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Effective Practices

Picture of a workshop.

The purpose of the Effective Practices CD ROM is to provide practical examples relevant to an array of practitioners on how environmental justice has been integrated into transportation programs, policies, plans and activities. Below are a few effective practice examples from the CD ROM.

The Transportation and Environmental Justice: Effective Practices CD ROM describes effective practices taken by transportation agencies, community-based organizations, and other grassroots and advocacy organizations to advance the fundamental principles of environmental justice. These practices highlight the essential importance of public involvement as well as describe various data sources, analytical methods, monitoring tools, partnerships, funding programs and strategies that have been employed to better identify the needs and address the concerns of low-income and minority populations. The effective practices makes clear that, properly implemented, environmental justice principles and procedures improve transportation decision making; there are significant practical benefits for transportation agencies and communities when environmental justice is placed, proactively, at the center of decision-making processes.

The Effective Practices CD ROM should be useful to a diverse community including: the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, State Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, transit service providers, and other partnering government agencies, community-based organizations, environmental interest and environmental justice advocacy groups, businesses, academic institutions, and the public. The CD ROM includes numerous practical examples and is divided into several chapters that reflect the various stages of the transportation decision making:

Effective Practices Examples:

Updated: 08/29/2011
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