Articles from September, 2008

  • Navy honored with Normandy memorial

    SAINT MARIE DU MONT, France — The United State Navy was honored with the unveiling of a D-Day memorial statue here Sept. 27, 2008.

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    • World War II veterans honor fallen sailors in Normandy

      NORMANDY, France — U.S. Navy sailors participated in a wreath laying ceremony here, Sept. 26, 2008.

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      • Special Ops Command Europe showcases professionalism, capability

        STUTTGART, Germany — Civilian professionals traveling with the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference looked on Sept. 26, as special operators negotiated a military urban operations training site with realistic gunfire and smoke that duplicated the kind of real-world missions they've performed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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        • EUCOM Commander urges civilian leaders to share insights

          STUTTGART, Germany — The top U.S. military officer in Europe urged civilian leaders who spent the past week visiting military installations in the region to return home sharing their experiences, particularly with young people who might consider military service.

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          • Civilian leaders see Army prepare troops for combat, leadership

            GRAFENWOEHR, Germany — Civilian leaders from throughout the United States got insight Sept. 24, 2008 into how the U.S. Army in Europe prepares troops for combat and grooms soldiers in leadership skills.

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            • Army preps equipment with Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems

              HOHENFELS, Germany — U.S. Soldiers from Company A, 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment geared up with Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center MILES Distribution facility as part of Cooperative Spirit 2008, Sept 19.

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              • Civilian leaders learn strength of U.S. air power in Europe

                ROYAL AIR FORCE LAKENHEATH, England — Civilian business and community leaders got firsthand and sometimes hands-on exposure Sept. 23 to U.S. Air Forces in Europe's multiple missions of supporting warfighters, building partnerships and strengthening its historic NATO ties.

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                • NMCB 4 Hospital Corpsman saves life in Romania

                  SINOE, Romania — Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 4 Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Joshua Vanderley helped save the life of a Romanian national here Sept. 11 by performing lifesaving CPR.

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                  • Navy Seabees prepare renovations to Romanian clinic

                    SINOE, Romania — As the Seabees of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 4 walked through the dilapidated medical clinic to gather measurements, digital pictures, and schematic ideas Sept. 11, local townspeople from the village here had high hopes for what these Americans could provide for their local community.

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                    • USS Iwo Jima crew, technology wow civilian leaders

                      "It's not the steel," Irelan told participants in the Defense Department's Joint Civilian Orientation Conference of Iwo Jima, one of the Navy's largest amphibious assault ships that honors the 6,000 Marines and sailors killed during the Battle of Iwo Jima in 1945.

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                      • Visit to deployed Cutter underscores Coast Guard's global reach

                        In addition to its historic role protecting U.S. coastlines from external threats while promoting safe navigation, the Coast Guard has had a little-known or -understood role supporting U.S. combatant commanders overseas for the past 15 years, Wagner told the group.

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                        • French students welcomed aboard Carter Hall

                          MARSEILLE, France — Sailors and Marines greeted French students aboard the amphibious dock landing ship USS Carter Hall (LSD 50) during a port visit to Marseille, France Sept. 12.

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                          • Gates urges restraint, resolve for NATO

                            BLENHEIM PALACE, England — Problems with Russia highlight problems with NATO as the alliance attempts to take steadfast and prudent steps to shape the international environment, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said here, Sept. 19, 2008.

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                            • Civilian leaders begin 'Military 101' orientation at Pentagon

                              WASHINGTON, D.C. — Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England welcomed civilian business, academic and local government leaders to the Pentagon Sept. 19, 2008 to kick off a weeklong schedule that will give them a firsthand look at the military at work.

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                              • Sailors, Marines reach out to refugees in Tel Aviv

                                TEL AVIV, Israel — Sailors and Marines from the multi-purpose amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) and 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26 MEU), participated in a community relations project with the African Refugee Development Center here, Sept. 15.

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                                • Army dental team treats Bulgarian's

                                  NOVO SELO TRAINING AREA, Bulgaria — The 212th Combat Support Hospital has been supporting Joint Task Force - East's humanitarian efforts in Bulgaria for the last two weeks, and pulling teeth has been a large part of the mission.

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                                  • Seabees begin Sinoe Clinic renovation

                                    MK AIRFIELD ADMINISTRATION CENTER, Romania — Engineers from Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 began renovations on a clinic in the village of Sinoe, Romania, recently.

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                                    • Army has low-cost ideas that will have long-term health benefits

                                      NOVO SELO TRAINING AREA, Bulgaria — Lack of funding in Slavyantsi, Bulgaria, has caused the town to fall short in meeting sanitation standards. A U.S. Army preventive medicine team is trying to fix this with low-cost ideas that will have long-term health benefits.

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                                      • Pathfinder identifies two sunken vessels during at-sea demonstration

                                        BLACK SEA — Military Sealift Command oceanographic survey ship USNS Pathfinder (T-AGS 60) identified two sunken vessels during a joint, at-sea capabilities demonstration in Ukrainian territorial waters.

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                                        • Chairman says U.S.-Turkish relationship 'very strong'

                                          The pending October expiration of a one-year parliamentary authorization for Turkish military action against the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, was a key issue Mullen talked about with Turkish leaders. More than three dozen countries, including the United States and Turkey, list the PKK as a terrorist group. Mullen said the Turkish government will have to decide whether to renew the authorization, which the United States has supported.

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                                          • Operation Assured Delivery ends

                                            An additional 123 short tons of supplies were delivered by sea. These supplies included more hygiene products, blankets, baby food and care supplies, bottled water, juice and powdered milk.

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                                            • Ambassador to Spain visits USS Iwo Jima

                                              USS IWO JIMA, At Sea — The U.S. ambassador to Spain and his distinguished guests visited the multipurpose amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) while underway Sept. 9, 2008.

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                                              • USNS Pathfinder kicks off capabilities demonstration

                                                BLACK SEA — Military Sealift Command (MSC) oceanographic survey ship USNS Pathfinder (T-AGS 60) kicked off its scheduled at-sea capabilities demonstration Sept. 7, 2008 after departing Sevastopol, Ukraine.

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                                                • JTF-East training in Bulgaria officially begins

                                                  NOVO SELO TRAINING AREA, Bulgaria — A Sept. 1 ceremony here marked the official beginning of Joint Task Force-East's training rotation in Bulgaria, and once again the theme was interoperability.

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                                                  • NMCB 4 Detachment Romania begins railhead repair

                                                    This current railhead is of poor quality and repair; therefore it adds an extra element of risk to any vehicle evolutions on the railhead. "I am excited to be able to be a part of a project being done in Europe," Builder 3rd Class Justin Keller said. "I've already done projects in Asia and the Middle East. This is a great opportunity." A new railhead will allow bigger vehicles to use the ramp and welcome other organization to use it.

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                                                    • 212th CSH gives free healthcare at small Bulgarian village

                                                      NOVO SELO TRAINING AREA, Bulgaria — U.S. Army healthcare specialists treated about 90 children, adults and senior in this small Bulgarian town Sept. 1 and 2, delivering free care in support of Joint Task Force East's humanitarian mission.

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                                                      • USS Mount Whitney Brings Aid to Poti, Georgia

                                                        Mount Whitney will deliver more than 17 tons of aid, including 4,000 blankets donated by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), juice, powdered milk and hygiene products.

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                                                        • USNS Pathfinder participates in at-sea demonstration

                                                          SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine — Military Sealift Command (MSC) oceanographic survey ship USNS Pathfinder (T-AGS 60) arrived inport here Sept. 4, 2008, to pick up Ukrainian personnel and members of the U.S.-based Institute for Exploration (IFE) for an upcoming at-sea capabilities demonstration with Ukraine's Department of Underwater Heritage.

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                                                          • Multinational exercise sustains international readiness

                                                            KEFLAVIK AIRPORT, Iceland — The 2008 Northern Viking exercise, which began with a ceremony here Sept. 1, aims to reinforce the resolve of the U.S. and its NATO partners in assisting in the defense of Iceland.

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                                                            • Sigonella sailors honor fallen on Armistice Anniversary

                                                              SIGONELLA, Sicily — Sailors from Naval Air Station (NASSIG) Sigonella (NASSIG)joined members of the local Italian military and law enforcement in honor of the 65th anniversary of the signing of the armistice between Italy and Allied Forces Sept. 3, 1943 in the town of Cassibile, Sicily.

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                                                              • U.S. Coast Guard Cutter arrives in Sevastopol, Ukraine

                                                                SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine — U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Dallas (WHEC 716) pulled into port here Sept. 1, 2008 to participate in previously scheduled theater security cooperation activities with the Ukrainian Navy.

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                                                                • U.S. European Command delivers aid to Georgia

                                                                  WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Department of Defense and European Command stand ready to assist as required, to save lives and alleviate human suffering during this humanitarian crisis in Georgia, said a senior DoD official.

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                                                                  • European Command team visits Gori for second time

                                                                    TBLISI, Georgia — Civil affairs members of European Command's Joint Assessment Team in the Republic of Georgia conducted a second visit here to observe the status of relief operations today.

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