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Japan   Job creation   Job tenure   Jobseeking methods


Auto industry jobs in the 1980's: a decade of transition.Feb. 1992.
Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.Feb. 1995.
Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.Oct. 1993.
International comparisons of unemployment indicators.Mar. 1993.
International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.Aug. 1995.
Japan's low unemployment: an in-depth analysis.Mar. 1984.
Japan's unemployment: economic miracle or statistical artifact?Jul. 1983.
Japanese exchange rates, export restraints, and auto prices.Feb. 2007.
Labor market changes and adjustments: how do the U.S. and Japan compare?Feb. 1989.
'Lifetime earnings' in Japan for the class of 1955.Apr. 1984.
Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.July 1995.
Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.Dec. 1991.
Part-time and temporary employment in Japan.Oct. 1995.
Pay differentials: the case of Japan.Oct. 1984.
Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998
U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.Feb. 1997.
Utilization of labor resources in Japan and the United StatesApr. 2002.
Work participation and productivity change.Sept. 1984.

Job creation

Annual measures of gross job gains and gross job losses.Nov. 2004.
Births and deaths of business establishments in the United States, The.Dec. 2008.
Business employment dynamics: annual tabulations.May 2009.
Business employment dynamics: new data on gross job gains and lossesApr. 2004.
Business employment dynamics data: survival and longevity, II.Sept. 2007.
Can occupational labor shortages be identified using available data?Mar. 1999.
Computer manufacturing enters a new era of growthSept. 1986.
Cyclical behavior of high tech industries.May 1985.
Declining average size of establishments: evidence and explanations, The.Mar. 2012.
Employment and wages for the U.S. ocean and coastal economy.Nov. 2004.
Employment dynamics over the last decadeAug. 2011.
Employment growth by size class: comparing firm and establishment data.Dec. 2011.
Employment impact of electronic businessMay. 2001.
Employment shift to services: where did it come from, The?Apr. 1984.
European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs.Oct. 1986.
Health services industry: a decade of expansion, The (PDF).—May 1981.
Health services industry: still a job machine?Mar. 1999.
Impact of business births and deaths in the payroll survey.May 2006.
Infrastructure alternatives for 2005: employment and occupations.Apr. 1994.
Job-creating performance of employee-owned firms.Aug. 1983.
Job creation and destruction within Washington and BaltimoreSept. 2001.
Job creation and the emerging home computer market.Aug. 1996.
Job flows and labor dynamics in the U.S. Rust BeltSept. 2002
Job growth in the 1990s: a retrospectDec. 2000.
Job openings, hires, and separations fall during the recession.May 2010.
Job openings, hires, and turnover decrease in 2007.May 2008.
Job openings and hires decline in 2008.May 2009.
Job openings and hires show little postrecession improvementAug. 2011.
Job openings and hires continue to show modest changes in 2011Sep. 2011.
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey: what initial data show, The.Nov. 2004.
Job search of the unemployed by duration of unemployment.Mar. 2012.
Measuring job and establishment flows with BLS longitudinal microdataApr. 2001.
Measuring labor dynamics: the next generation in labor market informationMay 2004.
Net flows in the U.S. labor market, 1990–2010.Feb. 2011.
Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80.Jun. 1982.
Part-time work and industry growth.Mar. 1999.
Report: Survival and longevity in the Business Employment Dynamics data.May 2005.
Role of entrepreneurship in U.S. and European job growth, The.Jul. 2000.
Studying the labor market using BLS labor dynamics data.Feb. 2008.
Survival and growth of Silicon Valley high-tech businesses born in 2000Sep. 2011.
Tracking job growth in private industrySept. 1982.
Trends in labor force flows during recent recessions.Apr. 2009.
U.S. consumers: which jobs are they creating?June 1996.
Which industries are shifting the Beveridge curve?June 2012.
Why size class methodology matters in analyses of net and gross job flows.Jul. 2004.

Job tenure

At Issue: Gains in job security Mar. 1998.
Job commitment in America: is it waxing or waning?Jul. 1983.
Job mobility and hourly wages: is there a relationship?May 2004.
Measuring job security.June 1997.
Occupational mobility and job tenure in 1983.Oct. 1984.
Occupational tenure in 1987: many workers remain in their fields.Oct. 1988.
Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap.Apr. 1982.
Worker displacement in 1999–2000Jun. 2004.

Jobseeking methods

Job search methods and results: tracking the unemployed, 1991.Dec. 1992.
Looking for a ‘better’ job: job-search activity of the employed.—Sept. 2000.

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