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Women’s Cross Country

(Athletics, Class of 2013) Permanent link   All Posts
 Julie Kane Sports period is definitely the best part of the day here. I run cross country, and this year we had an awesome season. Each day I looked forward to 4:00, when the team would meet up and we’d run, do strength-building exercises, chat, goof around, and forget about anything stressful for an hour and a half. Our coach, Coach Brown, was really great and had us work out off campus at least once a week. Most of the time we’d go to Harkness Park and do intervals on a path that wound along the coast and then we’d do our cool down on the beach just as the sun was setting. It was incredible.

The team is amazing. Everyone works really hard at each practice, no matter what kind of a day they’re having. No one complains, and everyone is enthusiastic and encouraging. We also have some fun traditions, like when we raced at Smith College we jumped off a rope swing into the freezing cold river! Being on a team here allowed me to make some really great friends, see how beautiful the area around New London is, and relax and have fun.

More about Julie.