Welcome to ASTSWMO.org

The Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) is an organization supporting the environmental agencies of the States and trust territories. ASTSWMO focuses on the needs of State hazardous waste programs; non-hazardous municipal solid waste and industrial waste programs; sustainability, recycling, waste minimization, and reduction programs; Superfund and State cleanup programs; waste management and cleanup activities at federal facilities; and underground storage tank and leaking underground storage tank programs.

A Letter from President Peggy Harris, P.E. (CA) letter to the ASTSWMO Membership


Information about EPA’s "Federal Recovery and Reinvestment Act" programs can be found here.



Recent News


ASTSWMO's mission statement is new (see right sidebar) and the 2009 Strategic Plan has been posted on the Who We Are/Strategic Plan page.
»The ASTSWMO 2009 Strategic Plan

Presentations from the 2009 State Funds Workshop are now available on that meeting's page, along with an updated 2009 State Funds Survey, which is also available on the Tanks Publications page.

August 2009

The Munitions Response Forum (MRF) Webpage is now online!
The MRF is a State-led forum consisting of representatives from States and Territories, U.S. EPA, DoD, U.S. Department of Interior and U.S. Department of Agriculture.  The primary goal of the MRF is to work collaboratively to identify, discuss and propose solutions to issues impacting munitions and explosives of concern response actions at Munitions Response Sites. You may access the page using the menu on the left: Resources>Federal Facilities>MRF.

The Federal Facilities Research Center has released the following papers, now available on the Federal Facilities Research Center Publications page:
»Lack of Tritium Exit Signs Control and Contamination of Landfill Leachate, Radiation Focus Group
»Community Involvement Resource Guide for State and Territorial Federal Facilities Managers, Community Involvement Focus Group
»Vapor Intrusion Pathway:  A Guide for State and Territorial Federal Facilities Managers, Policy and Technology Focus Group

The Hazardous Waste Subcommittee's Definition of Solid Waste Public Meeting Notice comments are now posted on the Hazardous Waste Publications page.

The State Tank Programs Resource page now links to various states' Tank Program Newsletter.

June 2009

The Federal Facilities Research Center’s Base Closure Focus Group has released Final Report:  2005 BRAC Round – State Experiences.  The Report is available on the Federal Facilities Research Center Publications page.

Registration now open for the 2009 EPA Community Involvement Training Conference, August 18-20, 2009, in Seattle, Washington. EPA is encouraging additional State participation, and is extending an invitation to all States to attend. ASTSWMO cannot fund attendees. Please visit the EPA's page for the conference for more information: http://www.epa.gov/ciconference/

The Chesapeake Bay Program Office is offering a webinar on LQG Flexibility under RCRA on Compliance Strategies. This 1-hour webinar is at 11:00am EDT on Wednesday, June 24, 2009. Please go to the Other Meetings page for more information.

Presentations for the 2009 UST Compliance and Prevention Workshop are now online and can be found by following the appropriate link from the Past Meetings page.


If you are a potential active member or a newly active member, see the new Potential & New Members page for pertinent information, including all committee openings.

ASTSWMO's new Travel Policy and Special Travel Policy and Forms (formerly known as the Exceptional Travel Policy) are availible on the Travel and Reimbursement Page. Please read the new policies before the next time you travel with ASTSWMO. Thank you.

A Members in Action Frequently Asked Questions page is now available here. It contains a web form with which to submit your questions about any Members in Action topic. The permanent link is housed on the Policies page, which has replaced the By-Laws page but is found at the same URL.

If you are interested in becoming a member of an ASTSWMO Task Force, Focus Group or other Work Group, please respond to the questions in our survey.

Please click here for the members survey.


Upcoming Meetings

October 29-30, 2009: Annual Meeting in Bethesda, MD
Click here for more information.

November 16-18, 2009: ASTSWMO co-sponsors the 13th Annual Brownfields Conference in New Orleans, LA.
Click here to redirect to the Brownfields 2009 website. You can also find more information on our Other Meetings page.

December 3-4, 2009:  ASTSWMO Removal Action Symposium in San Francisco, CA.
More information to come.

March 10-11, 2010:  ASTSWMO Federal Facilities Managers Symposium in Jacksonville, FL.
More information to come.


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To enhance and promote effective State and Territorial programs for waste and materials management, to encourage environmentally sustainable practices and to affect relevant national waste and materials management policies.