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More On Why Holder Is Unfit To Be Attorney General

Posted by John Donnelly on December 19, 2008

Herb Denenberg from The Bulletin acknowledges Congressman Burton's speculation of Eric Holder as Attorney General. Denenberg explains:

There is another aspect of the Holder nomination that raises concern. Mr. Blackwell points out that the nomination of the attorney general usually foreshadows the kinds of Supreme Court appointment a president will make. The Holder nomination suggests that Mr. Obama will appoint far-left judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Mr. Blackwell writes this means, “plunging this nation further into a regime where unelected, unaccountable jurists impose their personal political views on the rest of us through the courts, declaring the Constitution to require whatever they think the public policy should be.”

In my view, the case against Mr. Holder should disqualify him from the office. But with a strong Democratic majority in the Senate, Mr. Holder may well be approved.

That would be a d disaster. As Rep. Dan Burton has pointed out, the lesson from the Clinton administration is that if a president wants to get away with everything, he should appoint the “right” attorney general. Given Mr. Holder’s lapses of ethics and judgment in the past, and his apparent willingness to use his position in the Department of Justice for his own future benefit and that of his political allies It sounds like Eric Holder is exactly that kind of attorney general. Mr. Burton got it exactly right when he said “The one thing I learned from the investigation of Clinton and Reno and the Department of Justice during that time, if you want to make sure you can do anything at all with impunity, just make sure that one appointment — attorney general — is someone who will back you no matter what. Then you can get [away] with anything.” And remember that Mr. Holder was Ms. Reno’s Deputy Attorney General and so learned from the master how to let a president get away with anything with impunity. Also remember during the final phase of Ms. Reno’s tenure as attorney general, her deputy, Mr. Holder, was calling most of the shots.

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