
American Forces Press Service

 November 2005


Iraq Security Successes Critical to Victory in Iraq, Bush Says      

WASHINGTON - As Iraq's security forces gain capability and take on more and tougher missions, they're winning the confidence of the Iraqi people and setting the stage for coalition forces to stand down, President Bush said today in Annapolis, Md.


Bush to Troops: 'The American People Stand Behind You'      

WASHINGTON - Victory in Iraq will require the strength and courage of U.S. servicemembers, who by fighting terrorists in Iraq are defeating a direct threat to the American people, President Bush said today at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.


Gaming is More Than Just Play for Military Services  This story contains photos.    

ORLANDO, Fla. - A team of eight U.S. soldiers is engaged by a larger enemy force. The team is hit by three rocket-propelled grenades and three improvised explosive devices, yet they still fight, killing several enemies.


Iraqi Troops Kill Man Who Tried to Take Soldier's Weapon      

WASHINGTON - Troops from the Iraqi army's 3rd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 7th Division, killed a man Nov. 29 after he tried to take a soldier's weapon near Ramadi, Iraq, military officials reported.


Rumsfeld: Iraq's Terrorists Not Worthy of 'Insurgent' Label      

WASHINGTON - "Insurgents" just seems like too positive a word to describe terrorists in Iraq and implies a level of legitimacy they don't have and don't deserve, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told Pentagon reporters Nov. 29.


Bush: Clear Strategy Will Ensure Victory in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - A clear, comprehensive U.S. strategy is showing solid progress in Iraq and will ultimately defeat terrorists there and ensure a free Iraq that inspires democratic reformers throughout the Middle East, President Bush said today in Annapolis, Md.


Standard Federal ID to Replace Common Access Cards      

WASHINGTON - A new, standardized identification card will replace the common access cards that military personnel, government civilians and contractors now hold.


Army's Ongoing Transformation Was Decades in the Making      

WASHINGTON - Although the Army only began its transformation in 2002, the process has been ongoing and decades in the making, the military deputy to the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology said here Nov. 29.


America Supports You: Organization Flies High for Wounded  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Wounded servicemembers recuperating at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, look to doctors and nurses for their medical care. For creature comforts, they look to the skies.


Iraqi 2nd Army Brigade Ready to Take Over Babil Province      

HILLAH, Iraq - The 2nd Iraqi Army Brigade here successfully completed its certification process Nov. 29, military officials reported.


Rumsfeld: U.S. Obliged to Train Iraqis to Prevent Abuse      

WASHINGTON - Though Iraq is responsible for dealing with prisoner abuse or mistreatment by Iraqi security forces, the United States has an obligation to ensure Iraqis are properly trained and are aware of the damage such abuses can cause, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here Nov. 29.


Chairman Calls White Phosphorous Legitimate Military Tool      

WASHINGTON - White phosphorous is a legitimate military tool, but U.S. forces have been highly judicious about using it to avoid harming civilians, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Pentagon reporters Nov. 29.


Huge Weapons Cache Yields Thousands of Buried Rounds  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Iraqi and U.S. forces have removed more than 4,200 mortar rounds from a major weapons cache found Nov. 27 outside of an abandoned military base near Kirkuk, Iraq, military officials reported.


Today's Operations Build Future Military      

ORLANDO, Fla. - The military of the future is evolving today, military and defense industry officials said at the opening of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference here Nov. 29.


Rumsfeld: Quitting No Exit Strategy for Iraq      

WASHINGTON - "Quitting is not an exit strategy" for Iraq and would open a Pandora's box of risks to the American people, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told Pentagon reporters today.


Iraq Troop Withdrawal Would Be 'Huge Mistake,' Bush Says      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. commander in chief today dismissed talk of any major withdrawal of American troops from Iraq before victory over insurgents there is achieved.


Officials Decry Use of Outdated Images to Portray Gitmo  This story contains photos.    

U.S. NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - Leaders at the U.S. detention facility for enemy combatants here wonder why media outlets continue to use outdated images of defunct facilities to accompany news reports about the base.


Americans Open Their Hearts to Servicemembers      

WASHINGTON - As the traditional gift-giving season gets under way, American people, corporations and service groups are showing their gratitude to American servicemembers, especially those who are deployed, in combat zones, or have been wounded.


Ukraine to Join Southeastern European Defense Ministerial      

WASHINGTON - Next week Ukraine becomes a member of a regional European security organization at a conference that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld will host here, a senior Defense Department official said today.


Troops Find Car Bombs, Detain Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Soldiers from the 4th Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, discovered three car bombs and detained nine possible terrorists west of Rawah today after their patrol was attacked by a suicide bomber, military officials reported.


Terror War Strategy Goes Beyond Iraq and Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - The threat that led to the global war on terror began festering long before Sept. 11, 2001, and will continue to rage as long as al Qaeda and other like organizations keep spreading their ideology, Army Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, from U.S. Central Command, said.


Burning Afghan Bodies Resulted From Poor Judgment, Not War Crimes      

WASHINGTON - The decision by U.S. soldiers to burn the bodies of two enemy Afghan fighters was an act of poor judgment, but not a violation of the laws of war, U.S. officials have determined.


America Supports You: Care Packager Honored for Good Deeds to Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - For nearly three years, Amy Oxford has packed, wrapped and mailed care packages to servicemembers fighting in the global war on terrorism so they know America remembers them. Now she's being recognized for her good deeds.


Iraqi Security Forces Steadily Improving, But Still Need Support      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and coalition initiatives to create well-trained and -equipped Iraqi security forces are paying off, with Iraqis taking on more of the fight, a U.S. Central Command general said Nov. 28 at the Heritage Foundation here.


Two Soldiers Killed, One Injured in Separate Incidents      

WASHINGTON - Two Task Force Baghdad soldiers were killed when their patrol struck a roadside bomb north of Baghdad today, military officials reported.


U.S. Helping Colombian Military Cope With Drug War's Legacy      

MIAMI - While U.S. servicemembers are in the Middle East fighting the war on terrorism, Colombia is fighting its own war against terrorists -- narco-traffickers and violent militias that support them in the country's mountainous rural areas.


Ambassador Underscores Significance of Iraq's Upcoming Elections      

WASHINGTON - Iraq's upcoming national elections will have a major impact on the country, forming a new government that "will act like a magnet and draw people in," the Defense Department's representative to Europe and adviser to the U.S. mission to NATO predicted today.


Patrol Uncovers Weapons, Bomb Materials      

WASHINGTON - A routine patrol yielded significant results Nov. 27 when Task Force Baghdad soldiers discovered terrorists' weapons and bomb-making materials and detained four suspects in the Abu Ghraib district of western Baghdad, military officials reported.


Southern Command Looking to Upgrade Facilities, Rein in Costs      

MIAMI - U.S. Southern Command has outgrown its leased complex of buildings in northern Miami, and the command's leaders are working on a solution, officials here said in a series of interviews.


Exhibition Focuses on Joint Operations, Disaster Preparation      

ORLANDO, Fla. - The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference opened its doors today to showcase technological developments in military training and provide a forum for industry professionals to share knowledge in the area of force preparation.


Saddam Hussein Trial Faces Second Delay After Brief Resumption      

WASHINGTON - The trial for former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein resumed briefly today, but an Iraqi judge granted another delay to give the defense team more time to prepare, an official in Baghdad confirmed today.


Soldiers Capture 20 Terrorists; Weapons Cache Found Near Kirkuk      

WASHINGTON - Soldiers from Multinational Division Central South captured 20 men suspected of terrorism in northern Iraq's Babil province today, military officials reported.


Marine Killed, Operation Tigers Continues in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - A U.S. Marine engaged in combat operations against enemy forces near Camp Taqaddum, Iraq, was killed in an improvised explosive device attack Nov. 26, officials in Iraq announced today.


Top NCOs Inform Soldiers in Iraq of Wartime Training Changes  This story contains photos.    

CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq - The Army is instituting significant changes in how it trains and recruits soldiers, aiming to make U.S. troops more battle ready for the challenges in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, two of the Army's top noncommissioned officers said during recent visits to Camp Liberty in Baghdad, Iraq.


Americans Give Special Thanks to U.S. Troops, Bush Says      

WASHINGTON - On this Thanksgiving Day weekend, all Americans are reminded of the debt of gratitude they owe to the men, women and families of the United States military, President Bush said today in his weekly radio address.


Relative Confirms Oct. 14 Raid Killed Zarqawi Confidant      

BAGHDAD - A family member and coalition sources have confirmed that Oct. 14 raids killed a close confidant of fugitive Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, military officials reported today.


Cooks Serve Thousands of Thanksgiving Meals in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE PROSPERITY, Iraq - It was an early-morning mission for the food specialists here: prepare a Thanksgiving feast for soldiers deployed more than 3,000 miles from home.


Accident, Roadside Bomb, Gunfire Claim Six Soldiers in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Six U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq in recent days, military officials reported.


U.S., Honduran Senior Enlisted Build Ties  This story contains photos.    

SOTO CANO AIR BASE, Honduras - The new senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his counterpart at U.S. Southern Command did a little international teambuilding on a visit here Nov. 22 and today.


Iraq Debate Normal in Democracy, Giambastiani Says      

WASHINGTON - The debate on troops in Iraq is healthy and part and parcel of being a democracy, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here Nov. 22.


Innovation Cuts Through 'Crust and Rust,' Vice Chairman Says      

WASHINGTON - Change and innovation are a necessary part of the military culture, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Nov. 22.


Military Demographics Representative of America, Officials Say      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military is not a "poor man's force." That's the conclusion Defense Department officials reached following examination of enlisted recruiting statistics gathered over the past year.


Pentagon Official Comments on Iraq Troop Levels      

WASHINGTON - Recent news reports that say major U.S. troop reductions in Iraq may occur next year are speculative in nature, a senior Defense Department official said today.


Persistent Presence Creates Secure Environment, Spokesman Says      

WASHINGTON - Operations that have been ongoing in the Iraq's Anbar province since September have had a significant impact nationwide and have limited the ability of terrorists to conduct suicide attacks, a U.S. military spokesman said today in Baghdad.


U.S. Soldier, Afghan Interpreter Killed by Roadside Bomb      

WASHINGTON - A U.S. servicemember and an Afghan interpreter were killed Nov. 22 when their up-armored Humvee struck a roadside bomb south of Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan, military officials reported.


Iraqi Soldiers Capture Insurgents, Disarm Roadside Bombs      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi army troops from the 3rd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, captured three insurgents Nov. 22 in Baghdad, military officials reported.


Top Enlisted Advisor Impressed With Gitmo Troop Quality, Dedication  This story contains photos.    

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - At the tail end of his first visit here, the recently appointed senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said he's "happy with the quality of people you see here."


10 Years After Dayton Accords, Rice Urges Bosnia to Further Its Goals      

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice commemorated the 10th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords here today by urging Bosnia-Herzegovina to become fully unified, arrest its war criminals, and create a final peace in Kosovo.


Senior Military, Civilian Leaders Discuss QDR Topics      

WASHINGTON - Senior military and civilian leaders discussed a number of topics that will be addressed in the 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review during a Nov. 21 Pentagon meeting, a senior Defense Department official said here today.


Central Command Welcomes Chairman's Advisor  This story contains photos.    

MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - Army Command Sgt. Maj. William J. Gainey, senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited U.S. Central Command headquarters here last week as part of his tour to meet the senior enlisted leaders of the combatant commands.


Different Languages, Cultures Highlighted at Pentagon Event  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Learning about different languages and cultures is good for America and national security, a senior Defense Department official said here today.


Small-Arms Fire Claims Soldiers' Lives; Weapons Caches Found      

WASHINGTON - Two Task Force Freedom soldiers were killed Nov. 19 by small-arms fire while on patrol in Mosul, Iraq, officials said today.


Operation Steel Curtain Concludes Along Iraq-Syria Border      

CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, Iraq - U.S. and Iraqi forces wrapped up Operation Steel Curtain today near the Iraq-Syria border, military officials here announced.


Zarqawi Probably Alive, Ground Forces Commander Says      

WASHINGTON - The commander of ground forces in Iraq said today he has "absolutely no reason to believe" that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was among those killed during a Nov. 19 raid in Mosul, Iraq.


General Links Security at Home to U.S. Role in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The contributions U.S. servicemembers are making in Iraq are helping ensure the peace and security families across the United States will enjoy this Thanksgiving, the commander of coalition operations in Iraq told Pentagon reporters via satellite today.


Terrorists Fire Dud in Attempt to Disrupt Tikrit Ceremony      

WASHINGTON - Terrorists today fired what officials called "unidentified explosive ordnance" at a ceremony where multinational forces were turning over control of the former Saddam Hussein palace complex to Iraqi government officials in Tikrit, Iraq, military officials said.


Chairman's Enlisted Advisor Heads South to Visit Troops  This story contains photos.    

MIAMI - Army Command Sgt. Maj. William J. "Joe" Gainey, recently appointed as the first senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited U.S. Southern Command Nov. 21 to learn the lay of the land and impart bits of his own brand of wisdom.


Iraqi Soldiers Seize Weapons, Detain Three Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi army soldiers confiscated a large number of terrorists' weapons and bomb-making materials and detained three suspects today during cordon-and-search operations in the Ghazaliyah area of western Baghdad, military officials reported.


America Supports You: Business Goes to the Dogs  This story contains photos.    

VIENNA, Va. - Supporting the military canine corps serving in the global terror war is for the dogs as far as one Virginia business is concerned. The furry patrons of Happy Tails Dog Spa in this Washington suburb and their owners have pitched in to help support America's military working dogs with needed items.


DoD Demonstrates Global Electronic Medical Records System  This story contains photos.    

BETHESDA, Md. - The U.S. military demonstrated its new Internet-based electronic medical records system to reporters at a rollout ceremony here today.


Saddam's Hometown Palace to Transfer to Iraqis      

WASHINGTON - In what's being regarded as a highly symbolic development in Iraq, coalition forces will turn over former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's palace in Tikrit to the new Iraqi government during Nov. 22 ceremonies.


Cheney: U.S., Coalition Must Stay Course in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - To those who advocate a speedy withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, Vice President Dick Cheney posed two questions today.


Tips From Citizens Lead Iraqi Soldiers to Weapons Cache      

WASHINGTON - Acting on tips from local residents, Iraqi soldiers confiscated a large number of terrorist weapons and bomb-making materials Nov. 20 in western Baghdad, military officials reported.


Bush Thanks Mongolia for Terror War Support      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today thanked the people of Mongolia for helping bring about "a stunning transformation" in Iraq that he said is introducing freedom and democracy to people who had lived under tyranny and terror.


Combined Patrol Engages Enemy in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - A combined security patrol of Afghan National Army and coalition soldiers located and attacked enemy forces Nov. 20 northwest of Deh Rawood, military officials reported.


More Military Funds Committed for Pakistan Quake Relief      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is nearly doubling its funding for earthquake relief operations in Pakistan - to $110 million - following the country's devastating Oct. 8 earthquake that left an estimated 73,000 people dead, State Department officials announced Nov. 19.


Iraqi Police, U.S. Soldiers Help Children Hurt in IED Attack      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi police and U.S. soldiers responded to help five Iraqi children injured in a Nov. 20 roadside bomb explosion in eastern Baghdad, military officials reported.


U.S Troops Recognized for, and Die in, Combat Action      

WASHINGTON - U.S. troops in Iraq continue to perform heroically in combat against terrorist insurgents; and some are making the ultimate sacrifice in the country that President Bush has called "the central front in the war on terror."


Iraqi Police Class Graduates to Join Officers on Patrol      

WASHINGTON - As part of the Iraqi government's ongoing effort to train its security forces, officials announced today that the Iraqi Police Service graduated 217 police officers from advanced and specialty courses at the Baghdad Police College on Nov.17.


Rumsfeld Calls for Substantive, Mindful Iraq Debate      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld acknowledged that a spirited debate about the Iraq War is justified; however, he urged that this debate be substantive, factually based and mindful of its real-world consequences.


Joint Iraqi-American Operations Keep Terrorists on the Defensive      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi and American forces in Baghdad and Tikrit have launched a series of operations this past week that have thwarted terrorist activities and disrupted terrorist cells in these two key cities, officials say.


Bush Vows America to Fight in Iraq Until Victory Secured      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today dismissed political and media speculation about withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq and instead gave an impassioned and historically rich defense of the American war effort there during a rousing visit to U.S. troops at Osan Air Base, South Korea.


'Bosslift' Inspires Troop Support From Employers  This story contains photos.    

FORT KNOX, Ky. - After a three-day tour of Fort Knox and its training operations, a group of employers who have employees in the National Guard or Reserves showed their support for the troops by signing statements of support for the Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve program here Nov. 17.


Hire Veterans Committee Reaching Out to Employers, Veterans      

WASHINGTON - "Hiring a veteran is not good will, it's just good business," the chairman of the President's National Hire Veterans Committee said here Nov. 17.


Some Protective Vests Recalled, But Wearers Never at Risk      

WASHINGTON - The Army and Marine Corps are recalling about 18,000 protective vests, but officials emphasize that troops wearing them aren't at risk and that the recall has nothing to do with ballistic plate protection.


Team Builds Border Post to Enhance Iraq's Security  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - The Iraq/Syria border is a seemingly arbitrary line scratched into the sand, punctuated occasionally by cone-shaped stone marker piles, which are often the highest points around.


NSPS Implementation Date Moves to Feb. 1      

WASHINGTON - DoD will delay implementing the new National Security Personnel System until Feb. 1, acting Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England said.


Iraqi, U.S. Forces Respond to Car Bomb Attack  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Military officials in Iraq have provided more details concerning the response to today's two suicide-bomb attacks in central Baghdad.


Brigade Commander: As Iraq Progresses, Now No Time for U.S. to Leave      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces need to remain in Iraq until their job is finished, particularly in light of progress already made, the commander of a Texas Army National Guard brigade that's wrapping up its deployment there told Pentagon reporters today.


Task Force Soldiers Respond to Khanaqin Bombings      

TIKRIT, Iraq - More than 150 Iraqi civilians were reported killed or wounded in terrorist attacks that destroyed two Shiite mosques in Khanaqin, Iraq, during prayer services today, military officials here said.


Weapons Cache Grows as Soldiers Keep Digging  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - After receiving a tip from a local resident, soldiers from 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, uncovered what turned out to be a large weapons cache west of Baghdad.


One Soldier Killed, Two Injured in Vehicle Accident      

WASHINGTON - A 101st Sustainment Brigade soldier was killed and two others were injured Nov. 17 in a vehicle accident during a combat logistical patrol north of Tal Afar, Iraq, military officials reported.


VA, Olympic Agreement Benefits Disabled Veteran Athletes  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Athletes participating in the Department of Veterans Affairs' National Wheelchair Games and National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic are now eligible to qualify for U.S. Paralympic teams thanks to an agreement signed today.


U.S., Iraqi Forces Make Gains Against Insurgents in Western Iraq      

WASHINGTON - American and Iraqi military forces are making inroads against insurgents holed up in western Iraq's Anbar province, a senior U.S. military officer told reporters at a Baghdad news conference today.


'America Supports You' Celebrates One-Year Anniversary      

WASHINGTON - One year ago this week, the Defense Department launched "America Supports You," a program to showcase the nation's support for its men and women in uniform and the many ways citizens are expressing that support.


Grassroots Groups Say 'America Supports You' Boosts Efforts      

WASHINGTON - Representatives from 175 grassroots organizations say their decision to join "America Supports You" is paying off in a big way to boost their ability to support the troops.


Celebrities Honor Troops on 'America Supports You' Videos      

WASHINGTON - They read like a "Who's Who" of music, sports, TV and movie icons, all pulling together to lend their time, talents and voices to supporting America's men and women in uniform as part of the "America Supports You" program.


Transportation Department Pledges '5-Star' Support to Guard, Reserves      

ARLINGTON, Va. - Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta today pledged his department's support to employees who are also members of the National Guard and Reserve.


America Supports You: Arkansas 'Angels' Care for Deployed Troops' Pets  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Getting ready for deployment can be stressful enough -- and then Fido or Fluffy gazes up with a deafeningly silent "What about me?" look.


Guard, Reserve Employers See Cutting-Edge Simulator  This story contains photos.    

FORT KNOX, Ky. - Civilian employers of National Guard and military Reserve personnel got to see and experience a new simulator here Nov. 16 that put them in one of the most common, and possibly dangerous, situations deployed servicemembers face -- a convoy through Baghdad.


Personal Tragedy Inspires Spirit of Generosity in Sept. 11 Survivor      

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - When American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, Army Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell was just 20 feet away from the impact point. Birdwell traveled here Nov. 9 and 10 to offer encouragement to patients recovering in the amputee-care center and burn unit at Brooke Army Medical Center here.


Detainee Abuse Charges in Afghanistan Referred to Court-Martial      

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan - Charges of detainee abuse against two U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan were referred to a court-martial today after their commander reviewed the investigating officer's report and considered his recommendations, Combined Forces Command Afghanistan officials reported.


Defense Civilians Recognized for Superior Achievement      

WASHINGTON - Nine Defense Department civilian employees were honored for superior achievement at a Nov. 16 Pentagon award ceremony hosted by acting Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.


Iraqi, Coalition Forces Catch Suspects With Munitions      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi and coalition forces working a joint operation detained three suspected insurgents with a number of munitions Nov. 16, military officials reported.


IED Kills Marine in Iraq; Three Insurgents Detained in Raid  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A roadside bomb killed a Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), Nov. 16 near Hadithah, Iraq, military officials reported today.


Five Marines Killed in Steel Curtain Firefight      

WASHINGTON - Five Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed today during a firefight while conducting Operation Steel Curtain in New Ubaydi, Iraq, military officials reported.


Car Bomb Detonates Near U.S. Military Convoy in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - A car bomb detonated near a U.S. military convoy on the outskirts of Kandahar, Afghanistan, early today, killing one Afghan civilian and destroying a civilian flat-bed truck.


Air Force Fighters Strike Insurgents in Operation Steel Curtain      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Air Force F-15s, F-16s and Predator unmanned aerial vehicles made air strikes against insurgent fighters near the Iraq-Syria border Nov. 14 in support of Operation Steel Curtain.


Car Bomb Kills Marine; U.S., Iraqi Troops Find Weapons, Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - A U.S. Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in a suicide car-bomb attack near Karmah, Iraq, Nov. 15.


Retiree Quits Smoking After Nearly 50 Years      

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - Tom Sammons picked up his first cigarette when he was 14 years old. Young and swayed by peer pressure, he had no idea at the time that it would take him 48 years to put his last one down.


Smokeout Provides Servicemembers Opportunity to Be Quitters      

WASHINGTON - The American Cancer Society's 29th Great American Smokeout is a great day to become a quitter, a senior Defense Department health official said.


U.S. Servicemember Killed, Another Wounded in Afghanistan      

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan - A U.S. servicemember was killed by an improvised explosive device near the Pakistani border southeast of Gayan, Afghanistan, today.


Roadside Bomb Kills Three U.S. Soldiers Near Baghdad      

WASHINGTON - Three Task Force Baghdad soldiers were killed today when their patrol struck an improvised explosive device northwest of Baghdad, military officials in Iraq reported.


Iraq Intelligence Mistakes Were Honest, Rumsfeld Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The decision to send troops into Iraq was made in good faith based on shared intelligence, and the servicemembers risking their lives in the war on terror need to know that, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.


Judge Orders Military Trial at Guantanamo Bay Halted      

WASHINGTON - A federal judge ordered a halt Nov. 14 to the military trial of an Australian detainee captured in Afghanistan and held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, pending a Supreme Court ruling in a related case.


Tricare Officials Encourage Educated Decisions on Medicare Part D      

WASHINGTON - The window for signing up for Medicare's new prescription drug plan opens today, but Tricare Management Activity officials encourage eligible beneficiaries to weigh the facts before deciding whether to sign on to the plan.


School Renovations Benefit Southern Iraqis  This story contains photos.    

ERBIL, Iraq - Newscasts depict Iraqis facing so many hardships that one might wonder how $24 million could ever make an impact.


Coalition Forces Capture High-Level Baath Party Leader      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces captured the leader of the New Baath Party in Diyala province, Iraq, during a Nov. 9 patrol, officials announced today.


Jordan Bombings Reaffirm Need for Unity to Fight Terror, Rice Says      

WASHINGTON - Killing innocent civilians cannot be justified, and the United States will stand firmly with Jordan and the world to see that terrorism is defeated, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Nov. 14 in Amman, Jordan's capital city.


Two Marines Killed in Steel Curtain Operations      

WASHINGTON - Two Marines died from wounds suffered while participating in Operation Steel Curtain in New Ubaydi, Iraq, on Nov. 14. Both were assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward).


Bush: America Will Not Back Down in War on Terror      

WASHINGTON - America faces a dangerous enemy in the radical terrorists who are fighting democracy in the Middle East, and the only strategy to win is to remain on the offensive and to accept nothing less than total victory, President Bush said today at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska.


Rice Cites Democracy as Cause to Hope for Peace      

WASHINGTON - People's growing preference for democratic processes and a corresponding opposition to terrorism are increasing the opportunity for peace, America's top diplomat said in Jerusalem Nov. 13.


Former DoD Transformation Head Dies at Age 63      

WASHINGTON - The former admiral who'd been in charge of the defense department's mission to transform itself for the 21st century died Nov. 12 at age 63.


U.S. Remains Committed to Iraqi Democracy, Rice Says      

WASHINGTON - Although the road ahead is not easy, the United States remains determined to help Iraqis replace former dictator Saddam Hussein's autocratic rule with a democratic government, the top U.S. diplomat said in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 13.


Senate Delays on Nominations Present Challenges to DoD      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's top spokesman expressed frustration last week over a slow Senate confirmation process that he said is causing challenges within the department.


Homeland Security Chief Pledges to Support Guardsmen, Reservists      

ARLINGTON, Va. - The president's top homeland security adviser pledged Nov. 10 to support National Guardsmen and Reservists who are also civilian employees in the newest U.S. Cabinet department.


Steel Curtain Troops Move Into Ubaydi      

CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, Iraq - Iraqi army soldiers and U.S. Marines, soldiers and sailors with Regimental Combat Team 2 began a new phase of Operation Steel Curtain today by entering the town of Ubaydi.


Coalition Questions Claims of Al-Duri's Death, Continues Search      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces continue the hunt for Izzat Ibrihim al-Duri, long-time Saddam Hussein associate, in spite of the latest Baath party announcement of his death, Multinational Force Iraq officials in Baghdad, Iraq, said today.


'Steel Curtain' Continues, 3 U.S. Troops Die In Iraq      

WASHINGTON - One U.S. soldier and two Marines were killed in Iraq Nov. 12 as a week-old operation to clear out insurgents from western Iraq continues, according to U.S. military press releases.


Command Sergeant Major Praises Women's Service  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - Women -- daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, wives, friends and even grandmothers -- are serving in every state, U.S. territory and in more than 100 countries worldwide, the Army Reserve's first woman command sergeant major told the audience at a special Veterans Day observance at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial Nov.11.


Afghan Soldiers Conduct U.S.-Style Training Exercise      

WASHINGTON - Afghan soldiers are participating in an American-military-styled combat training exercise near Kandahar, according to a U.S. military press release.


U.S., Coalition Forces Kill, Capture Terrorists in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and coalition forces today took down a suspected al Qaeda safe house and put an enemy mortar team out of commission during two separate raids in Iraq, according to U.S. military press releases.


Women Veterans Tell What Veterans Day Means to Them  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - Five women, one from each service, including the Coast Guard, told an overflow audience here at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial's theater what being a veteran means to them during a special Veterans Day observance.


Rice, Annan Focus on Iraq's Political Progress      

WASHINGTON - It's evident what Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaeda's leader in Iraq, fears most, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Nov. 11 in Baghdad, Iraq.


Performers Salute Troops, Vets at American Freedom Festival  This story contains photos.    

NEW YORK - Servicemembers, veterans and supporters of the people past and present who have worn the nation's uniform packed the historic Roseland Ballroom here Nov. 11 for a night of music and a celebration of freedom.


Rice Chides Syria Over Lebanon, Iraq Policies      

WASHINGTON - Syrian leaders aren't helping matters by criticizing the U.N. investigation into the assassination of a former Lebanese leader, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in Bahrain today.


Operation Steel Curtain Continues in Iraq      

CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, Iraq - An estimated 1,000 Iraqi soldiers and 2,500 U.S. Marines, soldiers and sailors with Regimental Combat Team 2 continue to clear the town of Karabilah of terrorists and weapons one week into Operation Steel Curtain, Multinational Force Iraq officials reported today.


'America Supports You' Rolls Down 5th Avenue  This story contains photos.    

NEW YORK - Active supporters of U.S. servicemembers rolled down historic 5th Avenue here today in the city's Veterans Day parade, riding on a float for the Defense Department's "America Supports You" program.


Rice Gives Troops in Iraq Veterans Day Thank You  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice paid a Veterans Day visit to troops in Iraq today to honor their service and joined them and Iraqi leaders in inaugurating the Nineveh Provincial Reconstruction Team, headquartered in Mosul.


Pace Speaks for Servicemembers at Vietnam Veterans Memorial      

WASHINGTON - Marine Gen. Peter Pace told fellow Vietnam veterans that today's servicemembers value the legacy they have inherited and that they stand ready to do what needs to be done.


Bush Honors Veterans, Vows to Boost Programs to Support Them      

WASHINGTON - Veterans who sacrificed and risked their lives for their country deserve the respect and gratitude of their nation, not just on Veterans Day, but every day, President Bush said today at Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pa.


President Urges Continued Support for Terror War      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today used Veterans Day, a day originally designated to commemorate victory in World War I, as an opportunity to reaffirm the United States' commitment to seeing the war on terror through to victory.


Cheney: Recent Veterans Follow in Predecessors' Footsteps      

WASHINGTON - Americans owe their freedom and liberty to military veterans, Vice President Richard B. Cheney said today during Veterans Day ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, Va. He added that the current generation of servicemembers will continue in their predecessors footsteps.


America Supports You: CBS Highlights DoD Program to Support Troops      

WASHINGTON - CBS commemorated Veterans Day by highlighting troops and causes that support them, particularly the Defense Department's "America Supports You" campaign, on "The Early Show" this morning.


Several Troops Killed; Raids Lead to Suspects, Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. soldiers died today in Iraq, and two servicemembers died a day earlier, officials in Baghdad announced today.


Pace Discusses War on Terror on Veterans Day  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - If Americans demonstrate patience and the will to continue, "there is no way we can lose" the war on terror, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said today.


Kentucky Communities Support Hometown Troops in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - When the Kentucky Army National Guard's 1st Battalion, 623rd Field Artillery, was activated to deploy to Iraq in November 2004, citizens in the soldier's communities banded together to shower them with support.


Times Posted for Armed Forces Marathon Event      

WASHINGTON - The Army won the armed forces title with and overall time of 10:59:01 at the 2005 Armed Forces Marathon Championship, conducted as a part of the 2005 Marine Corps Marathon, on Oct. 30 here.


Smith Takes Helm of U.S. Joint Forces, NATO Transformation Commands      

NORFOLK, Va. - U.S. Air Force Gen. Lance L. Smith took command of NATO's Allied Command Transformation and U.S. Joint Forces Command during an assumption ceremony aboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower at the Norfolk Naval Station here today.


Active Components Exceed October Recruiting Goals      

WASHINGTON - October was a good month for recruiting, with all active-duty components exceeding their recruiting and retention goals, officials said here today.


Labor Department Launches Veterans Employment Program      

WASHINGTON - About 300,000 wallet-sized cards and key fobs with critical employment and job-training information will be distributed to military personnel and veterans over the next six months, the U.S. Department of Labor announced today at its annual pre-Veterans Day salute.


Search for Zarqawi Continues Following Attacks in Jordan      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi and coalition forces remain hot on the trail of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, following the deadly Nov. 9 hotel bombings in Jordan, the Pentagon's top spokesman said today.


Oxygen Carriers Coursing Through Clinical Trials  This story contains photos.    

FORT DETRICK, Md. - When warfighters are bleeding severely on a battlefield, getting blood to them is tricky at best, because blood requires refrigeration and has a short shelf life. With this in mind, researchers for decades have been working on fluids, called hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers, that do blood's job of carrying oxygen.


Storied World War II Vets Share Insights With Today's Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Former Tuskegee Airmen -- pioneers who broke through racial prejudice to become the first black U.S. military pilots during World War II -- have solid words of advice and encouragement for today's military members.


Innovative Program Helps Troubled Veterans Turn Lives Around  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A unique center here is helping troubled veterans turn their lives around by providing a military-style program designed to help them beat addictions, develop career skills, land jobs, find homes, and become productive citizens.


Then and Now Americans Support Their Troops      

WASHINGTON - The two of us were born more than 50 years and nearly 160 miles apart. But we are connected to each other -- and to so many of our fellow Americans -- in ways that easily surpass both age and geography.


U.S. Troops in Turkey No Longer Receive Tax Exclusion      

STUTTGART-VAIHINGEN, Germany - Beginning Dec. 31, U.S. military members in Turkey will no longer be exempt from paying federal taxes.


U.S. Forces Race Winter to Aid Pakistani Refugees      

WASHINGTON - With winter setting in, American troops in Pakistan are racing against time to get tents, blankets, heaters and medical care to victims of the October earthquake, U.S. officials in the country said today.


DoD Leaders Report on Hurricane Response      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department response to Hurricane Katrina was the largest, fastest deployment of military forces for a civil-support mission in U.S. history, defense officials said here Nov. 9.


Rumsfeld Cites Progress Toward Iraqis Providing Their Own Security      

WASHINGTON - People who wonder why it's taking so long for Iraqi security forces to become capable of providing for their nation's security need to look at what's happened since coalition forces toppled Saddam Hussein's regime, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said in a Nov. 8 radio interview.


More DoD Civilians Sought for Flexible Spending Accounts      

WASHINGTON - It may be the most underused good deal in the government. But less than 5 percent of eligible DoD civilians have enrolled to use flexible-spending accounts.


Veterans Day Has Fresh Meaning for Iraqi Freedom Vets      

WASHINGTON - Retired Navy Rear Adm. Greg Slavonic was visiting wounded coalition soldiers in Baghdad's International Zone hospital last year when he started a conversation with a badly wounded soldier. That day, the soldier was being prepared for evacuation to Germany to receive critical medical care.


U.S., Yemeni Leaders Condemn Jordan Terror Attacks      

WASHINGTON - President Bush condemned the terrorist attacks that left more than 50 people dead in Jordan Nov. 9, vowing to continue working with other countries around the world "to make sure that al Qaeda and people affiliated with al Qaeda are brought to justice."


U.S. Contractors Work to Destroy, Recycle Munitions in Iraq      

BAGHDAD - "When U.S. troops arrived, they weren't sure how big a weapons stockpile Iraq had," said Wayne Shaw, program manager for the Army Engineering and Support Center's Coalition Munitions Clearance Program. "At the request of the U.S. military, the center sent two people in April and May 2003 to survey the situation; they ran into so much (ordnance) that active military would have been inundated."


VA Secretary Extends Veterans Day Thanks      

WASHINGTON - As the nation observes Veterans Day Nov. 11, the best thanks it can offer its 25 million veterans is to ensure they receive all benefits they're entitled to and that wounded veterans have the tools they need to continue living productive, fulfilling lives, the Veterans Affairs secretary said.


Officials Identify al Qaeda Forger Captured; Air Strikes Kill Two Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces captured a senior member of a terrorist "media cell" in Baghdad several weeks ago, U.S. military officials in Baghdad announced today.


Steel Curtain Operations Move Into Karabilah      

CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, Iraq - Iraqi and U.S. forces began clearing-and-holding operations in the city of Karabilah, about two kilometers east of Husaybah, as Operation Steel Curtain entered its sixth day, officials said here today.


Iraqi , U.S. Soldiers Secure Suicide-Bomb Site      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi and U.S. soldiers assigned to Task Force Baghdad responded immediately to the deadly suicide-bomb attack in central Baghdad around 9:45 a.m. local time today.


Car Bombs Kill at Least 5 Near Mosque, Police Station  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces and Task Force Baghdad soldiers responded to the scene of a terrorist attack today in Adhamiyah, Iraq, a district in northeastern Baghdad.


2005 Veterans Day Message From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff      

WASHINGTON - This Veterans Day we honor those men and women who have defended our nation in the Armed Forces. Today is an opportunity for Americans to recognize the tremendous accomplishments and proud heritage of all who have worn the uniform of the United States military.


Bush Presents Medal of Freedom to Former Joint Chiefs Chairman      

WASHINGTON - President Bush presented retired Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers with the Presidential Medal of Freedom during a White House ceremony today.


Joint Chiefs Senior Enlisted Advisor Visits Homeland Defenders  This story contains photos.    

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. - The senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff spent his first trip outside of the national capital region getting an up-close look at the military command's responsible for the Defense Department's homeland-defense efforts.


Bush Praises Troops Supporting Earthquake Relief      

WASHINGTON - Servicemembers supporting earthquake-relief efforts in South Asia "represent the best of America (and) the generous spirit of our country," President Bush said today at the White House.


2005 Veterans Day Message From the Secretary of Defense      

WASHINGTON - My father volunteered to serve in the Navy shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. At 38, he was well beyond draft age, but he wanted to serve. When he passed away some years ago, I found a letter in his personal papers that he had received from then Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, who later became our country's first Secretary of Defense.


Afghan Forces Thwart IED Attack, Detain Two Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Afghan National Police forces, acting on a tip that individuals were planning attacks against Afghan and U.S. forces in the Jalalabad, Afghanistan, area, found an improvised explosive device along a well-traveled road Nov. 7, military officials reported today.


Army Has No Plans to Drop Recruiting Standards      

WASHINGTON - The Army is looking for the best in its prospective recruits and won't let standards slip as it fills its ranks, the top general for Army recruiting and retention said today during an interview on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal."

11/09/2005 Launches Career Resource for Veterans      

WASHINGTON - is taking its mission of connecting veterans to their benefits one step further with the official launch of the online Veteran Career Network on Nov. 11.


The War That Didn't End All Wars      

WASHINGTON - They called it "The Great War," and it was a titanic struggle that decimated Europe and killed the young men who were the brightest hope of that generation.


BRAC Deadline Expires; DoD to Begin Closures, Realignments      

WASHINGTON - The Base Realignment and Closure Commission's recommendations for reshaping the Defense Department's infrastructure and force structure officially took effect at 12:01 a.m. today after Congress allowed them to pass into law at the mandated Nov. 8 deadline.


Coalition, Iraqi Forces Discover Multiple Weapons Caches  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Iraqi forces have seized or destroyed several weapons caches around Iraq since Nov. 5, officials announced.


America Supports You: Group Trumpets Final Honors at Vets' Funerals  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - At age 99, Leonard "Rosie" Ross attends his share of funerals. But in most cases, it's not for a friend or loved one. Ross, in his American Legion uniform, trumpets "Taps" for fellow veterans he's never met, representing a nonprofit group called Bugles Across America.


Marine Killed in Iraq IED Attack; Terrorists Captured      

WASHINGTON - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died Nov. 8 of wounds suffered when his vehicle was hit with an improvised explosive device near Camp Korean Village, Iraq, on Nov. 7.


D-Day Veteran Recalls Historic Day More Than 61 Years Later  This story contains photos.    

NORMANDY, France - More than 61 years later, under dark gray skies and into a sweeping wind that mimicked D-Day conditions, a veteran of the D-Day battle tackles the beach and wins once again.


Engineers Sign 5-Star Support for Guard, Reserve  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The chief of the Army Corps of Engineers today signed a "5-Star" statement of support for its National Guard and Reserve employees with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve at a ceremony in Philadelphia.


Americans Observe National Veterans Awareness Week, Nov. 6-12      

WASHINGTON - National Veterans Awareness Week, Nov. 6-12, focuses on programs to make students in elementary and secondary schools aware of the contributions of veterans and their importance in preserving American peace and prosperity.


Centers Offer Veterans Distinctly Qualified Assistance      

WASHINGTON - Combat veterans dealing with readjustment issues as they return home have a place to turn, thanks to a Department of Veterans Affairs initiative.


Steel Curtain Yields 'Substantial' Weapons Caches      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi soldiers and U.S. Marines have found numerous weapons caches - 17 of which were "substantial in size" -- during the four days of Operation Steel Curtain in Iraq's Anbar province, military officials reported today.


Chairman Says Security, Not Body Counts, Measures Success  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Security - not body counts - is the true measure of success in Iraq, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Nov. 7 on PBS' "The NewsHour With Lehrer."


Indiana National Guard Responds to Deadly Tornado  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - More than 150 Indiana Army and Air National Guard troops remained on state active duty today supporting recovery operations after the devastating tornado that roared through the southwestern part of the state early Nov. 6.


America Supports You: 1.4 Millionth Letter Takes On Special Meaning  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - After receiving the 1.4 millionth thank-you letter for servicemembers and veterans in her "A Million Thanks" campaign, a California teenager realized there was something special about that number.


New DoD Directive Sets Detainee Interrogation Policy      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department has a new policy in regard to detainee interrogations. DoD Directive 3115.09, "DoD Intelligence Interrogations, Detainee Debriefings, and Tactical Questioning," takes the lessons learned in the global war on terrorism and consolidates them into one overarching document, officials said.


VA Program Promotes Employment Among New Vets      

WASHINGTON - Young veterans face unemployment rates three times the national average, so a new Department of Veterans Affairs program is working to promote job opportunities for those leaving military service, the Veterans Affairs secretary said.


Terrorists Killed, Captured in Ramadi; Iraqi Police Secure Attack Site  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces killed two terrorists and captured six others today during a raid on an al Qaeda in Iraq safe house in Albu Bani near Ramadi, Iraq, military officials reported.


DoD's Pandemic Flu Web Site Goes Live      

WASHINGTON - In partnership with other federal agencies, the Defense Department's Deployment Health Support Directorate went 'live' today with a Web site to help meet the objectives outlined in President Bush's national strategy for pandemic influenza.


'We Will See the Job Through,' British Official Says      

WASHINGTON - The United States, Great Britain and the United Nations remain steadfast in seeing democracy established in Iraq despite continued insurgent violence, Britain's senior defense official said here today.


General Outlines Iraqi Security Forces' Progress      

WASHINGTON - Iraq's security forces are in the fight defending their country and are increasingly taking the lead in operations, the U.S. military commander who oversaw Iraqi training for more than a year said here today.


Newest Vets Receive Priority for VA Medical Care      

WASHINGTON - The estimated 120,000 veterans of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan receiving medical care through the Department of Veterans Affairs are getting top priority as they access some of the world's best-quality medical treatment, the secretary of Veterans Affairs said.


Decisions Made Today Will Give Edge to Tomorrow's Force      

WASHINGTON - Decisions being made today about how troops are recruited, equipped, trained and stationed will have far-reaching implications during future operations, the Marine Corps commandant said here today.


British Official Warns Iran Not to Meddle in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Iran shouldn't meddle in Iraqi affairs, Great Britain's top defense official said here today.


Car Bomb Kills Four Soldiers; Five Face Detainee-Abuse Charges      

WASHINGTON - Four Task Force Baghdad soldiers were killed today when a suicide car bomber attacked their checkpoint along a road south of Baghdad, military officials reported.


Operation Steel Curtain Continues Through Third Day of Fighting      

CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, Iraq - Iraqi army soldiers and U.S. Marines, sailors and soldiers are in the third day of fighting along the Iraq-Syria border in the town of Husaybah, Iraq.


America Supports You: Home Improvement Giants Offer Discounts      

WASHINGTON - Two of the nation's largest home-improvement retailers are recognizing Veterans Day by offering discounts for military personnel.


DoD Announces Next Operation Iraqi Freedom Troop Rotation      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today announced the next major units to deploy to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Iraqi 'Desert Protectors' Prove Their Worth      

WASHINGTON - Specially recruited and trained Iraqi forces are making their mark in operations against insurgents in Iraq's Anbar province, a senior U.S. military officer said Nov. 6 in Baghdad.


101st Airborne Division Unit Takes Control of Baghdad Sector  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The 2nd Brigade Combat Team of the 101st Airborne Division formally took control of the southwestern Baghdad area of operations from the Georgia Army National Guard's 48th Brigade Combat Team on Oct. 31.


Marine Killed by Small-Arms Fire; IED Kills Soldier in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. servicemembers were killed Nov. 6 in Iraq, military officials reported.


Steel Curtain Kills at Least 17 Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - U.S Marines in Iraq today confirmed 17 terrorists killed since Operation Steel Curtain began Nov. 5. Coalition officials suspect, but haven't been able to confirm, many more killed.


Patrol Finds, Destroys Weapons Cache      

WASHINGTON - A Task Force Band of Brothers patrol near Forward Operating Base Anaconda in Iraq found two weapons caches containing timers, watches and other items commonly used in constructing roadside bombs Nov. 5, officials said today.


U.S., Israeli Defense Leaders Discuss Global Terror War      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz met and discussed a range issues, mostly concerning the global war on terrorism, at the Pentagon on Nov. 4.


Operation Steel Curtain Moves Into Husaybah      

WASHINGTON - About 1,000 Iraqi soldiers and 2,500 U.S. Marines, sailors and soldiers report encountering sporadic resistance today - mostly small-arms fire and homemade bombs - as they have moved through the city of Husaybah, Iraq, near the Syrian border, officials said.


Four Servicemembers Die; Terror Suspects, Weapons Found      

WASHINGTON - One U.S. servicemember was killed and three others were injured in a non-combat related vehicle accident near Tallil, Iraq, today, military officials said.


NORTHCOM Remains Focused on Homeland Defense      

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Although Mother Nature has captured the headlines since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast Aug. 29, the U.S. military command coordinating the Department of Defense relief effort has not lost sight of its primary mission of defending the homeland.


DoD Health Program to Help Redeploying Troops      

WASHINGTON - Servicemembers returning from deployments will now participate in a post-deployment health reassessment program that all the services are instituting, defense officials said at a Pentagon news conference today.


New York Times Joins ESGR to Support Guard, Reserve      

WASHINGTON - The New York Times, one of the country's leading daily newspapers, joined thousands of employers nationwide demonstrating support for the National Guard and Reserve employees here Nov. 3.


Michigan Dad Loses 230 Pounds to Enlist in Army  This story contains photos.    

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - When a recruiter stopped by to talk to his son, Roderick Evans was the one sold on the military. The Detroit home health care specialist had a passion for helping others and a desire to make a difference.


Job Fair Highlights Veterans' Unique Skills, Commitment  This story contains photos.    

NEW YORK - Employers anxious to tap into the skills and discipline military service instills in its members converged with thousands of job-seeking veterans here at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Nov. 3 during the first Salute Our Heroes Veterans Job Fair and Career Expo.


Referendum Security Boost Iraqi Confidence, British General Says      

WASHINGTON - The secure environment in which Iraqis voted on a constitutional referendum Oct. 15 increased Iraqis' confidence in their security forces, a top official said.


DoD Reaches Out to Talented Minorities for Military, Civilian Workforce      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is reaching out to minorities to make them more aware of career and business opportunities within the department, a senior defense equal opportunity official said Nov. 2.


Two Soldiers Killed in Iraq; Two Terrorists Self-Destruct      

WASHINGTON - A soldier assigned to the 43rd Military Police Brigade was killed in action by an improvised explosive device in the vicinity of Baqubah, Iraq, Nov. 3, military officials reported.


DoD Working to Combat IED Menace      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials are looking for ways to combat the improvised-explosive-device menace, a senior military officer said today.


Leaders Tie Re-enlistment Success to Camaraderie, Support      

WASHINGTON - Re-enlistment rates for the Army and Marine Corps are the highest they've been in a long time, specifically in units with high deployment tempos, military leaders told the House Armed Services Committee here today.


Elections, Security Will Determine Size of Force in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The December elections will mark another political milestone on Iraq's journey toward democracy. How the elections unfold, and how peaceful they are will help commanders determine the size of the American force in the country, officials said during a Pentagon news conference today.


DoD Summit Helps Young Kids, Families Cope  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A Defense Department summit today addressed how trauma and stress impact children's well-being and what interventions work to support their healthy development and family competence.


Leaders Highlight Troop Quality, Dedication      

WASHINGTON - The American men and women fighting in Iraq believe in their mission, and the Iraqi people appreciate what the U.S. military has done for them, top military leaders told the House Armed Services Committee here today.


Insurgents Will Keep Fighting Until Elections, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Despite a relatively uneventful constitutional referendum in October, insurgents in Iraq have not given up, and officials expect more violence leading up to scheduled December elections, a senior military official said at a news conference in Baghdad today.


Group Studies U.S.-Canada Defense Relationship      

WASHINGTON - In the history of international military cooperation, the North American Aerospace Defense Command Agreement is a notable example.


Bagram Survival-Equipment Duo Keeps A-10 Pilots Safe  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan - From an initial review to the final inspection, a survival-equipment duo here is helping keep A-10 pilots safe and secure as they fly close-air-support missions as part of the ongoing global war on terrorism.


Two U.S. Soldiers Die; Air Forces Fend Off Attack on Iraqi Troops      

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. soldiers were killed in separate incidents in Iraq Nov. 2, officials reported.


Air Force Repeats as 2005 Armed Forces Rugby Champion  This story contains photos.    

CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. - Air Force cruised Navy 46-14 in the championship match of the 2005 Armed Forces Rugby Championship Oct. 21. The win gave the Air Force their second consecutive Armed Forces Rugby crown.


Two Soldiers Killed, Another Injured in Iraq; Terrorists Detained      

WASHINGTON - A soldier from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, died from wounds suffered when his patrol came under attack by terrorists near Balad, Iraq, today, military officials reported.


Military Postal Agency Offers Advice for Holiday Mailing      

WASHINGTON - "Pack it well" and "mail it early" are two tips a military postal official offered regarding holiday mailings to servicemembers overseas today.


Military Uses Air, Sea Power to Aid Pakistan      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military is using a variety of air and sea assets to move supplies to earthquake-stricken Pakistan, the Joint Staff's deputy director for regional operations said today in a State Department briefing.


Afghan, U.S. Soldiers Find Weapons Cache; Escapee Report Misleading      

WASHINGTON - Afghan National Army soldiers and U.S. paratroopers with 1st Battalion, 508th Infantry Regiment (Airborne), discovered a large cache of weapons, ammunition, mines and documents Nov. 1 in southern Ghazni, in east-central Afghanistan, U.S. military officials reported today.


Task Force Band of Brothers Assumes Command in North-Central Iraq      

TIKRIT, Iraq - Task Force Band of Brothers and the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) officially took command of military operations in north-central Iraq in a ceremony at Forward Operating Base Danger here Nov. 1.


Helicopter Crash Kills Two Marines; Two Other Troops Die in Attack      

WASHINGTON - Three U.S. Marines and a sailor died in two incidents in the western Iraqi city of Ramadi today. Two Marines died when their AH-1W Super Cobra helicopter crashed outside the city. A U.S. Marine and a sailor were also killed when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb.


Officials Express Confidence in New Civilian Personnel System      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials want to emphasize to civilian employees that the changes in their personnel system are all about improving national security.


DoD Plans Web Page to Support President's Plans Against Pandemic      

WASHINGTON - DoD's deployment health officials plan to post a Web page later this week as part of President Bush's strategy to combat the possibility of a flu pandemic.


Surge in IED Attacks Coincides With Iraqi Political Progress      

WASHINGTON - It's little surprise that October turned out to be one of the most violent months in Iraq, as insurgents stepped up their attacks in an unsuccessful attempt to disrupt the Oct. 15 referendum, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Pentagon reporters today.


Marine Corps to Join U.S. Special Operations Command      

WASHINGTON - The Marine Corps will soon officially join the special operations community with a new Marine Special Operations Command to become a component of U.S. Special Operations Command, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld announced here today.


Investigating Officer Recommends General Court-Martial      

CAMP ARIFJAN, Kuwait - A U.S. soldier accused of killing two officers in a June 7 attack may face a general court-martial and could receive the death penalty, military officials here announced today.


Soldier Killed by Roadside Bomb; 500 Abu Ghraib Prisoners Freed      

WASHINGTON - A roadside bomb killed a soldier on a foot patrol Oct. 31 near Haswah, Iraq, military officials reported today.

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