Guides and Forms

Use the following Grant Application Guide and forms when preparing your grant application.

Grant Application Guide
This Guide includes instructions for preparing and submitting a grant application. Updates to this Guide are posted immediately at this web site. If you have a copy of the printed Application Guide booklet dated October 1985, or the undated Guide No. 3 or 3.1, it is out of date. THIS WEB SITE SHOULD BE YOUR SOURCE FOR THE LATEST GUIDE.

Grant/Cooperative Agreement Forms

The application forms for Office of Science funded grants and cooperative agreements are available at the website. All funding opportunity announcements published at contain information about the required forms, the application instructions, and details about how to submit the application. The website may be accessed at

Revised Budget Forms

If an applicant is asked to submit a revised detailed budget with a written justification for each item of cost, please use the SF-424 Research and Related Budget Format. For the sake of convenience, the Office of Science offers developed Excel spreadsheets that represent the correct form. It is available here:

Three Year Budget Request

Five Year Budget Request

For those applying to SC Lab Program Announcements please click here for access to the DOE Budget Form 4620 that is to be used for submitting Lab budget information.

Please submit the requested budget and budget written justification information as an attachment to an email addressed to the Office of Science personnel who requested the revised budget information. The email and its attachments must bear the signature, physical or electronic, of an authorized institutional official. Emails are considered to bear the signature of their senders.

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Federal Agencies

Other Federal agencies may submit proposals which, if approved, will be funded via interagency agreements. Click here for the proposal format which other Federal agencies should use to submit a proposal to DOE's Office of Science.

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Merit Review of Grant Applications

The following guidelines and regulations pertain to the merit review of grant applications as well as other Federal policies and procedures concerning the Department's grant process.

Application Receipt and Processing (Summary)
Includes administrative review of grant applications, evaluation criteria, and the merit review process. (As contained in the Grant Application Guide.)

Office of Science "Merit Review System"
(As published in Federal Register, March 11, 1991)

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Grant Rules, Regulations and Guidance

The following rules, regulations, and guidance pertain to the overall DOE and Federal grant process.

10 CFR Part 605 - Office of Science (Formerly Office of Energy Research) Financial Assistance Program Rule
September 3, 1992

Preapplication Policy
December 11, 1996

10 CFR Part 600 - Department of Energy Financial Assistance Rules

OMB Circular A-21 - Has been relocated to 2 CFR Part 220
Cost Principles for Educational Institutions

OMB Circular A-110 - Has been relocated to 2 CFR Part 215
Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations

OMB Circular A-122 - Has been relocated to 2 CFR Part 230
Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations
(Does not apply to colleges and universities.)

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Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDR)

The Office of Science is a participant in the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP), working with universities and other Federal agencies, testing innovative approaches to streamline processes and systems for Federally supported research.

For more information on FDP, visit the Federal Demonstration Partnership Web Site.

FDP Phase IV - Participating Institutions

FDP Phase IV - General Terms and Conditions - April 1, 2005 (PDF)
Any new, continuation or renewal grant award with the 90 participating institutions shall incorporate FDP Phase IV General Terms and Conditions and DOE Specific Terms and Conditions.

FDP Phase IV - DOE Modifications to FDP General Terms and Conditions - October 1, 2005 (PDF)

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