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Archived Podcasts

Bruce Butler NWR Officer. Credit: USFWSConservation Activities at 2010 National Scout Jamboree Part 1-- (Interview features Eagle Scout Bruce Butler, FWS National Wildlife Refuge Officer, Vieques National Wildlife Refuge in Puerto Ric) - FWS video intern and Eagle Scout Joe Donahoe is conducting a series of interviews on natural resource issues and the role of Scouts in conservation.


One of the first Palos Verdes blue butterflies to be released into the wild. Courtesy of Jana JohnsonAn Extinct Butterfly Rebounds -- (Part II-Jana Johnson from Moorpark College) - It’s an amazing story about second chances! For years, California’s Palos Verdes blue butterfly was thought to be extinct, until a small population of these beautiful little butterflies was found on a Defense Fuel Support Point near Los Angeles. Now, one college professor and her students are seizing this extraordinary opportunity to help this rare species towards recovery.


Bee hive maintained at the Defense Fuel Support Point. Courtesy of Jon RamerAn Extinct Butterfly Rebounds -- (Part III-Lieutenant Colonel Ramer from the Defense Fuel Support Point) - The Palos Verdes blue butterfly was thought to be extinct, until a small population of these beautiful little butterflies was discovered on a Defense Fuel Support Point near Los Angeles. With the site being the last remaining habitat for the rare species, the Department of Defense has stepped up to make sure we don’t lose this species again.



Male Palos Verdes blue butterfly.  Photo by: Ann Dalkey/PVPLC.An Extinct Butterfly Rebounds (Part I-Eric Porter from USFWS) - National Pollinator Week is here! And with it, we’d like to celebrate an amazing story about second chances. Learn about the Palos Verdes blue butterfly’s extraordinary comeback, and all the people working together to bring this endangered pollinator back from the brink of extinction.


2009-2010 Federal Duck Stamp USFWS/Joshua Spies Federal and Junior Duck Stamp Debut on June 26 - An Outreach Message - To inform collectors, hunters and wildlife enthusiasts that the 2009 -2010 Duck Stamp and Junior Duck stamp will be available for sale at Bass Pro Shops across the country on June 26, 2009.


Adult Polar bear. Polar Bear Listing Announcement - Interview w/ Scott Schliebe (ES and EA)Department of Interior announcement of the federal listing of "threatened" category forthe polar bear.


Thumbnail image of Let's Go Outside home page.Let's Go Outside - (Spanish audio only) - Audio podcast celebrating the outdoors and encouraging the public to visit national wildlife refuges for National Hispanic Week.



Halicid Bee Native Bees - Valerie Fellows, wildlife biologist and public affairs specialist, shares some insights into a unique, natural pollinator resource.

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Butterfly blueEndangered Butterflies and Plants - Dave Harrelson, a biologist with the Endangered Species Program, shares information about our nation’s endangered butterflies and plants.

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Blackeyed susan. Credit: Paul Fresco/USDAPollinator Gardens - Anita Noguera, national outreach coordinator, talks about lawns and an ecologically beneficial alternative, pollinator gardens.

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Xeri scape. Credit: EPABackyard Habitat - Joshua Winchell, public affairs specialist, continues our discussion of pollinator gardening with suggestions for things you can do to improve backyard habitat for pollinators.

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Last updated: August 31, 2010
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