is deeply involved in an operational mission in direct support of the upcoming elections.


Officials Plan Cross-cultural Competence Training      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials are developing a training program to teach military members and civilians to be culturally competent and aware when interacting with people from different lands.


Basra Education Center Introduces Arabic to Troops  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA - U.S. soldiers, airmen and civilians in Basra, Iraq, are taking part in a special opportunity to learn Arabic. A two-week class focuses on language and math.


Effort Aims to Secure Southern Afghanistan for Elections      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Marines and Afghan soldiers have launched an offensive in southern Afghanistan to secure the area for upcoming elections.


Face of Defense: Employee Marks 55 Years of Service  This story contains photos.    

TOBYHANNA ARMY DEPOT, Pa. - George McClure enlisted in 1953 and has served the nation 10 years longer than the average age of his co-workers at Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pa.


Soldier Credits Civilian Employer for Military Success  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Army Command Sgt. Maj. Rob Lawrence’s said support from his employer for the past 25 years made it possible for him to become the Colorado National Guard’s top enlisted soldier.


Mullen: U.S. Military Benefits From Language Training      

WASHINGTON - Education in critical foreign languages and cultures is crucial to the U.S. military, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.


Nebraska Guard Plans to Boost Afghan Medical Care  This story contains photos.    

LINCOLN, Neb. - Two Afghan surgeons general traveled to Nebraska for talks about ways the state's National Guard can help Afghanistan develop its medical infrastructure.


Coalition Ready for Afghan Elections, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces are prepared to back up Afghan security forces to ensure 17 million registered voters have safe access to the polls, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said.


Mosul Attacks Reflect al-Qaida’s Plan, Commander Says      

WASHINGTON - Recent high-profile attacks against civilians near Mosul, Iraq, reflect al-Qaida in Iraq’s continued desire to incite sectarian strife.


Patience Needed to Beat Taliban, McChrystal Says      

WASHINGTON - The fight against the Taliban and their al-Qaida allies will be long and hard, but they will not win the war in Afghanistan, the commander of NATO and U.S. forces there said.


Face of Defense: Soldiers Bring Life to ‘GI Joe’  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A soldier in the opening scene of “GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra,” wasn't able to see the film's debut -- he's in Iraq with the 4227th Armored Reconnaissance Battalion.


Kuwaitis Foil Attack on U.S. Logistical Hub      

WASHINGTON - U.S. military officials are crediting Kuwaiti security services with foiling a planned terrorist bombing aimed at a major U.S. logistical hub and staging operation in Kuwait and several other Kuwaiti sites.


Iraqi Bishop Holds Catholic Mass for U.S. Troops  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - U.S. soldiers took part in a rare celebration of religious and cultural proportions during a Catholic Mass performed by Basra's acting bishop on Contingency Operating Base Basra, Iraq.


Partnership Works to Restore Samarra Economy      

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE SPEICHER, Iraq - Improvements in safety plus $2.5 million in small-business grants to 900 local store owners are revitalizing the area around the Al Askari "Golden" Mosque of Samarra, Iraq, once a thriving open-air market that served thousands annually.


Potential Recruits ‘Experience’ Army  This story contains photos.    

PHILADELPHIA - The Army Experience Center in Philadelphia offers potential recruits, and anyone else curious about the Army, a fun and interactive way to find out about Army life.


Radio Station Gives Voice to Remote Afghan Region  This story contains photos.    

NURISTAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan - NATO’s International Security Assistance Force is giving voice to residents of a remote area of Afghanistan through a radio station run by one of their own.


Forces Earn Support of Afghan Provincial Governor  This story contains photos.    

LOGAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - NATO forces working to secure and develop rural areas of Afghanistan's Logar province are finding support from the provincial governor.


Jones: Strategy Boosts Afghan Army, Police      

WASHINGTON - Ramping up the numbers of Afghan soldiers and police is part of President Barack Obama’s multi-pronged Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, National Security Advisor James L. Jones said.


U.S. Forces Pursue Terrorists Linked to Drug Trade      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces are going after terrorists who feed off the drug trade in Afghanistan, a senior Defense Department spokesman said.


Summer Recruiting Remains Strong Across Services      

WASHINGTON - July was a boom month for military recruiting, with more than 15,000 young men and women entering the active-duty force.


U.S. Forces Capture Grenade Attacker in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces detained an Iraqi man who attacked a U.S. convoy with a grenade in Iraq’s Kirkuk province.


Face of Defense: Mother, Son Bond in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE SALERNO, Afghanistan - A mother working as a nurse and her son, both soldiers, are serving in Afghanistan and seeing each other more frequently than at home in the United States.


AFPS Blog: Obama Spends Birthday Focused on Vets  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama strode into the Roosevelt Room at the White House uttering apologies for being late as he approached four military journalists to shake their hands and thank them for coming to talk about veterans’ issues.


Geren Stays as Senate Delays Successor’s Confirmation      

WASHINGTON - The Senate adjourned without voting to confirm New York Rep. John M. McHugh as Army secretary, but Pete Geren will remain on the job until formally replaced.


Military Officers Climb in Perceived Status      

WASHINGTON - U.S. military officers have “very great prestige,” and their status is climbing, according to an annual Harris Poll.


Technology Provides Hope for Paralyzed Vets      

WASHINGTON - Scientists are developing flexible braces that could get paralyzed veterans back on their feet and recreate a natural walking motion.


Defense Department Seeks to Expand Telework Program      

WASHINGTON - An updated Defense Department policy will encourage more managers to adopt telework arrangements for their employees.


‘Family Matters’ Blog Offers Support to Military Families      

WASHINGTON - American Forces Press Service has launched a military blog called “Family Matters” dedicated to helping military families deal with the challenges and situations unique to a military lifestyle.


AFPS Blog: New GI Bill Will Make Huge Impact      

WASHINGTON - If history is any guide, the new Post-9/11 GI Bill may be the most effective piece of legislation Congress ever has passed.


Customer Input Drives Moving Company Selection      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is shifting the way it selects the civilian companies that move troops and defense civilians to new duty stations by focusing on customer service rather than cost.


Commander Highlights Wing’s Combat Support      

WASHINGTON - The commander of one of the largest and most diverse wings in the Air Force highlighted the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing’s contributions to operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom in a recent blogger's roundtable.


Preston Discusses Issues, Goals With Soldiers in Iraq      

CAMP CROPPER, Iraq - Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston discussed key concerns and possible solutions with soldiers during a visit to Camp Cropper, Iraq.


Infantry Patrols Disrupt Insurgents, Aid Afghans  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The main mission for U.S. soldiers on Forward Operating Base Baylough is to disrupt enemy activities, but they also work to help nearby villages.


Face of Defense: Personal Motto Drives Army Officer  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Army Lt. Col. Mary Cheyne's motto, “Make it happen,” enables her to conduct business every day in Afghanistan with focused determination.


Global Strike Command Will Stress Nuclear Mission  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A key step in reinvigorating the Air Force’s nuclear deterrence mission will be made with the activation of the service’s Global Strike Command.


Officials Work to Resolve 'Burn Pit' Smoke Issues      

WASHINGTON - As the military ramps up its program to identify health problems from "burn pit" smoke exposure, President Barack Obama pledged to see that troops are protected and treated.


Mullen Describes Daunting, Complex Challenges      

WASHINGTON - The global financial crisis and other challenges facing the world today are the most daunting and complex in his lifetime, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told a student leadership group.


Iraqis Take Lead in Southern Iraq, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi soldiers and police serving in the southern part of their country are performing the lion’s share of security duties.


Officials Look to Solve Social Network Risks Without Ban      

WASHINGTON - As Pentagon officials weigh the benefits and risks of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, they hope to craft a policy that shores up security vulnerabilities without requiring a ban.


Soldiers Teach Iraqi Nurses, Midwives New Skills  This story contains photos.    

HILLAH, Iraq - Iraqi nurses recently completed a four-day day medical symposium on infection control and patient assessments led by U.S. soldiers.


Reserve, Guard Team With Illinois Employers  This story contains photos.    

CHICAGO - The Army Reserve and National Guard signed partnership agreements with dozens of Chicago and Illinois state employers to enhance job opportunities for soldiers and veterans.


New Weapon System Boosts Soldiers’ Safety  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - A new warfighting tool enables soldiers to acquire and engage targets from the safety of their armored vehicle.


Basra Police Arrest Suspected Terrorist Commander      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi police from the Basra special weapons and tactics team, along with U.S. advisors, arrested a suspected terrorist commander in an Iraqi-led operation.


Infantrymen Maintain Austere Base in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Infantry soldiers in Zabul province take turns going on missions and maintaining their small base.


Iraqi Women Take Business Into Their Own Hands  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Iraqi women discussed opportunities in business development and contracting with U.S. soldiers and contractors.


Face of Defense: Soldier Starts Recycling Effort in Iraq      

BAGHDAD - The Army teaches soldiers to leave a place better than they found it. One soldier has applied this adage to the Multinational Division Baghdad area of operations by thinking “green.”


Official Explains Process After Afghanistan Assessment      

WASHINGTON - If more resources are required after the commander of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan assesses the situation there, a separate process would follow, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said.


Wounded Warrior Diaries: Coast Guardsman Makes History  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Petty Officer 1st Class Joseph Ruggiero’s heroic actions saved lives and earned him the first Purple Heart awarded to a Coast Guardsman since the Vietnam War.


Female Soldiers Continue Footprint in Army Aviation  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Women now make up 15 percent of the Army and have expanded their footprint in the U.S. military.


Obama: VA Outreach Aims at Seamless Transition      

WASHINGTON - The days of the Department of Veterans Affairs waiting passively for veterans leaving the military to seek benefits and services are over, President Barack Obama said.


Chairman Calls for Progress in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - It is crucial that U.S., NATO and Afghan forces make progress in Afghanistan in the next 12 to 18 months, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.


Obama, Shinseki Cite Post-traumatic Stress as Priority  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said he hopes increasing the size of the force will help reduce incidents of post-traumatic stress disorder.


Command Fosters Unity of Medical Effort in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Officials from a transition command are creating a unified, sustainable medical service in Iraq.


U.S. Nurses Aid Iraqi Counterparts  This story contains photos.    

HILLAH, Iraq - A medical symposium at Babil Maternity Hospital in Iraq’s Babil province highlighted the differences between Iraqi and American nurses.


Marines Train Afghans During Live-fire Exercise  This story contains photos.    

NURISTAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Afghan forward observers, fire control personnel and artillerymen conducted live-fire exercises, following training from U.S. Marines.


Alternative Energy Powers Iraq Border Checkpoints      

BAGHDAD - The engineering arm of a transition command in Iraq and Army engineers are using alternative energy systems at Iraqi border checkpoints.


Face of Defense: Grandfather’s Service Inspires NCO  This story contains photos.    

BRUSSELS, Belgium - A military police soldier inspired by his career-soldier grandfather also credits his wife and his drill instructor for his many accomplishments.


Obama: Health Care Reform Won’t Affect VA, Tricare      

WASHINGTON - In ongoing discussions about health-care reform, President Barack Obama offered assurance to those receiving medical care through Tricare or the Department of Veterans Affairs: Your benefits are safe.


Obama Favors Inclusive Approach to GI Bill Benefits  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - As the administration works with Congress to shore up gaps in Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, President Barack Obama said he wants to be inclusive in extending those entitlements.


Insurgent Activity Declines Along Afghan-Pakistani Border      

WASHINGTON - Insurgent activity across the Afghanistan and Pakistan borders has declined as a result of complementary operations by the two countries and coalition forces in the region.


Task Force Expands Safe Areas in Afghanistan Province      

WASHINGTON - Adding more troops in Afghanistan’s Uruzgan province, one of the country's poorest areas, has expanded security efforts, making it safer for roughly 80 percent of the people there.


Officials Urge Parents to Check Students’ Shot Records      

WASHINGTON - Department of Defense Education Activity officials are reminding parents to review their children’s immunization records to ensure they’re up to date by the first day of the school year.


Pentagon Weighs Social Networking Benefits, Risks      

WASHINGTON - A Defense Department review is weighing the benefits of social networking and other Web 2.0 platforms against potential security vulnerabilities they create.


Tricare Deputy Director Highlights New Programs      

WASHINGTON - Tricare is enhancing its programs and services as part of an ongoing commitment to provide quality health care for military families, the new deputy director of Tricare Management Activity said.


Face of Defense: Woman to Lead Drill Sergeant School  This story contains photos.    

FORT JACKSON, S.C. - Army Command Sgt. Maj. Teresa King will serve as the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School's next commandant and hopes her selection will encourage other women.


Southcom Embraces Two-Way Impact of Social Media      

WASHINGTON - Commands exploring the best way to get involved in social media might want to consider the experience of U.S. Southern Command, the first combatant command to embrace these new communication forms.


Iraqi National Police Become ‘Federal’      

BAGHDAD - In an effort toward "national unity government," the Iraqi National Police have undergone a name change.


Soldiers Boost Security for Afghan National Elections  This story contains photos.    

KUNAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Afghan National Police and U.S. military police assigned to Task Force Mountain Warrior conducted training to boost security for Afghanistan’s upcoming presidential election.


Commander Briefs Gates, Mullen on Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made an unannounced trip to Belgium to get an update from commanders in Afghanistan.


New GI Bill Renews Commitment to Troops, Obama Says      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama saluted the implementation of the Post-9/11 GI Bill during a ceremony at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va.


Scientists Use Virtual World to Support Troops      

WASHINGTON - Scientists are using virtual online worlds to improve the flow of information and support to servicemembers returning from deployments.


Pre-election Operation Disables Enemy in Afghanistan      

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Afghan and U.S. forces completed an operation aimed at improving security for Afghanistan’s upcoming presidential election.


Soldiers Shift Gears From Combat to Security      

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - Soldiers assigned to the 29th Field Artillery Regiment's Company A, 2nd Battalion have been learning new skills and taking on new challenges as they adapt to a different mission in Iraq.


Medics Aid Afghans in Remote Villages  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Two medics are using their medical skills to help fellow soldiers and aid local Afghans.


Face of Defense: NCO Works to Improve Soldiers' Gear      

FORT MONMOUTH, N.J. - A soldier from Fort Monmouth, N.J., has played a key role in improving personal protective equipment.


Officials Identify Gulf War Pilot’s Remains  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Remains found in Iraq’s Anbar province are those of Navy Capt. Michael Scott Speicher, who was shot down flying a combat mission in an F/A-18 Hornet during operation Desert Storm.

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