
American Forces Press Service

 May 1997


U.S. Will Maintain Nuclear Deterrent      

WASHINGTON - The United States will maintain its strategic nuclear arsenal even as it streamlines and modernizes its armed forces, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen told personnel at U.S. Strategic Command.


Clinton Says Bosnia Deadline Firm      

WASHINGTON - While the June 1998 deadline for U.S. troop withdrawal from Bosnia remains firm, President Clinto said, European officials must speed up reconstruction efforts.


U.S. Evacuates Americans from Sierra Leone      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces began evacuating American citizens and third country nationals from Sierra Leone May 30 after a military coup left the security situation in the West African nation uncertain.



WASHINGTON - Four aviation units that have been supporting Bosnia stabilization forces are slated to return home in June. A change to the threat assessment in the region means they will not be replaced by stateside units.


Desert Rope Lassos Missile Test Savings  This story contains photos.    

WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. - It flies through the air, with the greatest of ease; a rope it slides on, not a trapeze.


HAZMAT Program Stunk 'Til Army-Navy Team Struck      

WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. - An old adage says you can tell a lot about an army by the garbage it leaves behind. When New Mexico state environmentalists got a whiff of White Sands garbage in 1994, they smelled a rat.


Cohen Upholds Military Code      

WASHINGTON - Serving as a guardian of the nation is an "awesome responsibility," said William S. Cohen.



WASHINGTON - TSgt. Frenchie Evans, dormitory facility manager at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, has been named National Volunteer of the Year by the Armed Services YMCA.


50 Years Ago: Marshall Unveils Plan for Europe      

WASHINGTON - In the aftermath of World War II, Secretary of State George C. Marshall -- general of the Army who later became secretary of defense -- unveiled a plan at Harvard University June 5, 1947, that changed the course of world history.


Marshall's Vision Lives On      

WASHINGTON - "Today, I affirm to the people of Europe, as Gen. Marshall did 50 years ago: America stands with you. We have learned the lessons of history. We will not walk away."


White Says Technology Key to Security      

WASHINGTON - Harnessing today's revolution in military technology will require a similar revolution in the way the military does business, Deputy Defense Secretary John P. White said in Chicago May 22.



WASHINGTON - The Navy named its newest roll-on/roll- off cargo ship in honor of an Army Medal of Honor recipient May 24, at Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Va., DoD officials said.


DoD Update on Landmine Ban      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials have removed about 80 percent of DoD's 3 million nonself-destructing anti-personnel landmines from military stockpiles, Pentagon officials said May 15. The mines are slated for destruction.


Cohen Pays Tribute to Armed Forces      

WASHINGTON - With the Berlin Wall reduced to rubble, the Soviet empire dissolved and the Cold War a distant memory, why should the United States maintain the best armed forces in the world?


Shorts #11      

DALLAS - The Army and Air Force Exchange Service announces the immediate recall of children's ExtraValue sandals by Wiesner Products, Inc.


Clinton Honors America's Service Members      

WASHINGTON - The nation must ensure America's men and women in uniform have the best training, equipment and preparation possible to do their jobs, "because even in times of peace, we must remain vigilant in a very new and still uncertain world."


NATO, Russia Sign Pact      

WASHINGTON - In a ceremony marking a formal end to the Cold War, U.S. President Bill Clinton, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and 15 other NATO nation leaders signed a pact May 27 in Paris linking Eastern and Western Europe.


Clinton Hails NATO Expansion      

WASHINGTON - President Clinton hailed NATO plans to invite new members into the security alliance as the right thing to do during a White House photo opportunity with NATO Secretary General Javier Solana May 19.


Cut Troops, Civilians, Bases DoD Study Urges      

WASHINGTON - DoD is slimming down to make way for the future. Quadrennial Defense Review proposals call for cutting troops, civilian employees, bases and major equipment buys as the military streamlines operations to pay for modernization.


U.S., Russia Expanding Military Ties      

WASHINGTON - American troops can expect to see more of their Russian counterparts in the year ahead as the United States and Russia strengthen their growing military relationship.


U.S., NATO, Russia: Partners in a New Age      

WASHINGTON - NATO and Russia are forming a new partnership that will link the former Cold War foe to Western Europe, White House officials announced May 14.


U.S., North Korea Agree to Search for MIAs      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials reached an agreement May 14, with North Korea to search for remains of American troops missing since the Korean War.


Shalikashvili: U.S., China Share Vital Interests      

WASHINGTON - U.S. presence in the Asia-Pacific region benefits China as well as other nations, U.S. Army Gen. John M. Shalikashvili told students at China's top military school.


U.S. to Engage China via Military Contacts      

WASHINGTON - Engaging China through military-to-military contacts will promote better understanding, clearer communications, greater confidence and deeper cooperation, U.S. Army Gen. John M. Shalikashvili said recently in Beijing.


Shalikashvili: New Threats Require New Strategy      

WASHINGTON - A "hot peace" has followed the Cold War as the United States faces such regional aggressors as Iraq and North Korea, U.S. Army Gen. John M. Shalikashvili told Chinese military students and officials in Beijing.


Installation Excellence Awards Announced      

WASHINGTON - Fort Benning, Ga., Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station, N.C., Ingleside Naval Station, Texas, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, and the Defense Supply Center, Richmond, Va., have won the 1997 Commander in Chief's Award for Installation Excellence.


Joint Chiefs Support Defense Review      

WASHINGTON - The Joint Chiefs of Staff and unified combatant commanders are "on board" in their support for the Quadrennial Defense Review about to be unveiled May 19.


Cut the Tail, Not the Tooth, Cohen Says      

WASHINGTON - Just as service members are expected to be lean, mean, fighting machines, so should the rest of DoD, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said here May 15.


Toll-Free Numbers Can Aid Voters on Election Issues      

WASHINGTON - The Federal Voting Assistance Program encourages service members and DoD employees worldwide to vote.


DoD Reserve Chief Recommends Suspending Mobilization Insurance  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - DoD recommends Congress suspend an insurance program designed to compensate reservists involuntarily called to active duty.


Cohen, Rodionov Announce Agreements  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Russian Defense Minister Igor Rodionov addressed the problems of disposing of Russian nuclear and chemical weapons during a Pentagon news briefing May 13.


Cohen Names Panel to Review Civilian Force, Defense Agencies      

WASHINGTON - The military had its turn under the microscope, now it's time to closely examine DoD's civilian side.


Symposium to Look at Acquisition Reform      

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - Acquisition professionals will have a chance to share information at the 1997 Acquisition Research Symposium, June 25-27, in Rockville, Md.


More Flexible Housing Allowance on the Horizon      

WASHINGTON - Service members living stateside off-post may see more money starting Jan. 1 if Congress allows DoD to change the way it computes monthly housing allowances.


Air Force Men, Army Women Repeat as Volleyball Champions  This story contains photos.    

FORT BENNING, Ga. - Air Force men and Army women repeated their 1996 performances by capturing the 1997 Armed Forces Volleyball Championships May 7-10 here.


Army Wins Four Medals at U.S. Taekwondo Nationals      

OAKLAND, Calif. - Army 1st Lt. Alisha Williams of Camp Humphreys, Korea, won a gold medal, while three teammates kicked for bronze medals to highlight the Army's finish at the 23rd U.S. National Taekwondo Championships. The tournament was held May 7-11 here.


Dedication Events for Women's Memorial Announced  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Women in Military Service for America organizers announced the schedule of events leading to the Women's Memorial dedication at Arlington National Cemetery, Va.


Presidential Committee Raps Gulf War Illness Investigation      

WASHINGTON - The presidential advisory committee on Gulf War veterans' illnesses doesn't like the way government agencies are handling the investigation of illnesses thousands of Gulf War veterans say they contracted during the 1991 conflict.


Dental Plan Enrollees Don't Necessarily Reap Benefits      

WASHINGTON - Defense health officials are concerned that many service families signed up for family dental care aren't actively participating in the program.


DoD Spokesman Reiterates Misconduct the Issue, Not Race      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon at a press briefing May 8 repeated his earlier statement that sexual misconduct, not race, is the issue in current cases involving Army NCOs.


Air Force Fills Void in Naval Hospital Neonatal Care  This story contains photos.    

CAMP LESTER, Japan - Pregnant and desperately ill, Sue Daywalt was strapped to a hospital gurney, prepped for an eight-hour flight to the Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu.


Air Force Team Goes Army Green  This story contains photos.    

WHEELER ARMY AIRFIELD, Hawaii - A column of equipment-laden soldiers, M-16 rifles tightly gripped, radio antennas bobbing from backpacks, slogs along the rain-soaked, red-mud shoulder of a winding rural road.


Congress May Suspend Reserve Mobilization Insurance Plan      

WASHINGTON - Congress is considering legislation to suspend the Ready Reserve Mobilization Insurance Program for the rest of fiscal 1997, said DoD reserve affairs officials. Legislators are also considering a broad range of options that will make the income insurance program self-sufficient.


DoD Takes Environmental Honors      

WASHINGTON - DoD won nearly half the 1997 White House environmental Closing the Circle Awards presented here May 5.


Chairman, Senator Receive Awards  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Army Gen. John M. Shalikashvili, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Sen. Strom Thurmond and received awards May 1 from The Retired Officers Association.


Simpson Receives 25-Year Sentence at Aberdeen Court-      

WASHINGTON - Former Army drill sergeant Staff Sgt. Delmar G. Simpson was sentenced May 6 to 25 years' imprisonment, loss of all pay and allowances, reduction to the lowest enlisted rank and a dishonorable discharge by a six-member military panel at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.


A Family's Sacrifice Remembered      

WASHINGTON - The USS The Sullivans recently rejoined the fleet, ensuring one Navy family's World War II sacrifice will be remembered.


Memorial Lionizes 'Forgotten' Freedom Fighters  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Four combat veterans stared at four powerful words etched into the shiny black granite wall of the Korean War Veterans Memorial.


Cohen Discusses Three-Pronged Defense Strategy      

WASHINGTON - "Shape," "respond," "prepare" sum up the nation's future defense strategy, William S. Cohen said here May 6.


DoD Spokesman: Sexual Misconduct the Issue at Aberdeen      

WASHINGTON - Sexual misconduct is the issue at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., not race or mixed-gender training, said Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon, after a military court sentenced an Army drill sergeant to prison for rape.


DoD Plans 50th Anniversary Celebration      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials began preparations to celebrate the department's golden anniversary with observances slated Sept. 15-19 at the Pentagon.


North Koreans Agree to Meet American MIA Families      

WASHINGTON - North Koreans negotiating with DoD POW/MIA officials in New York have agreed to meet with family members of U.S. servicemen missing since the Korean War.


Student's Research Could Put Lasers on Ships      

MONTEREY, Calif. - U.S. Navy ships may one day defend against missiles by zapping them with a laser, and a Naval Postgraduate School graduate could take some credit for this accomplishment.


New AAFES Prices Will Save Service Members Millions      

DALLAS - Service members will save millions due to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service's new 4 Ways to Save pricing strategy.


Cohen Salutes DoD's Senior Civil Servant  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense secretaries come and go, but DoD's public servants stay to carry out the mission, William S. Cohen said during Pentagon Public Service Recognition Week ceremonies.


Cohen Calls for Business Revolution      

WASHINGTON - In a Pentagon salute to public servants, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen called on DoD's civilian work force to revolutionize the way the department does business.


Delayed Entry Recruits Have Easier Exchange Access      

WASHINGTON - A policy established recently allows delayed entry program service members easier access to military exchanges and morale, welfare and recreation programs.


U.S.-Ukraine Cooperation Grows      

WASHINGTON - The United States and Ukraine signed three agreements May 1, one aimed at further eliminating Ukraine's nuclear arms and two establishing military medical cooperation.


Terrorism Declines But Threat Remains High      

WASHINGTON - Global terrorism dropped to a 25-year low in 1996, but last year's attacks were much more deadly than in the past, according to a State Department report released April 30.


White Announces Plans to Step Down      

WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary John P. White announced he will step down as the No. 2 official in the department this summer.


Special Adviser Added to DoD Gulf War Illness Probe      

WASHINGTON - Former U.S. Sen. Warren Rudman was appointed a special adviser on Gulf War illness issues May 1 by Secretary of Defense William Cohen.


1996 Military Journalism Winners Announced      

WASHINGTON - Air Force Staff Sgt. Elton Price and Army Sgt. Angele Ringo garnered top individual honors in DoD's 1996 Thomas Jefferson journalism competition.


Assistance Sought As Airmen Recover from Grand Forks      

WASHINGTON - More than 700 airmen and their families face weeks of uncertainty and possibly years of financial recovery after being forced from their homes by the flooding Red River of the North.


Commissary Cashier Hiring Program Expanded      

FORT LEE, Va. - TAPS is playing at a commissary near you. But it's not the end, it's just the beginning. A regional pilot program to speed hiring commissary cashiers has proven a major success. Now, anyone in the United States can apply to be a commissary cashier simply by picking up the phone and calling TAPS.


Commander Lists Needs for Future Marine Weapons      

CAMP H. M. SMITH, Hawaii - The Marine Corps needs new weapons and equipment despite its high state of combat readiness, according to the senior Marine in the Pacific.


Marine General Leads, Lauds '911' Force      

CAMP H. M. SMITH, Hawaii - Marine Corps Forces Pacific is, the commander said, "a '911' expeditionary force -- the best emergency response when crisis calls."


DoD to Unveil Blueprint for the Future      

WASHINGTON - What does the future hold for the military? Will there be further troop cuts? Base closures? These are some questions to be answered May 15.



WASHINGTON - The cost of Servicemember's Group Life Insurance will drop from 9 cents per $1,000 to 8.5 cents, beginning July 1.


Two Sites Added to Gulf War Illness Town Meetings      

WASHINGTON - DoD has added two cities to the places Bernard Rostker, the department's special assistant for Gulf War illnesses, will visit to address veterans' health concerns.

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