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Data Validation - Archives

Note: Versions 3.1 WIA and 2.01 W-P should be used to complete PY04 validation requirements.

DRVS Version 7.1.4

Patch 7.1.4 increases the size of the constraints on the database field that helps calculate Average Earnings Rates for Labor Exchange users only.

Important Note:
Only states that anticipate the denominator for the Average Earnings Rates for Labor Exchange to exceed one billion dollars should apply this patch. This only a very limited number of states. This functionality will be included for all states in the next full release of DRVS (version 7.2).

DRVS Version 7.1.3
Adds the ability to export reports in Crystal Report (rpt) and Microsoft Excel Data Only formats

Important Note:
States must complete the DRVS 7.1 upgrade following the instructions listed in “Instructions for Implementing DRVS 7.1” before applying the DRVS 7.1.3 upgrade.

DRVS Version 7.1.1
When states have tried to e-submit their validation results using DRVS 7.1, they have received a critical error.  The DRVS 7.1.1 (e-submit patch) fixes this issue.

Important Note:
States must complete the DRVS 7.1 upgrade following the instructions listed in “Instructions for Implementing DRVS 7.1” before applying the DRVS 7.1.1 e-submit patch.

DRVS Version 7.1
DRVS 7.1 is designed for PY07 annual reporting and validation and for PY08 quarterly reporting.  States are advised to create backups of prior databases before importing new PY07 data into the software.

Important Note:

Implementing DRVS 7.1 is a multi-step process.  Following the instructions as posted is essential to successful implementation of the upgrade.  To view the instructions, click on the link to “Instructions for Implementing DRVS 7.1” in the “In This Section” box to the right.

New in WIA 7.1
  • Updates the Literacy/Numeracy calculation for the second year of implementation and incorporates the changes specified in TEGL 17-05 Change 1
  • Designates WIASRD 313c as a “Special Projects” funding stream field. Records with a funding stream code in this field only will be accepted by the software and included in the WIASRD export file. Records with a code in 313c will not be counted in any performance, participant, or exiter counts unless co-enrolled in another funding stream.
  • Implements functionality for calculating the PY08 ETA 9090 Quarterly Reports
  • Adds functionality for tabbing between data elements on the validation worksheets and for using “P” or “F” keystrokes to auto-fill pass/fail validation results
  • Restores the functionality for saving databases or creating new databases
New in Wagner-Peyser 7.1
  • Restores functionalities for the performance outcome groups, the export of numerators and denominators, and drawing the validation sample
  • The DRVS can now calculate the first quarter report for PY 2008
What's New for the Upgrade DRVS 6.3 to 7.0 Script
  • The script can upgrade a prior DRVS 6.3 database to version 7.0 functionality so that states can finalize and submit their PY05 Data Element Validation results. Please make sure to follow the upgrade instructions in order to avoid losing your data.
  • The script upgrades the most recent DRVS 7.0 release to enable reporting for the first quarterly report for PY07.
  • The script corrects the 90-day duplicate detection rule to only apply to records with Dates of Exit on or after 7/1/2006 or blank.
  • The script also corrects the PY06 Table K public assistance calculations for the Diploma and Retention Rates.
DRVS Version 7.0
  • Implements functionality for calculating the PY06 ETA 9091 Annual Report (including Table O results), for performing PY06 Report Validation, and for submitting results to ETA.
  • Implements functionality for performing PY06 Data Element Validation and submitting results to ETA.
  • Corrects previously reported Literacy-Numeracy calculation issues related to same date post-tests or missing pre-test dates.
  • Provides the ability to export the DEV worksheet summary for each funding stream to a .txt file (described on pages 85-86 of the User Handbook). To display in comma-delimited format, open these files through the excel application and select “delimited,” click next, and then select “comma.”
  • Adds lines separating data elements on the printed validation worksheets.
Important Note:
DRVS 7.0 is designed for PY06 reporting and validation. DRVS 7.0 is NOT for use in completing PY05 data element validation and should NOT be installed on computers housing PY05 DEV results. An upgrade script for completing PY05 data element validation will be forthcoming.

States are advised to use separate computers for PY05 data element validation and PY06 reporting. To prevent states from losing PY05 databases created in DRVS versions 6.2 or 6.3, the installation default for DRVS 7.0 is set to “I DO NOT want to create a DRVS database.” When installing DRVS 7.0 on a new computer, states should create a new database by selecting “I want to create a DRVS database” (see page 19 of the User Handbook). Failure to follow these steps could cause states to lose their PY05 sample and validation results created in version 6.2 or 6.3.

DRVS Version 6.3 Upgrade Patch

DRVS Version 6.3 incorporates the basic functionality for conducting WIA data element validation. These include:

  • Implements the new PY06 Average Earnings measure for adults, dislocated workers, and NEGs
  • Implements the new performance outcome groups for Entered Employment, Retention, and Earnings for adults, dislocated workers, and NEGs corresponding to the change in the earnings measure
  • Calculates Literacy-Numeracy results
  • Provides the Dislocated Worker Sample Report functionality that was not operational in version 6.2
  • Provides enhancements to version 6.2 printed validation worksheets and sample reports
  • Sub-Sample Reports (although displayed in the Data Element Validation Sub-Sample menu) are not operational
  • Implements the new PY06 Average Earnings measure on the 9002 C and D and VETS 200 reports, and the new performance outcome groups corresponding to the change in the earnings measure.
  • Corrects the 9002D Entered Employment Following Staff-Assisted Services numerator, denominator, and rate to exclude self-service exiters who are veterans from the calculation.
Important Note:
States that used DRVS 6.2 to draw their WIA data element validation sample can upgrade to DRVS 6.3 without losing the sample by following the steps listed below. Failure to follow these steps could cause states to lose their sample and sample results. States would then have to draw a new sample and re-start the validation process. This patch is only intended to upgrade the WIA sample database. It does not upgrade LX databases, and it does not upgrade all the calculations for the WIA Annual report.

DRVS Version
is now available for download with the following key improvements:
  • Sampling records for each of the five funding groups (adults, dislocated workers, NEGs, older youth, and younger youth). Samples may be drawn by record, office, or WIB.
  • Validation worksheets by funding group for each record sampled, and the ability to print validation worksheets individually or by funding stream.
  • The ability to export and validate sub-samples by WIB or office for each funding group.
  • Sub-sample reports for all funding groups except dislocated workers.
In addition, the WIA Validation Handbook and DRVS User Guide have been consolidated into a single DRVS User Handbook, so states only need one reference document to conduct validation.

ETA has redesigned the WIA DEV sampling algorithms to make the samples more efficient and to provide more precise estimates of error for specific data elements. These features are described in the 6.2 DRVS User Handbook.

Important Note:
  • States should create backup databases for information stored in DRVS 6.1 prior to installing the new version of the software. Instructions for creating databases can be found in the Database Management section of the User Handbook.
  • DRVS 6.2 does not calculate the new PY 2006 WIA and LX Average Earnings measure. This and other enhancements will be incorporated into DRVS 6.3, scheduled for release in early November. States may use DRVS 6.1 to begin edit checking their PY 2006 quarter 1 files.
  • DRVS 6.2 does not include any new Labor Exchange functionality.
  • A future release will contain the ability to import sub-samples and to produce the Summary/Analytical Report, which will contain the error rate calculations.
DRVS Version
is now available for download with the following key improvements: DRVS is a maintenance release that completes functionalities that were not fully implemented in DRVS 6.1 and fixes several known errors.

The new release may be downloaded from the ETA website and installed in place of the earlier version of DRVS 6.1. A separate patch is also available for states wanting to export the WIASRD file. The patch and instructions for applying it are also available on the web site. Questions regarding installing DRVS or applying the patch should be directed to MPR at or

Please read the document “Applying the WIASRD Patch” before installing the file: spwiasrdexport.sql. All technical assistance questions and requests for support should be directed to MPR at the emails listed above with copies to your Regional Performance Specialist and Traci DiMartini in the National office,

  • Table O functionality is now fully operational.
  • Adult and Dislocated Worker 12 Month Earnings calculation errors were fixed.
  • Problems with edit checks associated with fields 75-77 have been fixed. The system will now allow 0.00, 000000, 000000.00, etc. as values to denote no wages.
  • Modifications to ADO connection strings have been made to mitigate potential timeout issues when using functionality in DRVS 6.1.
DRVS Version 6.0
is now available for download with the following key improvements:

  • The ability to calculate the WIA Annual Report (ETA 9091).
  • A new edit has been added to the software that requires participants to have received at least one WIA service to be successfully imported
  • Duplicate Detection edit B and Edit check A for Category Of Assessment (WIASRD 701) are now operational.
  • Edit check B for Type of Recognized Credential (WIASRD 619) has been deleted.
  • Edit Check C for Date Goal #1 Was Set (WIASRD 621) and Edit A for Category of Assessment (WIASRD 601) have been added.
  • The ability to filter reports on WIB Name, Office Name, Case Manager, and the two User Fields is now operational.
  • The error report is now sorted by WIB, Office, and Case Manager.
  • Reporting period for Literacy-Numeracy measure has been revised.
  • The Older Youth 12-month Retention and Earnings Increase calculations are incorrect. This problem will be fixed in the next release.
  • Report Validation and Data Element functionality for LX has been added to the software.
  • The ability to upload the validation results through the EBSS system has also been added to the software.
  • Problems with the calculations associated with More Than One Race have been fixed.
  • Client/server functionality has been added.
  • The 9002E calculations have been fixed to States only include records within the applicable reporting period.

Version 1.3 of the TAA Validation Software is now updated with the following improvements:
  • The software provides the ability to e-submit the data validation summary/analytical reports through the EIMS website.The software allows users to easily create and backup database.The software reduces the number of elements that need to be validated as provided for in TEGL 3-03 change 1, attachment AThe software clearly identifies which records that have been completely validated.The summary of samples screen provides find functionality.
  • Additional checkboxes have been added to the online worksheets to allow users to report when records are missing, cannot be located, are invalid, or have the wrong SSN.

Version 1.2 of the NFJP Data Validation Software is now available.
Two versions of the installation are available.
  • which can be installed on computers with Windows 2000 operating system or later, and
  • which can be installed on computers with Windows 98.
Note: Versions 3.1 WIA and 2.01 W-P should be used to complete PY04 validation requirement.


Version 5.2 of the New WIA and Wagner-Peyser Data Validation Software is now available:

  • Adult and Dislocated Worker performance calculations have been fixed to only include records that receive more than self-services. Skill Attainment calculation has been corrected.  Goals with Set Dates in the Current Participation Year are now being included in the calculations as well as those with a participation 3 years prior to the Program Year Literacy and Numeracy calculation no longer incorrectly excludes Out-of-School Basic Skills Deficient youth records that have a Date of Exit in the report period but no Date Administered Post Test, however, Group 1 records with Date of Exit are included in the counts for both Group1 and Group 2. 
  • The DRVS WIA user's guide has been updated.

In This Section
Version 1.3 TAA
Version 1.2 NFJP
Version 7.1.4

Version 7.1.3 WIA/LX
Version 7.1.1 WIA/LX
Version 7.1 WIA/LX
Version 7.0 WIA
Version 5.2 WIA
Version 5.1 WIA
Version 5.0 WIA
Version 3.1 WIA
Version 2.01 W-P
Patch WIA 6.3
Version 6.3 WIA
Version WIA
Version WIA
Version 6.1
Version 6.0 WIA
Version 1.3 TAA
Version 1.2 NFJP
Version 3.0
Version 2.2
Version 2.1
Version 1.7
Version 1.2
Wagner-Peyser funded programs:
  • For 9002E Job Openings, software now correctly excludes records in counts where Date of Job Opening is outside of the reporting period. Eligible Claimant column on 9002A is now producing counts for rows 12-18 in that column when UC Eligible Status = 2.  Software has been optimized to mitigate potential timeout errors due to large file sizes when opening reports, exporting LERS files, and viewing validation table. EBSS upload has been updated to accept the rounding of values xx.45 to xx.49 up to the next round number for performance rates.  LERS export produced from the DRVS had already been using this rounding method.
  • The DRVS LX user's guide has been updated.


DRVS Version 5.1 is now available for download for the February 2006 quarterly reports with the following key improvements: For WIA
  • Participant and Exiter self-service only, NEG, and Received Training counts have been corrected.
  • Adult and Dislocated Worker performance calculations have been fixed to only include records that receive more than self-services, although records in groups 6-16 are still included in the EER if they receive no services or self-services only.
  • Field numbers corresponding to each data error have been added to the Import Errors Report to make it easier to diagnose the cause of errors.
  • Duplicate Detection edit B and Edit check A for Category Of Assessment (WIASRD 701) has been disabled until July 1, 2006.
  • Critical processing error caused by leap year dates (2/29/2000 and 2/29/2004) in the Date Of First Youth Service field has been fixed.
  • Incorrect warning errors generated by the AttainmentOfGoal#1 field (WIASRD 622 edits A and D) have been fixed.
  • Edit check D for Type of Recognized Credential (WIASRD 619) has been removed, allowing participants to receive credit for attaining an associate's or bachelor's degree if they completed a bachelor's degree or higher at participation.
  • Edit check A for GoalType#1 (WIASRD 620) has been revised only to apply to Younger Youth.
  • Highest Grade Completed (WIASRD 122) now includes the value 91 = Attained Associates Diploma or Degree.
  • Other Reasons for Exit (WIASRD 327) now includes the value 98 = Retirement. Records with this value are included in performance measures.
  • The Date Of Birth field allows a blank value for non-youth records.
  • The Quarterly Report has been formatted to make it easier to read the Participant and Exiter subgroup counts.
  • Field numbers corresponding to each data error have been added to the Import Errors Report to make it easier to diagnose the cause of errors.
  • LERS export files for VETS 200 A-C have been corrected to fix the transposition of columns B and C.
  • All LERS export files have been updated to conform to the correct LERS upload format.
  • VETS 200 A-C reports have been updated to count all respective participants who receive any staff-assisted services in rows 1-8 where applicable.
  • Other Reasons for Exit (field# 66) now includes the value 98 = Retirement. Records with this value are included in performance measures
  • Formatting of all facsimile reports has been updated. 9002B pdf report still shows superfluous pages on page 2 and 4.
  • New, Save As, and Open DB has been fixed to allow users to create new databases, save/archive old databases, and open any existing databases. Users can now successfully load Group 2 9002E job opening extract files into a separate database.
  • Performance Outcome Group (POG) participant detail has been updated to display all fields and data.
  • Highest Grade Completed (field# 21) now includes the value 91 = Attained Associates Diploma or Degree.
  • Limited client server functionality has been added. Client can view facsimile/error reports, export LERS export files, export numerators and dominators but will not be able to import files. Client must be added as dbowner to all applicable databases in order to use this functionality.
  • States must make sure that only records from the applicable reporting period are included in the Group 2 Job Openings 9002 E extract file. The application does not filter on the appropriate date ranges as intended.
  • More Than One Race report column in the 9002 A and C only includes records where multiple race categories have been marked as yes (1). Does not include records in that column where the More Than One Race field (#12) =1 and only one other race category=1.

Version 5.0 of the New WIA and Wagner-Peyser Data Validation Software is now available: Important Notes: States must create separate databases to import the job seekers file and the job openings file, respectively. If the same database is used to import both files, the original data and report will be lost. Instructions on database management and creating new databases start on page 40 of the W-P User's Guide. The Labor Exchange Reporting System is in the process of changing its upload format. States will need to make a few minor changes to DRVS-generated LERS upload files. Instructions for this can be found in the Export Instructions document located below the software on the right of this page.  The following will be included in future releases
  • Literacy/Numeracy will be included in Release 5.1 (December, 2005) NOTE: these measures are not required to be reported until PY 2006. However, we are modifying the software for those states who wish to begin collecting this information during PY 2005.
  • Report validation and data element validation will be included in a 2006 release
Version 1.3 of the TAA Validation Software is now updated with the following improvements:
  • The software provides the ability to e-submit the data validation summary/analytical reports through the EIMS website.The software allows users to easily create and backup database.The software reduces the number of elements that need to be validated as provided for in TEGL 3-03 change 1, attachment AThe software clearly identifies which records that have been completely validated. The summary of samples screen provides find functionality.
  • Additional checkboxes have been added to the online worksheets to allow users to report when records are missing, cannot be located, are invalid, or have the wrong SSN.

Version 1.2 of the NFJP Data Validation Software is now available. Two versions of the installation are available.
  • which can be installed on computers with Windows 2000 operating system or later, and
  • which can be installed on computers with Windows 98.

Version 3.0 of the WIA Validation Software was completed with the following improvements:
  • The Validation Software calculates the ETA annual report using the new time periods identified in TEGL 14-03.
    The Validation Software calculates and prints a facsimile report for Table O. It also produces a file in the EIMS format to upload the Table O results ETA. The number of elements required for data element validation has been reduced to focus on eligibility, performance, and service-related elements. Filtering capabilities have been incorporated into the source table and performance outcome groups. These capabilities allow users to display records that meet user-defined criteria. The Skill Attainment calculations have been refined.
    Additional edit checks have been incorporated into the validation software.
  • The WIA Validation Software version 3.0 is backward compatible. Users can open and use databases that were created in versions 2.0, 2.1, or 2.2 without losing prior validation results.
Version 2.2 of the WIA Validation software has been completed and is available for states to use for the following purposes:

(1) if they would like to validate their quarterly reports, or
(2) if a state has not yet conducted their Data Element Validation sampling.

If you used version 2.0 or a prior version of the validation software, do not install version 2.2 until your validation is complete.

The following improvements for Version 2.2 of the WIA Validation Software include:
  • The dislocated worker 12-month earnings calculation has been corrected.  The format for the export of the validation values and the import of the reported values for table L has been fixed.  The data element validation worksheets have been improved: users can search for worksheets based upon any data element value; users can scroll from one worksheet to the next without exiting the worksheet screen; worksheets open and close faster; pass/fail checkboxes are available for only those elements that need to be validated. a "CHK" column on the summary screen informs the user whether or not a worksheet has been completely validated.  The printed worksheets have been fixed to include all appropriate data and to correct typographical errors.  The sample and exporting of sample functions have been reformatted so that they are easier to understand.  The diploma rate for the quarterly report due in February has been corrected.  Additional import errors reports have been created to identify records in error by WIB, office, and case manager. The Save As feature has been redesigned. When the user selects Save As, the software creates a backup of the database, but does not switch the user to that database.
  • The ability to use a database stored on a Local Area Network (LAN) has been improved.  The WIA Validation Handbook and the WIA Data Element Validation Instructions have also been updated. The updates include:
  • The DEV Instructions have been fixed to include both the WIASRD number and the Reference #s. The previous version of the handbook only had the WIASRD number.
  • The specification for the dislocated worker exiters for the quarterly report was fixed to remove NEGs from this specification.

Version 2.1 of the WIA Validation Software has been completed with the following improvements:
  • The software no longer accepts records for participants who were only funded by National Emergency Grants. (For details showing how the software determines funding streams, see the WIA Validation Application Handbook, Appendix A, page A.1.) The software no longer accepts records for participants who were only funded by National Emergency Grants. (For details showing how the software determines funding streams, see the WIA Validation Application Handbook, Appendix A, page A.1.) An improved sampling algorithm that reduces the number of offices that states need to visit to perform data element validation. (See the WIA Validation Application Handbook, Appendix G.) Users can sample after importing their extract file, and can split samples across computers and then reassemble the sample so that states can produce their data element validation summary and analytical reports. (See the WIA Data Validation Application User’s Guide for January 2004, Chapter 3, Section D.) Corrected edit checks. (See the WIA Data Validation Application User’s Guide for January 2004, Appendix A.) Improved error report that organizes errors by critical and non-critical errors. (See the WIA Data Validation Application User’s Guide for January 2004, Chapter 3, Section C Step 3.)
  • Corrected calculations for earnings performance measures. The specifications for the performance measure calculations have not changed.
NOTE: Version 2.1 is not backwards compatible with version 2.0. Those states who used version 2.0 for report validation and wish to use version 2.1 for data element validation should not uninstall version 2.0. Use the following installation instructions (more detailed instructions can be found in the software user’s guide):
 Application Installation

Before installing the application, close all applications and programs that are open. In order to use both WIA 2.0 and WIA 2.1 on the same computer, you must change the default folder destination (step 6 below) and program group name (step 9 below) to something different than "WIA", such as "WIA 2.1", during the installation process.
  • Open Windows Explorer and go to c:\Temp (or wherever you stored the extraction files). Double click on Setup.exe. ead the "License Agreement" and if you agree, click on the "I Agree" button. At the "Welcome" window click on Next. Read the "Software Information" and click on Next. The destination location will default to "C:\Program Files\WIA". If you are planning to use both WIA 2.0 and WIA 2.1 on the same computer, click on Browse to select another location for WIA 2.1, e.g., "C:\Program Files\WIA 2.1" or type your alternate location into the field. Then, Click on "No" to select another location, or "Yes" to overwrite the existing application.  Click on Browse on the "Choose Destination Location" message if you prefer a different destination location.  Click on Next. On the "Select Program Manager Group" window accept the default of "WIA" by clicking on Next. If you are planning to use both WIA 2.0 and WIA 2.1 on the same computer, enter a different group name, e.g., "WIA 2.1".  Click on Next on the "Start Installation" message window. Install dialog box will display, showing installation process.
  • Click on Finish on the "Installation Complete" message window.