Teaching jobs where the classroom is the real world Education

Teach the fundamentals of nuclear propulsion. Instruct others on the safe operation and handling of SCUBA equipment or aircrew survival gear. Train your fellow Sailors in marksmanship, handling and safety procedures for small arms and other weapons. A teaching job in the Navy means you have the opportunity to not only perform skilled jobs yourself, but the responsibility to train, mentor and teach others.

Whether you have a high school diploma, have completed college or have plans to continue your higher education, the Navy offers specialized career opportunities, unique work environments and on-the-job training that will inspire you to share your knowledge and skills with other Sailors. It’s the kind of training that is vital for every ship, submarine, squadron and unit. And the kind that will give you the credentials and experiences that will prove valuable long after the military.

Job Description

Once you’ve achieved some seniority in the Navy, your job will be to share what you’ve learned with junior personnel. You may be in the bowels of a nuclear submarine performing a hands-on training demonstration or in a more formal classroom environment leading a group discussion. Whatever the setting, your never-ending desire to learn and discover, and motivate others to do the same, makes you the perfect candidate to fill a role in the U.S. Navy’s education community.

Specific Responsibilities

Great communication skills, the desire to help others and an enthusiasm to learn put you in a special category. And in any one of over 100 ports of call worldwide. A teaching position in the Navy offers you specialized training.

As you become more highly skilled, it will be your job to:

  • Provide hands-on, classroom or group training to your fellow Sailors
  • Provide Sailors with information, advice and assistance in any number of areas or topics
  • Oversee advancement requirements of junior personnel
  • Instruct personnel on Navy policies, procedures and safety requirements
  • Work in the Navy areas of recruiting or career counseling

Work Environment

You could be teaching on a Naval base abroad or on an aircraft carrier afloat. You may find yourself working one-on-one with a student or leading a classroom of hundreds. The Navy offers both unique and conventional teaching environments. In fact, you may even want to continue your own education by enrolling in college courses stateside or through a U.S. university offering classes to Navy personnel overseas.

Education Opportunities

Because of the highly specialized areas in the Navy, much of what you learn will be through advanced training in your particular career field. Much of this training directly translates to credit at colleges and universities. You may even continue your education through various college and tuition assistance programs.

After the Navy

Few occupations translate to a civilian career as easily and readily as teaching does. All organizations look for leaders with great communication skills with the eagerness, willingness and ability to share their knowledge with others. After teaching in the Navy, you’re well prepared for any one of these civilian careers:

  • Teacher
  • Career Counselor
  • Coach
  • Trainer
  • Lecturer
  • Tutor