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    J Cell Sci. 2011 Sep 1;124(Pt 17):2903-13.

    Protein phosphatase 5 is a negative regulator of separase function during cortical granule exocytosis in C. elegans.


    Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.


    Mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans separase gene, sep-1, are embryonic lethal. Newly fertilized mutant embryos have defects in polar body extrusion, fail to undergo cortical granule exocytosis, and subsequently fail to complete cytokinesis. Chromosome nondisjunction during the meiotic divisions is readily apparent after depletion of sep-1 by RNAi treatment, but much less so in hypomorphic mutant embryos. To identify factors that influence the activity of separase in cortical granule exocytosis and cytokinesis, we carried out a genetic suppressor screen. A mutation in the protein phosphatase 5 (pph-5) gene was identified as an extragenic suppressor of sep-1. This mutation suppressed the phenotypes of hypomorphic separase mutants but not RNAi depleted animals. Depletion of pph-5 caused no phenotypes on its own, but was effective in restoring localization of mutant separase to vesicles and suppressing cortical granule exocytosis and cytokinesis phenotypes. The identification of PPH-5 as a suppressor of separase suggests that a new phospho-regulatory pathway plays an important role in regulating anaphase functions of separase.

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