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Create A New Path For America

Posted by John Donnelly on May 27, 2010

Create A New Path For America

Join America Speaking Out


I am proud to introduce Hoosiers to America Speaking Out today.  This official program, spearheaded by the House Republican Conference, is an internet forum that provides a new way for you - The People - to impact the process of policymaking.

To summarize America Speaking Out for any interested Hoosiers, it is a social networking program, similar to Facebook or Twitter, but completely dedicated to the exchange of policy ideas.  If you create a profile, you will have the opportunity to join thousands of policy-oriented conversations about jobs, national security, immigration, and many other topics.  From there, you can earn 'participation points' by voting or commenting on another user's idea, or by submitting a policy idea of your own.

Ultimately, ideas on America Speaking Out will assist House Republicans in creating a new national policy agenda.  As Republicans, we absolutely remain committed to our principles of small government, fiscal responsibility, protecting the unborn, and strong national defense, to name a few.  However, we hear the public outcry for a more open, accessible, and attentive Congress, and this initiative is the latest Republican innovation in keeping the public's priorities first as we use our principles to forge a new direction for America.

While personal contact and public gatherings will always be my primary way of working with constituents, I think a policy-networking utility like America Speaking Out keeps Congress at the forefront of how people are communicating in their everyday lives, and makes legislating a more inclusive process for every American. So, I hope to see a lot of Hoosiers contributing to as we make a new path for our nation.


Dan Burton
Your Member of Congress

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