Tag: shura

Afghan Minister of Defense Bismillah Khan Muhammadi addressed participants of the Afghan National Army Senior Security Shura Sept. 29 at Depot 0, in Kabul, Afghanistan. Senior logistics leaders of the ANA came together to discuss logistics processes, accomplishments and challengers. The Afghan Interior Minister and senior International Security Assistance Forces personnel also attended the conference to obtain better visibility on the state of the ANA logistics systems. Once the conference was complete, participants had a guided tour of Depot 0, to show them where some of the supplies originate from at the national level. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

Afghan National Army holds Senior Security Shura focused on logistics

2012/10/08 • Comments

“We have been building the ANA, increasing our numbers, it is now time that we focus on quality, not quantity,” said the Assistant Defense Minister for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Lt. Gen. Abdul Hamid Mohebullah.

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Afghan National Police Brig. Gen. Abdul Nabi Elham, the Helmand provincial police chief, gives a speech during an Afghan Local Police shura, or meeting, at the Helmand Province Police Headquarters in Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, Afghanistan, April 18, 2012.

Shura held to discuss ALP logistics accountability

2012/05/22 • Comments

“The Log shura was held to bring the Afghan Local Police to the table to discuss issues and concerns pertaining to logistics,” said U.S. Army Maj. Mike Buck, Regional Logistics Center, Regional Support Command Southwest logistics advisor.

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Sarkhatib Mohammed Shah, the Uruzgan Provincial Peace Council Chairman, speaks to village, district and provincial leaders during a security shura in Khas Uruzgan district, Uruzgan province, Afghanistan, March 29. District and provincial leaders attended the shura to discuss security issues in the region and welcome new members into the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program. The APRP is a nation-wide Afghan program that provides insurgents with an opportunity to peacefully and permanently rejoin their communities with honor, dignity and forgiveness.

Officials hold Khas Uruzgan Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program shura

2012/04/21 • Comments

“The community has to come together and promote peace,” said Shah. “All of those on the insurgency side need to step up, join the peace program and be part of the community. Killing brings suffering to all of our villages; it is time to support our government.”

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دزابل ولایت د شینکی  ولسوالی په سوری سیمه کی سیمه ایزه مشرانو په هغه شوراکی ګډون وکړ چی دیادی ولسوالی ولسوال نورمحمد لخوایی  کوربه توب کیده او د ګریزلی په عملیاتی مرکز کی ترسره شوه.(انځور دامریکی دمتحده ایالاتو څخه یوتن پوځی افسر جاشوه اس برندنبرګ)

Shinkai Governor hears the voice of the people in the Surri region

2012/03/30 • Comments

Over 25 elders from the surrounding area attended the meeting focused on getting the support of the local populace and telling them how the government and ANSF can help the villagers.

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