Legacy Roads and Trails Program Results

Success Stories

Clearwater Legacy Roads Projects in 2009
Northern Region (R1)

Doe Creek Road before decommissioning.
Doe Creek Road before decommissioning.

Doe Creek Road after decommissioning.
Doe Creek Road after decommissioning.

The Clearwater National Forest in Idaho has been working with the Nez Perce Tribe since 1996 to reduce the impacts of roads to aquatic species by removing fish passage barriers, reducing erosion from road surfaces, and reducing the risk of mass failures from past road development.

Between 2000 and 2008, this collaborative effort restored access to over 119 miles of habitat to various aquatic species such as steelhead trout, bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout and spring Chinook salmon. In 2009, $310,000 of Legacy Roads funding was leveraged to acquire nearly $1.5 million of grant funding to restore access to approximately 28.7 additional miles of aquatic habitat and reduce the risk of a culvert failure and potential sediment input into an additional 13.7 miles habitat downstream of the culvert sites